Sunday, June 21, 2009

Word of Knowledge

Its hard to figure out what to write tonight. My head is going in a million different directions. I know that God is control. I just have to do what Im telling Ms. So. CA to do, Wait on the Lord and wait patiently for him. Do not fret because of Him who prospers in his way.” That’s from Psalms. I try not to feel sorry for myself too much. It was ultimately my choice to come over here after God’s prompting. I know Im here because God wants me here but he never forces us to do anything. Man plans his way but God directs his steps. Maybe my way was to do some sort of ministry work in my professional field and God led me here. I know Im supposed to be here during this season.

God really has been doing some amazing things in my life. I have told you that God speaks to me. At first I thought it was just for me, but the more that I look back, He has often given me words for others. I think I realized that I do have a spiritual gift. It is the Word of Knowledge. God has always spoken to me, but it took the refining fire of walking towards God through my divorce to really make it real and intense. I have to be extremely careful of who I tell that to. I can’t say…Hey you know what, God speaks to me…they might put me in the Looney bin. Wait I already say that…Im not in the Looney Bin yet…weird. Like when God revealed himself to Joseph. What God said was true…but he probably shouldn’t have told His brothers “Hey guess what, you’re going to be bowing down to me someday.” So God tells me some things I don’t share with people. But lately he’s been opening up the faucet giving me words for others. I like that…it’s a great responsibility. Here is Wikipedia’s definition of Word of Knowledge:

A Word of Knowledge is a spiritual gift mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:8 but not in any other New Testament list of spiritual gifts. Among apostolic and prophetic Christians it is often taught to be a gift of knowledge given by the Holy Spirit to one individual for the benefit of another, as opposed to a prophecy which is usually for a congregation, an individual, or a nation. The message is given to the Christian via specific verses in the Bible, through dreams and visions, or by an immediate realization and understanding.

I remember going to several different church services, especially one particular one at Regent University when I was in Grad. School. A man was either a prophet or had the Word of Knowledge and he was prophesying over others. He would pick people out of the crowd and tell them very specific things. I wanted him so badly to prophesy over me, but he never did. I wanted direction, I wanted God to speak to me through him. I was quite disappointed when he didn’t. Maybe God was speaking to me at the time, I just didn’t know how to listen. It is just ironic, what I wanted the most from that man, God is now giving me to give to others. I think this realization has been made clear to me this week by talking to Miss So. CA. I think God wanted to get my attention that I had this gift…officially so to speak. I think the reason why is for The Music Man, my dear friend from church. God spoke so many things through me into the Music Man’s life when I first met him 6 months ago. He was really really down, and everything I told him to encourage him he didn’t accept. Like it was too good to be true. Yet as the Music Man and I were talking last night before I drove him to the airport. Everything I had told him six months ago has come to pass. Its not over yet for him. But if God has started a work in Him…this realization is encouragement that he will finish the job. God gave me a word for the Music Man yesterday that was pretty serious and pretty important. I had to tell him this before he left. So I told him, and he just had a look of comfort on his face. It turns out God had told him the same thing a few hours earlier. This was confirmation to him. Anytime that God has something really important to tell us, he will confirm it through two or three witnesses. So that is how God used me last night.

I started out pretty depressed when I started this blog. I’ll probably explain tomorrow. But now that I’ve finished it, my spirits have been lifted. There is no greater honor that being used by God to accomplish His purposes. Im blessed.


Isa said...

Dear Beeman,

Thank you for writing this blog, for I would have never been able to communicate with you otherwise. You missionaries strike a logical person as a complete travesty to God’s true message.

Beeman, you are a good man, you are here for a reason, God does have a plan for you, but you must let go of your ego. That voice in your head, thats your conscience, not God and it’s trying to remove those blinders from your eyes.

Christianity was Prophet Jesus’s (PBUH) message, and that was also brought down to him by an angel and there never was a direct communication with God for most Prophets except for Moses (PBUH).

Now, before you even bother arguing about anything, I invite you to seek the truth- the truth that albeit the Bible does contain some truth to it, it is not the complete message from God to His creation simply because it has been written and rewritten by the followers ages after the Prophet Jesus(PBUH), and today you can find many contradictions.

Some contradictions here:

I hope you give Him an hour of your time and seek Him as you so vehemently display.

Looking forward to a response.

Rick Beeman said...

Hi Isa, Thank you so much for your comment. I appreciate the passion behind you conviction. What is very clear is that we are both passionate about our faith and that is a very good thing for both of us. I will watch the video. Im always willing to seek the truth as All truth is God's truth.

Im not sure where you are located but if you are in Bahrain maybe we could sit down for a cup of coffee sometime to discuss this. I think the more understanding we have of each other...the better this world will be.

Rick Beeman

Isa said...

Hi Beeman, thanks for the reply and the humble attitude. Good to see you're back on your emotional stride. I am in Bahrain and it would be a pleasure to meet with you. How about the weekend, say Friday at around 2-3ish? Bahrain's usually dead this time of the afternoon. Also, I linked you the second part of the video. There is a total of about four parts to the debate but believe me, an eye-opener to say the least! I will look forward to your reaction.
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Take care and God bless you.