Monday, March 2, 2009

The global blog

Im really starting to get my joy back.  Its amazing how much a relationship will shoot your spirits through the roof but when it crashes…it crashes hard.  I think I crash harder because of my divorce.  Im way too anxious to jump into a relationship.  Im too picky, but when I find someone that meets up to my ridiculously high standards, I move way too quickly and scare them away.  Everyone has told me to stop doing this…and I agree with them.  Yet I do it anyone. 

I’m not really sure what God is trying to teach me through all this.  But I hope I learn quickly.  I have been chatting with a lot of my acting students.  It continues to create quite a buzz.  We have the children starting this week, so I think it will grow even more.  I so enjoy the marketing aspect of it.  I really enjoy the people in my office as well.  We are just one great big family or so it seems.  We all get along very well.  And we have some very talented people.  We are limited because some of our equipment is a bit archaic.  So it forces us to work through some things.  But we have to get our cash flow up before we buy any more equipment.  One of my best friends is turning out to be Tanya.  I like her husband too…so don’t get any ideas.  But we just connect both professionally and personally.  She’s got some amazing insight on the emotional walks of life.  I explain sometimes what is going on in Texas and she is right on the mark with her observations and advice.  In fact, I’ve said this before, I like all the Shaheens.  I really feel like Im part of their family, which is important since im so far away from mine out here.  Guy and I had an appointment with Nader, the eldest brother and really the heavy in KSDI.  He’s my boss.  He is so busy trying to get his rather large bank to survive the economic crisis, he’s had very little time to meet with me, which he feels bad about.  He had a good week last week, so he was able to give Guy and myself 1.5 hours in his office.  1.5 hours with Nader in dog years is like 4 weeks with another person.  He was calm and relaxed which is nice to see.  He really is a brilliant guy.  I enjoy working with him.  He is very tough and can be intimidating to some, but I think I have the personality to flourish under him.  He is firm but fair.  We really came up with some great ideas how to move the company forward. 

I had a call from a mother of a talented young actress today.  She won an award at the Bahrain film festival, which I judged at.  She so wanted her child to continue developing as an actress but the fees were too high.  So I told her, if she could bring other students in, she could get a discount.  She was very excited and motivated.  Her daughter is at the British School, so she is meeting with the principal tomorrow to see if we can set up a special school assembly.  I could talk about my Hollywood stuff and maybe do some improv exercises with the kids.  That would be a great way to lure them in. 

I was mentioning to Tanya about how much sleep I get.  I only need about five hours a night now.  Which is good, because sometimes I stay writing in this blog til 1 am.  Its something I really enjoy doing.  If I can just encourage one person…then its worth it.  Im on facebook all the time.  Im quite addicted to that.  Not only do I use it for personal networking, its quite handing for business networking as well.  For example, I just spoke with a lovely young lady from Ethiopia 20 minutes ago about bartering for ad space in her magazine.  That networking happens for me all the time.  So I mentioned to Tanya, how many people read this blog…and im quite honored that you all do read it.  It gives me a sense of additional purpose for being out here.  So Reji, installed a counter on the blog so I can see how many and from where people are accessing.  Thanks big brother…don’t worry…I don’t know your name, just what service provider.  If you want to be all secret /anonymous like you still can.  But she was really impressed with the map of the readers location.  She thought I should frame it.  Im not sure how this blog grew…but it did…im thankful.  I’ve posted the map at the bottom with the pics if you’re interested in looking at it.  So if you think about it, id be really curious as to what you like and don’t like about this blog.  I know many of you said…stop talking about your kids…and I’ve tried to do that.  So your feedback is adhered to mostly.  So even the constructive criticism I’d love to hear.  Im always interested in self-improvement.  If you want to help me out with this either email or leave a comment on the blog.



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