Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Three Minutes

It’s Wednesday today, so that means the long day.  A full day at the office and then teaching til 10.  Its only 14 hours, which isn’t all that terrible, but the mental drain is something.  I am learning how to pace myself however, that helps.  I sleep between classes for about 15 minutes in the teacher’s lounge.    It was an absolutely full day.  I haven’t even watched an Episode of LOST yet.  What’s going to happen to Jack and Sawyer?  Im on Season 3, and im completely addicted. 

I woke up early again.  I wanted to go kayaking.  By the time I left my apartment building, it took me three minutes before my boat was in the water.  I love the simplicity of that.  Its kind of poetic.  I just back my mini SUV up to the water, open the back hatch…and Im off.  The water was like glass, so peaceful.  I can feel myself getting stronger and building up endurance quickly.  I went the whole way today with no breaks.  Its really exercising my abs and back which I didn’t expect.  How you sit in the kayak is a little like how you sit on an exercise ball. 

I got into the office and I was completely focused.  I was on many deadlines.  I had to finish editing the kids acting class movie.  It was just easier for me to do it, rather than my editors.  Its actually pretty darn cute considering we wrote it in 45 min., had our lead and main supporting actor not show up, and had only 90 min. to shoot.  Its quite an accomplishment really. 

I was starting to get really worried about the finances.  We’re pretty low going into the dry months.  Im not panicking, but we have to be resourceful and move quickly.  We got our first commission check from the photo gallery.  They sold about $1000 worth of commission from our pictures.  That’s like found money.  Our archive wasn’t doing much.  So I’m looking for additional revenue streams that way.  So I said a quick little prayer about the finances for our company, then I got a call that our project was unofficially accepted, they just wanted a lower bid.  I was thrilled about that.  Its on the History of Bahrain Seaports.  That project alone will get us through two months.  Plus other things are about to drop.  I know God wouldn’t have brought me out here all this way to fail.  So I know things are going to come through somehow. 

The acting classes are all about wrapping up.  I’ve made many dear friends in this group.  As I was teaching the teenagers today, it was kind of special.  I get all Dr. Phil on them about life lessons in Hollywood and Life.  God has placed me in very important and influential position in these young people’s lives.  I don’t get too heavy handed with Doctrine, but they know my heart and they know how I believe. 

I was talking to a friend in the adult class about clubbing and going out.  He went out partying and broke his arm a couple of weeks ago.  I just have no interest in doing that, but I do want to meet people, and I do want to meet a girl.  That is what was nice about the Czech, having someone to care about you without having to go work for it.  That’s what I long for.  I also realized that I’ve been alone for so long, I have the tendency to fall in love with being in love rather than the person.  Its almost like “insert person here.”  I really have to be careful about that.  But Im using or trying to use this time of singleness to run into God’s arms.  When I’m there…Im certainly less lonely.  I often cry out…”Be enough for me God.”  The relationship will come, but only in God’s perfect timing.  Sometimes, I just wish he would hurry up.  

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