Friday, January 22, 2010

Annti, Aila, Asian brunches, and Airshows

The day started out very well. started out even before it started. I had a nice middle of the night chat with Jenni, went back to bed and then started my day out the normal way. I had a wonderful Asian brunch at my friend’s Annti and Aila’s house. They are the Finns. They invited several people over for this brunch. It was a very cultured affair. It was nice, elegant, and very classy. I guess its like how rich people have brunch at people’s houses. It made me feel like I was part of the “in” crowd. I met a lot of new friends today and the food…it was delicious. There were a lot of children there today, mainly between the ages of 3-7. I so love that age. That’s one of the many reasons why Im so excited about my relationship with Jenni. She’s only 29, 12 years younger than I. So right there…I scored..and she has no problem with the age difference. Her sister married a guy 13 years older than her and they have a great relationship. Jenni really wants a family and I do as well. I missing out on some fabulous years with my own kids. That really breaks my heart. So I believe God is going to bless me with even more children so I can experience my kids the way that He originally intended. We decided that we’d get married…yes we’re so talking about that. I still have to do all the traditional stuff like ask her father( I hope he’s not reading this, it would blow the surprise), get a ring, set a date etc… But we’re dreaming and planning. We both feel 100% convinced that God made us for each other during this particular point in our lives. It just feels so right. Each day seems a little righter than the day before. Is that a word…Righter…I know Im a writer, but I and I just mentioned it twice so Im not sure if two righters make a wronger…OK…I’ll stop. But Im crazy about this girl and can’t wait to marry her. This is coming together in God’s perfect timing, so I have to see how it will play out.

After brunch I went out to the Airshow. I didn’t post about this yesterday because of the Love Letter post. But I was out at the First Bahrain Airshow the past two days. It was pretty neat seeing all the Jets flying in formation and doing death-defying feats. As these amazing aircraft would fly overhead the deafening roar of their engines made all verbal communication impossible for about 10-20 seconds. It was a weird sensation.

I went out to a movie and dinner with Pat tonight. He really is a good guy. I was asking about his son, the one that died of a Brain Aneurysm a few years back. I wanted to be respectful and not bring up a painful experience, but still allow him the freedom to talk and reminisce if he so desired. He did say that as he was asking why did this happen, a friend gave him word from the Lord something like: “I will bless the kingdom by this. “ I mentioned to Pat that I blogged about him and his son a few weeks back. I bemoan the loss of relationship with my children. But when I compare my pain with the pain that Pat must be suffering from there really is no comparison. Even though Im estranged my children, they are healthy and whole. Im sure Pat would change places with me in a heartbeat. So I told him, Pat that prophetic word has already happened. The Kingdom was blessed because you had blessed me. Your tragedy ministered to me so I could better appreciate how fortunate and blessed I really am. Further, Im not sure how many people were touched by it through reading my blog. That is just the tip of the iceberg I think. God has just begun to use that situation to bless others. He appreciated me bringing that to his attention. So I got home after the movie and have been chatting with Jenni ever since. I don’t know how she can do it. She can do doctoral level statistical analysis while at the same time chat with me without missing a beat. She truly is a genius, but you’d never know if you just met here. She’s a real goofball…and a very funny girl. God certainly broke the mold when he made her.

By the way, this blog just eclipsed 20,000 hits. Thanks for reading.

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