Friday, January 1, 2010

Being used

Hey Im not really feeling like doing the whole blog thing tonight. But I will tell you something pretty remarkable that happened. I have a person who called me on Thursday and asked me to find him a divorce lawyer. It broke my heart. So I prayed about it, and God gave me some specific things to say to him and I prayed. So he asked me again this morning. So I prayed about it and thought we should get together. So I won’t get into the crux of the conversation, so by the end of the night, instead of asking for a divorce lawyer, he was asking me where to find a marriage counselor, which I’ll surely be able to do. I could really feel the Holy Spirit move and give me the exact words he needed to hear. Now I am not telling you this to say how great I am, because honestly I believe I had very little to do with it all. It was all the Holy Spirit and I was just willing. If I can help save marriages through this blog or via any other medium I am glad to do it. OK…more tomorrow.

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