Wednesday, February 11, 2009

As the Bahrain turns....

Wow…what a soap opera huh?  The readership is spiking but unfortunately…my kids have been hurt.  I hate that.  I hate divorce. I hate dissension.  I hate that I don’t have the relationship with them like a true father has.  I’ll do my best to work on it, and be the best father I can be from the vantage point from this limitation.  There is so much crap and miscommunication going back and forth in this blog, and I apologize for it.  I always prided myself on being a man of character, and trying to live my life by God’s principles.  But I have failed more than a few times.  Im a sinner that needs grace just like everyone else.  But that is not the man who I am anymore.     Think about it logically, If I admitted publicly to having a past addiction to the adult online thing, and have been pretty transparent in this blog with every other thing I’ve done, why would I feel compelled to lie now?  That doesn’t make any sense.  If anything I would lie about my past to make me more “saint” like.  The fact is…Im a sinner, I screwed up.  I lost everything that was dear to me…and now I’m starting to rebuild by God’s grace.  God is faithful.  I want this blog to be a reflection of His Glory not some petty bickering going back and forth.  If God can take a broken soul like me…and turn me into something like I am today…he can do that with anyone then.  I think its important that I tell you about all the amazing things that I do in the blog as an encouragement and example to all of you.  I’ve mentioned this before…I start each day by shimmying out of bed where my feet don’t hit the floor and I start each day on my knees.  I have to deny myself…and guard against all the spiritual attacks that would be coming my way.  I must be doing something right in God’s kingdom, because the spiritual attacks…not just from X and hubby…have been hurled at me from left right and center.  It’s been pretty brutal.  But because I’ve been prepared for them, I’ve been able to withstand them easier.  My shield of faith is fortified and able to ward off the attacks of the enemy.  But boy..if I wasn’t spiritually fit like I am now…the past week would have absolutely devastated me.  Now…its like water off a duck’s back.  I can be in the midst of an inferno..and never lose my peace and joy.  Yes I was taken aback…by what happened…But I consulted God immediately and he spoke to me letting me know I was in a test.  Im pretty sure I passed it. 

Today was an amazing day.  I had some pretty incredible meetings and chatted with Ms. Texas.  She really understands and empathizes with my situation.  Its nice having someone like that in your corner.  There were times in her marriage…where her abusive husband would not allow her to eat.  Can you believe that?  So I really have nothing to complain about.  There always is someone that is doing better than you and someone doing a little bit worse. 

The first meeting I had today was with two power brokers I thought should meet.  These guys had something in common…me.  So I thought it would make sense for all of us to get together.  The two hit it off…and I think they are going to become business partners.  I can’t give any names or details, but one of them, is working on a deal with an African country to rebuild their country with one million new homes, it’s a potential  7 billion dollar deal and he wanted to work on it with this other guy.  My jaw dropped.  I could be influential in this coming together.  Is this a part of me changing the world?  I could be a very small part of it.  I wanted to interject, and say…um…what’s in it for me and my company.  Or…hey do you need to make a video of this project.  I don’t want to overplay my hand.  I just have to have faith that the right thing will come around.  I don’t want to be naïve, but just put my faith in God that he will take care of me.

I got back to the office and had another important meeting with a very prominent Bahraini.  Again, I can’t name names but you guys don’t know who these people are anyway.  This lady, was educated in the states and is a filmmaker.  She was very excited about what I’m trying to accomplish here.  She has several projects she wants me to pitch for my Hollywood connection.  Speaking of which, one of the CEO’s of one of the major agencies is coming to Bahrain to meet my contact in about three weeks.  My contact, wants to introduce me and for me to have 10 projects ready to pitch to this CEO.  So I have been amassing the work. 

In all the activity yesterday, I forgot to mention I was on the radio with a DJ named Krazy Kevin.  There aren’t a lot of radio stations here (three English) so he gets a lot of the listeners.  It was kind of exciting being live on the air again.  It reminded me back when I was on the radio at Evangel.  I did a show called Late Night with Rick and Dave.  I think we had two listeners and one of them was the general manager I’m pretty sure…but boy it was a blast.  

Things are about to get really interesting.  Thank you for all your prayers, support, encouragement and emails.  I ask that you continue to pray for my kids, and the restoration of my relationship with them.  I do love and miss them so.


Anonymous said...

Just to let the world know what 'dad' already knows, but seems to be miscommunicating. The only restriction on the phone is that there are no phone calls, from anyone, not just him, between 5-7PM Texas time. That is time when we get home from work, talk to the kids about their days, everyone helps get dinner ready and then we relax together for a bit. That means 2-4AM in Bahrain if my mathematical calculations are correct, so just to help out here is a tip. If 'dad' ever gets up in the middle of the night and the little hand on the clock is between the 2 and the 4, no calling. Any other time, go ahead and call. If anyone else needs me to clear up this miscommunication, I will be more than happy to.

Signed Hubby, and my name is Sean Boyle, I don't have to hide behind initials or fake names.

Anonymous said...

Sean Boyle you are a fruit loop! Go find your drill & put the kids door BACK on the hinges!!! You sound really tough though. I still don't believe you about the phone call situation. No silly messages either or Rick will get put in phone time out. Thanks for the time telling lesson. I might need some pointers on the big hand sometime though.

What about Christmas when Rick tried to call all day???

Signed no initials, no fake names(??? i think you are paranoid) What difference does it make if I use initials anyway? You don't know me.

Anonymous said...

Yes he may have called Christmas day, but I will explain to you right now, and I hope you feel good about yourself for that one. My grandmother passed away that morning, so congrats, you caught me. As a family we were mourning. Thanks for bringing that up.

Anonymous said...

OK Sean it seems this is getting a little out of hand so let's let Rick have his blog to do what he has intended to do. My grandmother too died last Christmas day so we have that in common. We had to go on for the children that day though and let them have their Christmas the best we could. I am sorry about your grandmother b/c truly I know how it feels. We looked at it that God wanted her home for Christmas. But really please do your best to allow the lines of communication to flow and be loving. Not saying you are not...I think a good way to live is WWJD.

Anonymous said...

I am a step parent as well. It has been an easy transition and we do the best that we can with the kids mom so that there is a united front and the kids can feel safe knowing that we all get along. Things would be easier if she were living a world away, but we do all that we can so the kids know that they are loved by all of us and we are trying to make this transition time easier for them.

I would NEVER tell her that she can't call because it is our family time. Truth is that I am not their mom and I never will be. You are NOT Lindsey, Max and Spencer's dad. Rick is. Let him love his kids. Let him talk to his kids. You are not their father. Rick is away and that is hard, but you are making the situation so much more difficult. You are intentionally saying things that are hurtful to Rick to make him feel bad. Rick is their Dad. He is their family, you are new and although you are their new step-dad, you are not their father. You didn't raise them and love them. You frankly just met them.

I see that Lori has found her match with finding someone who loves drama. Why don't you channel that anger elsewhere and let my brother talk to his kids without all of this drama.
