Saturday, January 16, 2010

Introducing Jennifer

I talk about Carolina Girl a lot, I know that. So we both thought it was time we introduced her, Her name is Jennifer. So I’ll refer to that moniker from here on out. We are both crazy in love with each other. Its just so cool to have someone think Im very attractive, very intelligent, and a very Godly man. I guess I didn’t have such a high esteem about myself, but Jennifer makes me feel like a man. If you think about it, that’s why we fall in love. Its because the other person makes us feel better about ourselves. Since we are in the courtship and meeting phase we decided that her opinion is really interesting and important. So Im going to be using her to help either write this blog, or I’ll just copy and paste from her blog. Eventually we’ll merge the blogs when we get married and have a His and Hers viewpoint. I think she is a better writer than myself so hopefully you’ll be able to enjoy her input. I have chronicled my life for well over a year now. Next week this blog will be surpassing 20,000 hits which Im extremely proud of. Hopefully this blog is making a difference. I have detailed my pain, my frustration, but also God’s incredible faithfulness. This past year has been such a delightful adventure even though there has been a lion’s share of conflict and pain. Now that I found the girl that I will marry, (and I will marry her…I just have to go through all the romantic processes of asking her Dad, and actually buying the ring) I thought this blog could take a different turn. I guess a more romantic turn. Whenever there is conflict or romance in this blog, my readership on a daily basis nearly doubles. I guess its kind of like sweeps during television rating season. So as we enter this process of long distance courting, meeting, planning the next steps, and integrating another American in the Middle East, I thought it would neat for you all to follow our progress. Since you’ve been there for the down times, It makes sense that you are there for the times of elation as well. I am very up front and embolden with my feelings about Jenni. By the world’s standards we are moving way to fast. But by God’s standards this is moving along perfectly fine. Its amazing that each of our family’s is not only supportive be very excited about the possibility. I guess they can hear the genuine joy in each of our hearts. Its as if God had made Jennifer for me, and I for Jennifer. She is an answer to my prayer…and the prayers of many others. I think Happily Ever After…and the last chapter in my book starts now.

New Dresses and Cyber Dates...

Today was a wonderful day. My past few days at work have gone incredibly well. i have been able to stay focused and have been quite productive. I am thanking God constantly for enabling me this success in my day to day life at work. Tonight I had a meeting to attend, and spent some time talking with some of my girlfriends and arranging coffee dates in the days to come. And then I had a date with Rick. I was very excited about this date as I had a new dress to wear that I wanted to show off... Only 26 more days until i depart, and 27 more days until I see him for the first time. I have stated to more than one person that he is the greatest man i never met.... Tonight I put on the new dress in an effort to make the relationship feel as "normal" as it can. Our relationship is anything but normal. I even ordered my favorite dinner for takeout. I just got home from the date actually. Ok, so the date was in the living room of my house. We talked for hours. Rick invited me on the date earlier this week, but told me that I had to wake him up to initiate, and that he would get as must rest as he could beforehand. I did as much as i could before the date to allow him as much sleep as I could stand. I made it to 430am BAH time, which is 830pm here. We have so much to talk about. It requires great discipline to end our dates. We just want to be together. We want to share everything, and we both know that there is not enough time in the world and that we will never tire of one another. There are times in our conversations that we just stare at each other, drinking in one another's essence. Not because we have run out of things to say, but because we are both amazed at the deep emotional, intellectual and spiritual bond we share. He always stops me mid-sentence to tell me that at that moment, he is falling in love with me... more so that the minute before. It makes me melt.

My boyfriend is this amazing man that has kept a blog for over year, which has proven to be useful because I can follow his past history, some of which includes his meeting women and falling for them. I can follow the drama in his life which is less than desirable, and I can see patterns and consistency. For me to become deterred by his life or past would be silly. I would be pointing at a speck of dust in his eye whilst dealing with the plank in mine. I'm quite the optimist, and know that I too have thought I was falling for a man once or twice since I got divorced. The first one was built upon a stack of lies. Not my lies, but his. I fell for a man that was not who he claimed to be. I think they call this a scam artist. I don't even think he realizes he does it. I think this is called living in denial... I'm glad it didn't work out. There were too many things that i needed to change about him. I had even sent him a list of what i needed in a relationship and told him that if he could not live up to that list, we might as well end it. Guess what? it ended. I even tried to fight to keep it alive despite the inability to reciprocate, but this was just because i was so afraid that i had failed again...
A lot of my guilt in getting divorced was due to my fear of failure. I've not met failure many times in my life, and when I have, it was not without great effort and fight on my part, meaning, if i have failed, I know that I did the best i could. It takes a lot to knock me down. I am quite a remarkable woman, and i'm not saying this to be self centered, but I am strong willed and determined.

I know my blog is quite sappy and heartfelt, but if you knew me well, you would know that I too am quite sappy. I would even go as far as to say that I am a hopeless romantic, except I'm not. I'm quite the opposite. I am HOPEFULLY romantic....

Posted by jennifer
at 5:24 PM

1 comment:

Rita Beeman said...

I believe I might be in love too