Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I screwed up today.  I knew it would happen eventually.  I scheduled two appointments for the same time both out of the office and both couldn’t be changed.  I’m so busy and Im not very good at writing down every appointment.  I do have a secretary/office manager but she is so busy with her other duties that I don’t want to be a bother.  Tanya was worried, as I was supposed to talk to a bunch of high school kids about Hollywood.  I assured her that she could handle it, and I’d be just a little bit late.  Guy was there too…so that took the pressure off.  Tanya is a great girl, she just doesn’t believe in herself that much.  That’s what Im there for I think…to encourage her that she is truly gifted.  So I was off to appointment #1.  It was a very high profile meeting about making a documentary of the largest shipping port in the Middle East.  KSDi had been covering the construction once a month for the last 30 months.  There was about 10 people in the room, all ready to hear my proposal.  I had already created a four minute trailer for the project and I thought they would love it.  Everyone else seemed to like it.  So I showed them that…and the main guy immediately said he didn’t like it and the proceeded to punch holes in it throughout.  It was just meant as a sneak preview.  It was then I had a choice to make.  I could be combative and defend myself or agree with him.  I agreed with him, and then figured out a way to make it work.  He was fantastic after that.  Its like the whole spirit of the room changed.  I walked away with them believing in the project and excited about working on it. I think its part of me finding God’s favor wherever I go.  I should say I find favor in every area except emotionally lol.   Something unexpected happened.  He was going to arrange interviews for me to talk with some govt. officials about the project.  He was concerned about their presence on camera and wanted them to go to classes to better represent themselves on video.  I just so happened to have a couple of acting flyers in my notebook.  So I passed them around the room and the spirit immediately changed.  They got all excited about the acting class and became very animated.  Everyone wanted a flier.  The main guy and I talked about creating a special one day seminar for govt. officials to teach them the basic of on camera presence.  I think its going to turn out very well.  It’s a side of the business I wasn’t really prepared for.  Oh…I think it should be said, that the main Contractor I’ve been dealing with, (who likes me) introduced me as….This is Rick, he’s from Hollywood.  He wanted to gain their favor as well.  I think it worked.  

Then I had to swing by St. Christopher’s school to give the talk to the high school kids.  The good thing is that Guy and Tanya were already there.  They had it well under control.  It turns out I didn’t need to be there.  I had to make it back to the office and do the little things that make up a GM’s day. which is basically lots of little decision.  I like making decision and delegating.  Im pretty good at it I think.  We are getting ready for our next product launch.  We are rolling out personal video biographies.  That entails getting all the marketing material and the sales strategies built.  I think this product will really fly once we get to the right people.  Its just a matter of surviving this economic global recession.  Its hurting us too.  The acting classes will help as well. 

I had Bible study with my group of South African friends.  My good South African friend that lost his job is keeping an amazing attitude.  He’s filled with peace knowing that his trust in God.  Im glad God brought me into his life so I can stand behind him in this trying a difficult period.  It really feels great when you know that you know that you know that God is using you to be a blessing to someone else.  He has resigned himself that he’s leaving in three weeks back to South Africa.  Its rather sad, but we both feel that is where the Lord is leading him.  Bahrain is such transient community.  You make friends fast and you lose them just as fast.  

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