Im going to keep this a bit short tonight because I stayed out way too late. It was quiz night so that is quickly becoming a tradition. We do that in J.J.’s Irish Pub. It’s a blast. Its coold because there are several people that want to be a part of my team. The Australian was on my team with her friend. Im really fighting not falling for this girl. I fall for everyone it seems. I recognize that about myself. I think it just has to do with being alone far too long. I just long to be in love again. I just have to make sure its with the right person for the right reason. To fall in love merely for the sake of being in love I think is a recipe for disaster. I recognize that about myself
We had a new girl start in the office today. Her name is Natasha. She’s an Indian and was actually raised in Aramco, where I worked in 2005. She was educated in the states. She is amazingly talented. We are very blessed to have her on my team. Im slowly amassing a team of very talented staff. Our capabilities are rising each week. In a time where everyone seems to be cutting back, we are adding staff. I hope our positive cash flow continues. I expect the acting class to be a big boon to our efforts. Not just in terms of getting cash in, but also the long term aspect of getting KSDi’s name out to the public. We are quickly becoming a household item here. I continue to get a call from student’s signing up for the acting class. I alswy ask the prospective students where they heard about us. Most say the magazine or the newspaper articles. So the press blitz is actually happening.
I haven’t talked to my children in two weeks. I’ve been calling them, but it just goes straight to voicemail and they are not returning the calls. Maybe they are still angry at me. I just hope they are safe. I’m going to love em whatever happens.
I think I mentioned my good friend, the South African, lost his job Sunday. He went into work and they just shut the company down. The recession is hitting all over. He called me yesterday in a bit of a panic. So I asked if I could pray for him. It was really cool how the words of the Holy Spirit just flowed out of me. I have been teaching the Tuesday group (of which he’s apart) how to pray invoking the authority of the Christ. We know that fear and anger are not of God. So anytime you get scared you know that is an attack of the enemy. I informed the South African about this. I encouraged him any time a fear strikes him, to speak out a prayer aloud like “Spirit of fear you have no authority over me, I cast you out in Jesus name.
He’s been trying that out all day. Fear has obviously gripped him. Yet he said, he’s been praying and rebuking the spirit of fear by praying that small prayer and its really work. Everytime he prays a spirit of fear leaves, and leaves behind joy.
The Oscars are tonight. They come on around 5a my time. I actually need to watch them for work. If Slumdog does well…it bodes very well for us here. So if you have a rooting interest vote for that one, which was easily the best movie of the year anyways. Im thinking of calling in sick for work…but hey Im the GM. Do I really need to make an excuse? Im very tired tonight so Im going to post this without proofreading. So forgive me there are some grammatical issues with this.
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