Sunday, February 8, 2009

Trends and curveballs

OK…the trends.  I’ve noticed a significant spike in the readership of this blog lately.  I know Im not supposed to write for numbers but Im curious about who reads this, when and where.  I hope Im being a blessing to some of you out there, I hope Im educating and inspiring too.  I’ve noticed that the more I write about Ms. Texas the more the readership is steadily increasing.  So does that mean Ms. Texas is good for ratings?  Im not sure, she certainly is beautiful and marketable.  So Im not sure if people are reading for the soap opera aspect or not.  My life certainly has resembled that of a soap opera.  Im just glad I’m finally winding up on the good side of it.  Things look really good.

I had some potentially discouraging news today.  I mentioned we are starting the acting school.  The place where we were going to hold it is a Montessori Nursery school that has a custom built little theater on its property.  Today one of the government offices told the owner she didn’t have a proper license so she wasn’t going to be able to host the classes or risk losing her license.  So naturally I have to find another place.  Im glad I found out when I did, because we were just about to advertise today.  Thus far the only marketing has been facebook and word of mouth.  Even just with those two mediums, we have over 130 people interested, and about 22 signed up for the courses.  So there is immense interest.  So I didn’t panic.  Talked to a few people and made a few phone calls.  We decided it was best to try to host the Acting classes within The Bahrain Cinema Club, which has a built in theater already.  Its absolutely perfect.  Im meeting with Bassam, who is a Bahraini director, who has produced three feature length Bahrain-based films, to go over the details.  Bassam is a great guy and willing to help out anyway he can.  We are both trying to develop the industry out here.  Im getting better and relaxing and breathing when potential bad news hits.  By not reacting, Im able to come to an alternate resolution a little quicker. 

I went to JJ’s tonight for quiz night with Guy.   I think Guy likes quiz night more than I do.  We met up with a bunch of friends and made some new ones.  It was lots of fun.  For the first time since I’ve been in Bahrain, I’ve walked away empty handed in terms of prizes.  We tied for second in almost every category, but didn’t reach past the winning threshold.  Still I had a great time.  The only down part, since it’s a bar/restaurant I just am reeking of smoke.  So many people smoke and drink here, Guy and I are the exceptions.  Guy doesn’t even drink soda, so he’s really the exception’s exception. 

Im pretty tired tonight, so Im going to keep this short.  I talked to my boys last night, and it was really nice.  I do miss them.  I tried to get a hold of Lindsey, but she was at dance practice.  I don’t get to speak to her that much.  I saw a little boy around 6 in the grocery store today.  It made me a little melancholy.  Anytime I see kids around that age, It harkens back to a memory when I had my family when I was married.  I never thought it would end.  How wrong I was.  How painful the journey has been.  I often time count my blessings to the amazing things that God is doing for me here.  Yet every once in awhile a reminder come up showing me what I’ve lost.  Im anxious to regain that…but it has to be God’s timing.  I sometimes rush God and really make a mess of things…I hope I don’t do that now.  

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