Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mad Men

Please keep in mind I’ve only gone through the first three seasons of Mad Med. I just recently downloaded season 4. So don’t be a spoiler.

One of the things about living overseas is I don’t see broadcast television. I don’t miss it at all. Except maybe the sporting events, even then I subscribe to, and so I don’t miss much. When there is a particular tv series, I will go to the video store and rent the DVD. I watched LOST, most of 24, Heroes, Prison Break and a few others. I can usually go through an entire season in a week or two. I do stay abreast of the entertainment culture quite closely through the likes of Yahoo, and IMDB. So I heard about the buzz of Mad Men and have been waiting to catch up on it. I should confess enjoying Mad Men is a bit of a guilty pleasure as I will explain shortly. Those of you international readers that don’t know, Mad Men is an extremely popular TV show in the US that takes place in the early 1960’s out of an advertising agency in New York. Essentially it is just a soap opera with a really cool setting. Much similar to Dallas being a Soap Opera set amidst the backdrop of the oil fields, or Six Feet Under a soap opera set in a Mortuary, or the Soprano’s a soap opera set up within the mob. All of these shows are the same and there is nothing new under the sun. Mad Men appealed to me for a couple of reasons. I worked in and for advertising agencies for years. The writers and producers have this culture down very well. Plus I grew up in the late 60’s early 70’s so the décor brings back a lot of memories. Its also educational giving us a window to what it was like back in my parent’s era. I just really enjoy this show. That said…the show is absolute crap from a moralistic standpoint. Perhaps as a Christ-follower I shouldn’t be watching it, but like a car crash I find myself drawn to looking at it.

Im not giving anything away by saying that the show’s principal character, Don Draper, is a serial philanderer. At first I hated the guy for cheating on his beautiful, innocent, and naïve spouse. Perhaps this hit a little too close to home for me. But as the series progressed, I found myself being more sympathetic to the guy. This is difficult but important to admit. I even found myself rooting for him to get the girl (whatever affair he was after). How did this happen? How does a straight-laced, conservative to the hilt, Bible thumping, Christ crazy, jilted former spouse, guy like me actually start rooting for Don Draper? Last season ended on a cliff hanger of Don finally getting divorced from his wife. Again, Im not giving anything away since it’s a year old. Don deserved it. Still, as they discussed the issue of divorce and the feelings between the two characters cooled..I couldn’t helped but relive my own chilling divorce. The writers nailed the emotional impact of this devastating event quite well.

OK…I think Mad Men, and my view in particular is a great illustration how the media can shape the morals of our culture. If a conservative, firmly morally established Christian like me can be influenced by the media like this, what about someone else who might not have as solid of footing in place? Im not saying this to self-glorify my strengths (there but by the Grace of God go I) nor I am tempted to go out and meet a girl in hot pants, bouffant, and thigh high boots. Rather, it’s a good example of how the media can sway almost anyone. That is the main reason why I wanted to get into this line of work. If the media is that powerful, I want to use it to sway people to my particular worldview. Media is a dangerous but potentially great tool. I am starting to get opportunities to use it to express my worldview. Please pray for me, its an exciting time professionally with tons of opportunity right at my doorstep. If these two pilots Im writing/directing, take off it will lead to more opportunities. Each opportunity I have I’ll be able to express my worldview even more, a little like I do through this blog. Right now, Im just concerned about portraying Arabs, and Middle East in a positive yet realistic light. Next I’ll be able slowly but surely interweave by optimism, hope and faith in small increments. My time is coming…if its not already here.

For my children that are reading this blog…I love you very much. Im extremely proud of each one of you.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving in the land of Sand and Skyscrapers

I think it happened on the way home from the metro. I was walking over the bridge over the marina on my way home. I had just seen a movie and celebrated thanksgiving by sneaking in a Turkey and Cranberry sandwich into “The Next Three Days” which prompted me to immediately text Jennifer to let her know if she’s every falsely imprisoned for murder I’d help her break out too. I had called my children to leave a message telling each one that I loved them and what I was thankful for about them. Then I even said I was thankful to their mom and stepfather that I was even thankful for them because I knew they loved them and were trying to raise the kids the best way they knew how. But what really got me…was that I absolutely meant it. I know in this blog I’ve complained about their actions and choices before, but Im trying to look past that. The message was given in all sincerity without the trace bit of sarcasm. As I walked over the bridge, a sense of overwhelming peace and thankfulness swept over me. It was quite a contrast to my week. A fitting end to a very unexpected holiday.

Let me back track a bit. This week was going to the busiest week for me since I had arrived. Even though there was a lot of production and tight deadlines and shows, the week truly went flawlessly. I felt the favor of God at every turn. It all came to a head yesterday. All the productions were coming to a head with a show that night in Abu Dhabi. All of our work was pointed to this moment. Abu Dhabi is about a 90 mile drive from Dubai. Harj and I left in plenty of time to cover the event. We even stopped at Burger King on the way down. I decided not to take my insulin first because I had exercised rather vigorously before that and felt a low blood sugar coming on. We were about 75% of the way to our location. When I got in the car I went to take my insulin but to my chagrin, I had left the bottle at home. I have only done that 3 maybe 4 times in my lifetime. I had to think quick. If I drove home to get it, we might miss the show and thus potentially lose the contract. But then again I wouldn’t be home for another 8 hours, can I make it that long especially having just eaten a big meal? I figured to chance it and drive to the venue. I would be miserable but at least we would make the show. I consider that a bit like never missing a deadline. So I anticipated what would happen…at best I wouldn’t be able to eat again (missing out on the banquet.) I would have to pee a lot and probably get really weak and thirsty. I’d be miserable but I’d survive. I wouldn’t do that if I had to go 24 hours without insulin. With my severity of diabetes, I think going 24 hours would be hard and I’d be very listless, 48 I’d probably lose consciousness, and 72 hasta a la vista I think. So I figured I could make 8 hours. Then I had a thought. We were early to the venue and we passed a mall on the way. Most malls have pharmacies here and to buy prescriptions you don’t need a prescription they sell it just like an over the counter drug. Since lately Im enveloped by the favor of God I figured I might just get lucky. I dropped Harj off at the venue (Since he’s the cameraman, its essential that he’s there, less essential for me.) I had already pre-produced the piece they were going to feature at the event. So I helped him set up and sped down the highway. I finally made it to the mall. They really don’t believe in convenient off-ramps and left turns here. If you need to turn left you’ll have to head up the road a 3-5 miles to the roundabout and do a U-turn there. So I made it to the mall and just my luck/blessing there was a pharmacy there. However, they did not have my Humalog type of Insulin there. Instead they had an old version Humilin R which I took a 10 years ago. Its different but Insulin is insulin it just has a different reaction or potency time. I bought the bottle for about $12, which is stinkin cheap. Medicines are underwritten by the government here. Silly US can’t come up with Universal Healthcare and I get my Insulin for that cheap. So I took the insulin injection and was fine for the rest of the night. I made it back to the venue with 30 minutes to spare. The night went perfectly as far as we’re concerned. The problems didn’t happen til that night as I tried to sleep I had a major low blood sugar as my body reacted to the insulin it wasn’t used to. I had to take a bunch of glucose, chocolate, and Orange Juice. I mean I had to scarf it down a my sugar dropped to around 45, which is way low. I tried to fall back asleep and then the blood sugar shot in the other direction like a rubber band. So all day I tried to maintain or get to a common level. I was wiped out all day today. Finally I did get there.

Reg came back early and I happily filled him in on a very successful week. The client was very pleased with our work, especially considering the tight deadlines we hit.

There weren’t too many signs of thanksgiving around so that helped me miss it less. Most of the brits don’t celebrate it…go figure. I used to be bored with Thanksgiving as a kid. We had tons of family around and I didn’t like turkey too much then. As my mother reminded me, I filled up my plate with the rolls. It wasn’t until I had children of my own when I truly embraced the idea of Thanksgiving because I was so very thankful for them, my family and the blessing that God had bestowed on me. Then the last few years without a family, at least as I remember it, thanksgiving has been a little painful and melancholy for me.

But then I crossed the bridge tonight. Its amazing how God speaks to me while Im crossing bridges and Im not really sure why. I had a Turkey Sandwich, popcorn and butter topping (a rarity in the Middle East) and a huge Diet Coke. I was content and peaceful. While my Thanksgiving could be better…it also could have been much worse. What if I didn’t have the means to contact my children to wish them a happy Thanksgiving or be able to tell them I love them? What if they had something terminally wrong with them or tragically were not around? What if I didn’t have a beautiful new wife with whom Im going to be able to celebrate Christmas next month? What if I didn’t have my parents or siblings around? Things could be so much worse. Im filled with appreciation, peace and joy for everything I do have in my life. I say that with all sincerity and wish all of you a joyous holiday from the land of Sand and Skyscrapers. If you have family around hug them and treasure the time you have with them. Some us aren’t quite as lucky, but blessed nonetheless.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

California Pizza Kitchen and the Armani Hotel

What a great day it was. I had like four blog worthy items happen today. I knew that this was going to be a very busy week. But everything thus far has fallen together perfectly. I remember before the craziness started on Sunday (the first day of the work week) that I was so busy that it was essential that I had my time with God. So Ive been following my devotionally routine religiously (is that a pun?). So far everything has fallen together very nice.

Last night was a late night at the edit facility. We had to finish and get a video approved. So the PR guy and I went over the project to what we thought was acceptable then sent it via youtube and waited. Keep in mind this was the end of the day, 6:00PM and we were both exhausted. Finally the word came back to make two changes. In video, when you make two changes essentially you have to do the project over again, remix the music, export files, compress, reauthor the DVD, reburn the dvd, etc. We finally got it finished at around 8, which wasn’t that bad. I’ve pulled plenty of all nighters. Im glad this wasn’t one, because the next day (today) was going to be busy.

We showed up at the client’s location for two interview shoots. Since Reg is out of town, Im the fill in host for an Internet TV show for our client. So I guess Im a writer-producer-director-editor-host now. Most of the time since I’ve been in Dubai I’ve focused on the Writer-Director-Editor part. I used to do a lot of on-camera work in University and early in my career. But I looked at the Screen Actor’s Guild numbers. 85% of screen actor’s guild members make less than $5,000 a year. Then I looked in the mirror and realized…Im not Brad Pitt. So I figured I’d stick behind the camera as opposed to being in front of it. The career is finally turning out the way that I had originally designed it. Why only now? I think it’s a combination of getting my life right and having someone that believes in me. It all revolves around God’s faithfulness. So…I had two big on camera interviews with two very important clients. Both shows went flawlessly. They even remarked how well it went. I enjoy being in front of the camera. If you want to take a look at some of my work here (I also helped edit and direct) the link can be viewed here: Im a little rusty…but as Im doing more of these its all coming back to me. At first I wanted to be a news reporter, then I worked at an ABC affiliate my last year of college. It was quite an honor to be a paid employee of the a news station while still in school. But a proper news reporter/anchor pushes for objectivity if you are not named Bill O’Oreilly or Glenn Beck or pretty much anyone at Fox News. I want to be subjective. I want to influence people how to feel. I think that is my way of evangelism. So I got out of news and into film work. I just love my career. Even though Im not making feature films just yet, Im making short movies, and being creative. If I can inspire along the way..Im on top of the world. The feature films will come in time…that Im certain.

So after we got finished with the two interviews the client, wanted to change one graphic in the video. That means we had to do the entire thing all over again and the event for the video was the following night. So fortunately the facility we were editing at, had time available (that’s a favor of God thing) and we were able to make the change. We then headed out to the Armani Hotel at the Burj Khalifa (the tallest building in the world) to cover an event. Before the event Harj (my co-worker) and I went to the adjacent Dubai Mall (Largest mall in the world…take that Minnesota). We sat out on the patio of California Pizza Kitchen and watched a magnificent water fountain show. I think this one even bested the Bellagio Hotel’s show in Vegas. All this entertainment while I enjoyed a Barbecue Chicken Pizza in perfect…I mean perfect weather. (I’ll post a video of the show tomorrow.) After this we went to cover the event at the Armani Hotel. This is the only Armani Hotel in the world. It was like we were walking into a suit. I mean this place was beautiful and the design was stunning. I wish I could have wandered around a little bit more. The service was first class all the way. They must have had 6-7 people who’s job was to greet you when you came in and the assist anyone with anything that might need it. Its like they were all wandering concierges just hoping to find someone to help. It was truly remarkable. The event went flawlessly. I always say that If a producer has nothing to do the day of the shoot…then he/she did their job well. So I had nothing to do and that felt great. I was invited by the client to enjoy a five star buffet and just thought to myself…Im getting paid for this. So a very busy and hectic week is almost over and thus far…things haven’t gone smoother. Good thing I kept with that devotional schedule.

Monday, November 22, 2010

220 volt bulbs

It has been a very trying day. Actually it has been a really tough week. Im just filled with a deep deep sorrow today. I really miss my kids. Its tough because other than email I have no way of contacting them. I try to call, but my calls are not returned. I know they will see the truth of my heart someday, Im just not looking forward to the wait. What I can’t understand is that its been over four years since my divorce…why do they still harbor and teach so much animosity toward me over there? I have so much I can offer my children but Im just frustrated that I’ve been ostracized. I really miss being a dad. Alienation sucks.

This is going to be a big week or month for us production wise. I was able to purchase a lot of broadcast production equipment from the US when I was visiting Jennifer. I can get most electronics about 40% cheaper in the US than here. So I came back with about $7000 worth of lights, mics, and edit systems. The light kit I purchased was 110-220volts, however the bulbs were only 110v. So with as much production as there is here, I figured I could just find replacement 220v bulbs here. My colleague and I have searched all of Dubai for the last two days and haven’t been able to find anything. So we had to scramble (I always have a back up plan) and we rented a light kit from another production company. Its not ideal, but it will get the job done.

So we are going to be shooting for two days with another client both in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Then its heavy into pre-production for Etihad Airlines. My target date to begin shooting is Dec. 5, so we have a lot of work to do. Our deadline for delivery is Jan. 2. Since I haven’t missed a deadline in my career this one makes me a little nervous. We need to secure a camera team out of several bids. We also need to find an animator. The one I had been counting on might take a little longer to get here. So I seldom get stressed out, hardly ever in fact. But I do get a bit uptight and nervous. I get nervous when things are out of my control. I don’t like have an unknown variable in there as well.

I think that works emotionally for me as well. With all the heartache I’ve gone through for the past few years Im strangely immune to the pain. I think that is what the Bible meant about the Peace that passes all understanding. However, when those emotional pains that I face affect my parents, Jennifer, or those I love then it really hurts me as well. Because that is out of my control and I feel partially responsible as well.

Its going to be a very active few weeks for me. As soon as we get finished with Etihad on Jan. 2 we jump straight into the production on a pilot. That one is a big one too. Your prayers…as always are appreciated.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Beemanlife Blog

I have mentioned this previously but I believe it bears repeating. I believe that God uses this blog to bless and minister to other people. I believe that God speaks through me when I write this blog as well. That said, I am pretty candid about my pain and my ex wife of course objects to how she is represented. I only speak of my feeling and her actions/choices. I have never spoke of her character in this forum. But she does read this blog every day with her husband sometimes multiple times a day. When I write something disparaging about her actions she will have the kids read it and attempt to further alienate them. Its really quite tragic. I have become numb to the rejection over the years. It breaks my heart but I can't control it.

That said, Jennifer has started a private blog. Where we can share heartfelt pain and struggles with our friends and family. The kids will tell you that I have never spoken bad about their mother. Yes I do talk about her choices and actions and how it makes me feel. But I have not spoken negatively about her character. I think sometimes people make their own valuations of her character and the character of her new husband by some of the choices she has made. So rather than have them direct the kids to read this blog, we started a private blog called Beemanlife. This blog Jennifer and I share some personal emotional pain and frustration about a broken family and what it takes to try to put it all back together. It is invitation only. Jennifer wrote a long a beautiful entry tonight. It really captures the essence of our struggle. If you would like to read it, please sent me an email to I'll add you to the list. We don't write in it everyday. Just periodically. Please continue to pray for the restoration of my relationship with my children and for peace.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eid Al-Adha outside Rick's place

Eid Al-Adha

I tried to post this video about Eid earlier, but I couldn't do it. Here's the link on Youtube if you want to see it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Eid Mubarak

It is officially Eid now. The proper greeting is Eid Mubarak, which is similar to Merry Christmas. There are two Eids, Eid Al Fitr a three day holiday which commemorates the end of Ramadan and Eid Al-Adha which commemorates Abraham’s sacrifice of Ishmael on the altar. Its interesting to note that Jews, Christians and the Bible believe that Abraham attempted to sacrifice Isaac (son from Sarah) while Muslims and the Koran believe that Abraham attempted to sacrifice Ishmael. This is a festive three day holiday. While Dubai is only comprised of 12% Emiratis I think they are all out tonight. Looking out my window, I see a long trail of cars waiting to go onto the Jumeirah Beach Strip. I am going to walk down in a bit with my new roommate Harj as we’ll enjoy the spectacle of hundreds if not thousands of people all walking along the beach front. I posted the video since a picture is worth a thousand words I’ll keep this blog a little shorter tonight.

The weather here right now is absolutely perfect. It should stay this comfortable for another six months. When I went out today, I just thought how nice it was just be standing outside, doing nothing but just soaking in the perfect weather.

Yesterday could have been a very bad day for me professionally. We had a client drop a last minute assignment on us and didn’t give us all the material in order to do it. Instead of reacting, or panicking. I just soaked it all in. I did the only thing I knew to do…and that was Seek God. I kept my routine and kept my devotions. What seemed like a mountain yesterday seemed like a molehill. My situation or challenge didn’t change at all…rather my perspective of it did. That made all the difference.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The heartbreak of parental alienation

OK, I’ve been going on and on about God’s faithfulness and Im a living testimony. But now Im going to complain. Is it a sin to complain? Im not sure. Jesus got angry and there is something about righteous anger. I’ve held my tongue for the most part for the last year or so, but something happened that just got me mad. Whether or not I write about my ex-wife, the relationship with the kids just gets worse. No matter what I do, good or bad, the relationship just gets worse. Ive held out numerous olive branches only for them to come back disdainfully in my face. I have lost any and all types of relationship with my children. Im not sure if they hate me, but they intensely dislike me, well two of the three do anyway. Do I blame them? No. They are teenagers and teenagers are naturally angry to begin with. I still dearly love them. But the hostility and lack of respect they are showing not only me, but my family is inexcusable. A parent should train and model behavior for their children, not just allow them to act in any way that they choose especially when they are making bad choices. You can’t absolve yourself of responsibility and say “they are making their own choices” when the inception of the poor behavior was your manipulation to begin with. I am talking about parental alienation. I am the poster child for parental alienation. You can’t say “Im not getting in the middle of this” after you have already committed you alienating damage. Its like when you light a house on fire and then walk away. As the flames engulf the house, the arsonist says I have nothing to do with this fire, its not my responsibility.
I had to go to court to see my daughter in July. The first time I saw her in two years. The last two times I went to pick up my kids for visitation my ex-wife had hidden them from me. Finally a judge intervened and granted me my rightful visitation. But when my ex-wife can’t win legally, she will attack psychologically with her manipulative ways. She grew up with only one parent with the other being estranged, so this sort of situation is normal for her. She’s just reliving/recreating her own dysfunctional youth by manipulating the children into a destructive path that she walked down. Misery loves company. Anytime a parent causes the children to turn and hate the other parent is just plain wicked. Not only does it hurt the alienated parent, but the long term psychological effect on the children is devastating. How do I know this? I’ve studied it, and have had dozens of people contact me through this blog and other venues explaining that similar stories happened to them. Its interesting almost every single person tells me, “your story Rick is a lot worse then my story.” Its really rather tragic a father losing his children especially a father like me. I was always considered a “great” dad by everyone that ever knew me. Even my ex-wife as we were going through the divorce begrudgingly admitted my only redeeming quality (in her eyes at the time) was that I was a great dad. So what happened that turned me into a poor father? Well a lot had to do with her getting remarried. We weren’t on great terms before that, but we communicated for the best interest of the children. But as soon as the new husband entered the picture it went from difficult to nuclear. I did move to California for work, but I flew back every other weekend so I didn’t miss one week of visitation. But still the strain of the relationship with my kids was getting worse even though I maintained the effort. The alienation or brainwashing was starting to slowly take hold. First my daughter then my boys. Even when I moved overseas, I still made an extreme effort to fly back 2-4 times a year to see the kids. But still the relationship just got worse. Its almost as my ex-wife thought the kids don’t need their father any more because she had a replacement now. I have several emails from the new hubby taunting me to this effect. Again the estrangement of a birth parent this is normal for X because this is how she grew up. But it certainly is not normal for me as I have two very loving parents that have been married for 48 years. Even as the emotional distance mounted I still tried. I found out about two years ago that all the emails (my daughter wouldn’t take or return my calls) were not getting to her. I printed the emails to show my daughter that I had been trying but by that time the damage had already been done. My ex-wife had blocked me from my daughter’s email account (that is why she hadn’t been getting them). Of course she denied it as she denies anything that might negatively indicate her and came up with a lame excuse. About a year ago she encouraged my son to send his phone back to me. Again, part of the process of alienation is that the kids defend the alienating parents They insist that their choices are entirely their own not influenced by anyone but themselves. So my son will argue it was his choice and his choice alone. But someone drove him to the post office, someone paid for the postage, and someone addressed the package. I think what happens is that anytime the kids stand up and reject me they get positive affirmation from their mom. That is how my ex-wife manipulated me in our marriage and that is now being repeated through the kids. Now the latest shenanigan is I tried to call my son for his birthday. But my number is blocked (this is very illegal). How do I know this? Because my parents called him five minutes later and got through, plus they admitted it in an email. Now my kids don’t want to see me and apparently they don’t want to see my parents any more either. You see it is not just me, but the kids are being alienated from all things Beeman. You just can’t take half of who they are and pretend it didn’t exist because you have had a change of heart. If you know my parents, you will know they are very good people that don’t deserve the heartache of losing the relationship with the grandchildren whom they dearly love. They, like me would do anything for these kids. Its really ridiculous how bad this is. The bickering and fights just never seem to end. It seems as the better my life becomes as I heal, the more aggressive she becomes. I have had to defend myself from my ex-wife through the lawyer on four different occasions. I wish I got airline miles for as many times as I’ve paid to retain him. First she tried to have the kids taken from me via Child Protective Services on two occasions, shown up with a sheriff at my house on another couple of occasions, hid the kids during my visitation period, and probably worst of all encouraged them in their negative attitude towards me then tried to absolve herself of any wrong doing. I could give you dozens of other examples but you get the idea. There are only two things that get me angry, 1. When things aren’t fair, and 2. When people take advantage of others. Well, this certainly falls into the category of 1. Its so unbelievably unfair. I guess the frustrating part for me is there is nothing I can do about it. I can just wait. Wait and pray that kids will ultimately see my heart and see the truth for themselves. But unfortunately its probably going to happen when they get older and leave the toxicity (towards me) of the house which they are living.
I have mentioned in this blog over and over again how blessed I am. But being blessed happens in a lot more ways than merely financial blessing. When I compare myself to my co-workers of India, Pakistan, or the Phillipines, yes Im amazingly blessed. I heard it said once that if you have $20 in your pocket you are richer than 95% of the world. I see that truth on a first hand basis almost daily. But not only am I blessed but it is very easy to be a blessing to others as well. I feel like I have to clarify this as X is now suing me once again. I will take care of my children and my responsibility. I have never missed a child support support payment ever. Even though there were stretches of unemployment. Since my divorce I’ve been able to pay every single bill. God is meeting all my needs. Now he has given me the ultimate blessing with a beautiful, supportive, and amazing new wife. X and her new hubby read this blog everyday, sometimes multiple times a day, because I mention how blessed I am they are thinking Im making big money. So they are thinking they are in for a big payday. They are going to be quite surprised when we do go to court when they find out the truth. I do make a modest salary, its even considered average when you compare it to the rest of the U.S. but extraordinary when you compare it to my non-American co-workers. One thing I’ve learned is that no matter what I have, with God it is enough. Apparently with my ex-wife it is the opposite of that. I have spent so much money on frivolous legal fees as I have to defend myself from her petty attacks. Its like she won’t give up. She is always fighting me about something. So Ms. Ex-wife. Here is a note just for you. You decided to break our marriage vow, you sought the divorce, you got custody of my beloved children, you got remarried, you turned them against me, you had a new child, why are you still so angry? Why do you insist on fighting me still. It seems like you got everything you wanted but still you are not satisfied. You create angst and drama where there should not be any especially with the children. You can fight with me or any outside force for as long as you want. But until you can look yourself in the mirror and be objective then you will never be satisfied. Blaming other people for your problems is easy. But once you start its like you start digging a hole. With each fling of blame you dig a little deeper. Pretty soon the hole you are digging is over your head and the only way out of the hole is down. So the blame gets thicker and thicker. You are trapped blaming anyone other than yourself for your own problems.
So if you want to go back to court again…Im going to win. I have righteousness on my side, so really I can’t lose because All things work together for good for those who believe and are called according to his spirit. I know that I know that I know that I am called from the spirit of the Lord. That is a pretty good defense attorney.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Big Surprise

My flight landed about 4:00 on Thursday in Raleigh. It was an eight hour flight from London. I had the middle row to myself as the plane was about half full. I slept for 30 minutes at a time a few times on the leg. I was anxious to see Jennifer but I knew she wouldn’t be home from work til around 7 so there was no need to rush through customs. I got through immigration and gave myself a commuter shower which basically meant I washed my arm pits at the sink and put on a fresh shirt and deodorant. I rented a car and then I got worried. I had done such a diligent job of covering my tracks but then there was an unavoidable mistake. I had to rent a car. I couldn’t tell Jennifer to pick me up from the airport. So there was a slight chance she could look at the credit card and see Enterprise Rent a Car, Cary, NC. So that was a chance I was forced to take. Jennifer is really sneaky like that. Sometimes its too much for her own good. But she can find out anything about anybody that is out there.

After about 24 hours, I was a walking greaseball. So I went to a salon and asked if they could just give me a shampoo. I explained that I was surprising my wife from the Middle East and they were happy to help in the endeavor. Help in the fact that at least to try to get me to look presentable. I swung by the house afterwards and it was 5:30, still no Jennifer. I went to eat at Wendy’s, then came back and still no Jennifer. The good part is that the dogs were outside so I knew she wasn’t home. When they are inside, she is home. So I drove around for a bit longer. Then at around 7:00 the dogs were inside. I walked up to the door and knocked. All the lights were on so I knew she was home. I then heard the garage door open and was greeted first by her dogs. A moment later Jennifer emerged and just kind of stared at me. It wasn’t the reception I was anticipating. I think she was in a shock as she stood there for about 30 seconds. It was like a standoff, neither one of us were moving. I don’t think she thought I was real, or really there. Finally we just embraced. It took about an hour or so to finally sink into her. The dogs were going a little bit crazy but I was totally focused on her. The rest of the night was just spent celebrating being in each other’s company. We went to buy some wood from the store and made a nice fire in the fireplace. Winter is here in NC and it must have been in the 40’s or so. After being in the heat of the Middle East, a nice crisp winter feels wonderful. Sitting in front of a fire makes it even better. Its so nice to be spending this time with my best friend. Im only here for a week, but it’s a good shot in the arm to help us get through the distance and time til we’re together on a full time basis in Dec/Jan. I am very fortunate that I have the means to be able to fly back and forth to see her. Really for the last 3-4 years a majority of my income has been spent on plane fare either seeing my kids or seeing Jennifer. Its just an economic choice I have made and will continue to make.

I spent the day today ordering equipment and pork. I can get electronics about 40% cheaper here than in the Middle East. The pork is cheaper too. So I went to Costco and Trader Joes and bought a bunch of bacon, ham and salami. I’ll freeze it and then take a freezer bag and bring it back. I’ve been doing this for a couple of years now. Its just a routine that I get in. I bring a little bit of Costco with me wherever I might go.

I do have some work I have to do while Im here. Lots of budgets and proposals for future television shows. I’ll be busy, but at least I’ll be by the side of the woman I love. Im very appreciative of the life that I have. I am very blessed.

I was going to post the video of surprising Jennifer, but it turned out like crap. I wasn’t the best cameraman and she just kind of stood there like a statue. Instead, here’s a video I made of Jennifer on the plane ride home.

Oh by the way, this blog recently surpassed the 30,000 hit mark. (Although 5,000 of those hits are from my mother and ex-spouse and her husband, so maybe I should be celebrating hitting the 25,000 mark). Im very appreciative to have this outlet where I can share my life. Hopefully you have been blessed by the wonderful tales of God’s faithfulness. I think my life is proof that God exists. This forum is an opportunity for me to share that.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Red Herring

I am sitting at the Dubai Airport right now, waiting to board a plane first to London, then nonstop to Raleigh Durham. I probably won’t be able to post this for awhile. I am feeling quite a bit of anticipation as I am quite smug with myself. Jennifer has been begging me to come home just for a weekend as she misses me so. I keep telling her, I can’t, Im too busy, we have lots of projects. All of that is true, but she is such a priority for me, and I do miss her terribly. I was able to schedule a quick week long excursion to the U.S. My visitor visa for the UAE expires every 30 days, so I have to make an international trip somewhere. Might as well go back to the U.S. Jennifer, if you know her, is incredibly smart and pretty darn sneaky. She prides herself on never being surprised. So she has no idea that I am coming so she’s never going to be able to use that never word ever again. I have had the trip booked for a couple of weeks now. I have thrown plenty of red herrings her way. She thinks Im on a scouting trip to Abu Dhabi and the desert. I even blogged about it yesterday just to solidify her non-suspicion. So I apologize if I led you readers astray as well. Since Jennifer looks at my bank statements, I couldn’t put the ticket on the credit card. So instead I used my mom’s card. Don’t worry Shari and Kristen, Im going to reiumburse her as soon as I surprise Jennifer. I am pretty excited to see her face. Just the look of shock will be nice. I do have a decision to make. Jenny works weird hours. She gets to her office around 11 or 12 and leaves at 6 or 7. My plane arrives RDU at 4:00 PM. So I have to figure out how to wait for 3 or 4 hours and then nab her at home. Im writing this so you can feel the anticipation with me. I’ll post the results of the surprise tomorrow.

The flight is only about 20 hours. I say only, but Im more than accustomed to it by now. In fact, I enjoy long flights. I think because I know that Im called to be here, that God equips me with what I need not only to survive but to thrive. It is about $500 cheaper to fly through London, than it is to fly through to NY. I can make it to RDU with only one connection. My flight to London is 8 hours. My layover in London is 4 hours and then it’s a direct flight to RDU which is another 8 hours. Not sure when I should sleep, it’s 2:00 am as Im writing this. I was a little bummed at first. I bought my ticket to come home around eid. I bought it through expedia because it was so much cheaper. I was able to book it through Emirates, which is great since Im a gold class member. That means I get to hang out in their business class lounge. But my partners thought I should leave and come back earlier as our productions are starting to heat up. So I changed it, but then I was flying through American instead of Emirates. I love Emirates, its like business class even in their coach seats. They have hundreds of hours of entertainment…literally. American Airlines, Im not so much of a fan. But I like that they have a direct flight from LHR. So I can live with it. With the change of plans, I also thought I’d lost out on the lounge access. When I had a Citibank card in Bahrain, I was able to qualify for something called a Priority Pass which gets me access to over 600 lounges in terminals throughout the world. I didn’t think it was a big deal, since it was free. But my friend Darren told me it is indeed a big deal since he pays a lot of money for his card. So I was able to find a lounge here in Terminal 1 at DXB and had a great meal…for free. It’s a shame Im not much of a drinker (I say that in jest) because of all the free alcohol available. Since I don’t drink I miss out on that particular perk…but really Im not missing out at all.

There is another lounge at Heathrow I can go to. This one has a shower which is a nice perk. I am just feeling very blessed right now. But I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, its really nothing Im doing. Im just being faithful to God and he is being faithful to me. He is putting me in unique circumstances where I will be able to succeed. I am sooo fortunate. I’ll let you know how the surprise goes with Jennifer tomorrow. I can’t decide if I just want to live the moment, or record the moment to share with you. Maybe I can try to do both. Happy 15th Birthday to Max Beeman…I love and miss you very much.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Missing Jennifer

Its difficult right now. I really miss my wife. What makes it even worse is that she misses me too. We haven’t gone longer than 6 weeks without seeing each other, and we are at the six week mark now. Now, absence does indeed make the heart grow stronger. So the pain of our temporary isolation is soothed by the fact that is so nice to have someone out there in the world that loves and misses you. I just hate to see Jennifer in so much pain and really be helpless to do anything about it at this point in time.

The company we’re starting over here is really going well. We have added a cameraman and someone to help out in the edits. We were together all day at a production facility. He is from the UK and has a young one year old daughter (as opposed to an old one year old daughter). He asked what I did to handle the loneliness from missing the family. Well, I didn’t really have an answer for that. I have a secret weapon, well its not all that secret. But my faith is my greatest ally able to get me out of every situation. I really haven’t been talking much about the culture of the Middle East lately. That is what this blog started out to be. There just isn’t that much cultural differences between Dubai and Los Angeles. Emiratis only occupy 12% of Dubai and the rest is filled with expats. Plus I feel the Holy Spirit guiding me most of the time with this blog. So it has become more of a spiritual diary. Hopefully it has and will continue to bless people along the way.

Things are starting to get busy here. We have two projects that have been funded and approved. Hopefully these two projects will lead to even bigger projects down the road. But Im not worried about their success or failure. I have learned not to worry about most anything. If I want these to be successful, I will do my best, Seek God and let the chips fall where they may. That formula for success has been rock solid so far.

I am excited about this weekend. We are going on a location scout. That means we are going down to the desert with the 1000 foot high sand dunes. We are going to be checking out an oasis and really just going to all the cool places there are to go in this area. I really do love my work. Once I get my beautiful bride by my side, it will be even better.

I have to say a hearty congratulations to the Giants, even though I was rooting against them. Whenever I got into arguments with Giants fans about who is better, the A’s or the Giants, my comeback would always be, scoreboard, how many World Series have the Giants won? That always shut them up. I guess I can’t use that argument anymore. You see if you are in the Bay Area, and you are a true fan you either pick the East Bay (Oakland) teams or the other side (SF). I don’t think you can be a true fan of both. At least I wasn’t able to be.