Please keep in mind I’ve only gone through the first three seasons of Mad Med. I just recently downloaded season 4. So don’t be a spoiler.
One of the things about living overseas is I don’t see broadcast television. I don’t miss it at all. Except maybe the sporting events, even then I subscribe to NFL.com, and MLB.com so I don’t miss much. When there is a particular tv series, I will go to the video store and rent the DVD. I watched LOST, most of 24, Heroes, Prison Break and a few others. I can usually go through an entire season in a week or two. I do stay abreast of the entertainment culture quite closely through the likes of Yahoo, and IMDB. So I heard about the buzz of Mad Men and have been waiting to catch up on it. I should confess enjoying Mad Men is a bit of a guilty pleasure as I will explain shortly. Those of you international readers that don’t know, Mad Men is an extremely popular TV show in the US that takes place in the early 1960’s out of an advertising agency in New York. Essentially it is just a soap opera with a really cool setting. Much similar to Dallas being a Soap Opera set amidst the backdrop of the oil fields, or Six Feet Under a soap opera set in a Mortuary, or the Soprano’s a soap opera set up within the mob. All of these shows are the same and there is nothing new under the sun. Mad Men appealed to me for a couple of reasons. I worked in and for advertising agencies for years. The writers and producers have this culture down very well. Plus I grew up in the late 60’s early 70’s so the décor brings back a lot of memories. Its also educational giving us a window to what it was like back in my parent’s era. I just really enjoy this show. That said…the show is absolute crap from a moralistic standpoint. Perhaps as a Christ-follower I shouldn’t be watching it, but like a car crash I find myself drawn to looking at it.
Im not giving anything away by saying that the show’s principal character, Don Draper, is a serial philanderer. At first I hated the guy for cheating on his beautiful, innocent, and naïve spouse. Perhaps this hit a little too close to home for me. But as the series progressed, I found myself being more sympathetic to the guy. This is difficult but important to admit. I even found myself rooting for him to get the girl (whatever affair he was after). How did this happen? How does a straight-laced, conservative to the hilt, Bible thumping, Christ crazy, jilted former spouse, guy like me actually start rooting for Don Draper? Last season ended on a cliff hanger of Don finally getting divorced from his wife. Again, Im not giving anything away since it’s a year old. Don deserved it. Still, as they discussed the issue of divorce and the feelings between the two characters cooled..I couldn’t helped but relive my own chilling divorce. The writers nailed the emotional impact of this devastating event quite well.
OK…I think Mad Men, and my view in particular is a great illustration how the media can shape the morals of our culture. If a conservative, firmly morally established Christian like me can be influenced by the media like this, what about someone else who might not have as solid of footing in place? Im not saying this to self-glorify my strengths (there but by the Grace of God go I) nor I am tempted to go out and meet a girl in hot pants, bouffant, and thigh high boots. Rather, it’s a good example of how the media can sway almost anyone. That is the main reason why I wanted to get into this line of work. If the media is that powerful, I want to use it to sway people to my particular worldview. Media is a dangerous but potentially great tool. I am starting to get opportunities to use it to express my worldview. Please pray for me, its an exciting time professionally with tons of opportunity right at my doorstep. If these two pilots Im writing/directing, take off it will lead to more opportunities. Each opportunity I have I’ll be able to express my worldview even more, a little like I do through this blog. Right now, Im just concerned about portraying Arabs, and Middle East in a positive yet realistic light. Next I’ll be able slowly but surely interweave by optimism, hope and faith in small increments. My time is coming…if its not already here.
For my children that are reading this blog…I love you very much. Im extremely proud of each one of you.
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