What makes a missionary. Is it building water wells in Tanzania? Is it Building an orphanage in Romania? How about a hospital in Ecuador? Well its all of those things. But what are those things all about? Yes its nice to do humanitarian work and make the world a better place. Im absolutely 100% all for that. But doing those projects are just tools. Tools to be a blessings sure. But also tools to help build relationships. The tool I used in Taiwan was my football. I taught my Chinese students how to play. On the field is where relationships started. Here in Bahrain, my tool can be considered the acting school, or my Monday group. This is where the relationships in my life are solidified. Im convinced that relationships are what being a missionary is all about. Therefore, you don’t have to be overseas to be a missionary, we are all called to be missionaries. The great commission says go out into all the world and preach the gospel. I am preaching the Gospel using words only when necessary. All Im doing here is Seeking God. John 12:32 says “If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto myself. So God is putting me in so many situations where He calling people unto Himself through me. That simply…Rocks. So what is my specific calling as a missionary here. And I did question at one time whether I was a missionary or not. The question was because I was not sponsored by a specific church nor receiving a salary, could I consider myself a missionary? Here’s what I came up with when I looked up the term Missionary on Dictionary.com: mis⋅sion⋅ar⋅y [mish-uh-ner-ee]
1. | a person sent by a church into an area to carry on evangelism or other activities, as educational or hospital work. |
2. | a person strongly in favor of a program, set of principles, etc., who attempts to persuade or convert others. |
3. | a person who is sent on a mission. |
Well the first definition doesn’t apply. But #2 kind of applies. I am strongly in favor of a program, but my calling is not to persuade. That is the Holy Spirit’s job. I would certainly say #3 is applicable.
Annie Lennox had a different definition of a missionary:
Well the missionary man
He's got God in his side
He's got the saints and apostles
Backin' up from behind
Black eyed looks from those Bible books
He's a man with a mission
Got a serious mind
But don't mess with a missionary man."
Ok…maybe only my little sister finds that amusing. So back to my point.
But what is my mission? My mission is clearly to “Seek First the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” That is working for me. The results of which is that God is drawing people to Himself through me. Im so honored that he would choose to use me. I didn’t go to Seminary, I am not a Pastor. But God is putting me in situations where I just have to be myself and His work is being done through me. No, I haven’t built any buildings, but I can feel when God is speaking through me to someone. I have well chronicled that God and I have conversations. I think he longs to have conversations will all His children but we sometimes (self included) don’t take the time to listen or recognize His voice. My pain…has got my ears highly attuned to what God has to say. So twice in the past 24 hours, people have crossed paths in my life, where I could feel God speaking through me to encourage them directly in their struggle. The first was an online chat, with, lets call her Funny Girl. She was part of my improv troupe in No. Ca. One of the funniest actresses I have ever met. She was looking for direction, guidance, hope really. “Seek First the Kingdom….” Was the message she needed to hear. Then later, I went to lunch at Jawad dome’s food court. It’s a rather large food court. So as Im reading my Bible eating my Chinese food, way across the court I notice a blonde. I could only see her back. But you don’t see many pretty blondes here, Ok..well maybe you do, but not in this mall. So I was straining, as guys are prone to do, to see if this striking blonde (from the back) was pretty or not. So finally she turned around…D’oh, I know her. She is indeed pretty. She’s quickly become one of my closest friends here. Lets call her Texas Girl, since she’s from Dallas. Texas Girl has been coming to my acting classes, and is a faithful attender to My Positive Living group on Mondays. She also loaned me the first 3 seasons of LOST that alone merits her listing on my BESTEST friend of Bahrain top 10 list…lol. So she and her friends joined me for lunch. My heart aches for Texas Girl. She recently lost her very well paying job as part of the recession. She’s struggling to maintain hope and to keep a positive attitude. I know God has brought me into her life to help encourage her through this rough time. This is like the fourth time that someone close to me has lost their job here. Its so reminiscent of the South African. So it was very nice catching up with Texas Girl and her girlfriends. As we were leaving, God spoke very clearly to me. The message was virtually the same exact message that he had for Funny Girl. “Seek First the kingdom…” I know you can argue, well that’s just trite, its easy to encourage people with that verse. But I know when God is speaking through me to someone. You can see a person’s eyes as they receive it. Like Im not talking to their soul or body, but Im communicating spirit to spirit. Its an amazingly cool thing, and one I’ve been honored to have the privilege of doing over and over and over. So Texas Girl…if you are reading in, I’m certain, that everything is going to be all right with you. God has even given me a time frame, but I’m not supposed to share that right now. Just know that it won’t be long. Just you hang in there…and indeed Seek First… You’re going to be OK.
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