Prayer works. I think I’m living breathing proof of the existence of God. Im pretty transparent with my feelings and yesterday was just a plain sucky day. I know I’ve had a lot of great great days while Im here, so the odds are heavily in favor of me having a sucky day every once in a great while. Yesterday was that day. I think I told some friends that I felt like I was under spiritual attack. Nothing really too tragic happened to me, I just felt kind of oppressed all day. Just really discouraged mostly. That simply doesn’t happen much. So I was having my chat with God this morning and later at lunch where he repeated himself. I was at Burger King, just finished off my Double Cheeseburger and read Proverbs 30…What an interesting chapter. So instead of going back to the office right away I thought that place was as good as any to talk to God. So just closed my eyes and listened. I heard God very clearly tell me not to bother with any of the details. My job was just to “Seek First” the Kingdom and he would handle all the other details. I have talked to God a lot in the past four years and I can really recognize his voice. This was clearly God. So I went back to work and had a productive rest of the day. Still I wasn’t bouncing off of the walls with joy and glee. We had my small group/home church tonight. There were five of us. Four Christians and one agnostic. What amazed me is that Joel’s message absolutely confirmed what God confirmed for me earlier today. I was to “stand still” and let God do all the work. For me Standing Still and seeking God are one in the same. Christians, especially yours truly, sometimes try to help God along with our effort as if we think he needs a little help. Sometimes he wants us just to step back, do nothing so his glory could be magnified. That is why I think he chose to use so many imperfect figures n the Bible So His Glory could shine through not the glory of man. So I have adopted the philosophy “Don’t just do something…Stand there.” So what God was telling me earlier today and confirming it through Joel and the other people that were there tonight is that he is complete control. Don’t sweat the petty stuff and don’t pet the sweaty stuff…I think is how it goes. We had such amazing discussions with tonight’s group. I think everyone was really blessed by it. I could feel the Holy Spirit move through me and give me the precise words to give others in the group. The Christ-followers life is supposed to be simple I think. 1. Love God, 2. Love others like you love yourself. You add an addendum to that about mindset and you have Stand still. So essentially God is doing all the work. You just stand there (or sit if you’ve been standing a long time) and let God do all the work. All you have to do is love (trust) and he will do all the rest. It’s a pretty sweet deal if you think about. I’ve been standing still a lot lately the past few years and God has certainly met me where I needed im to meet me.
God has all the details of my life categorized and prioritized. All I have to do is believe and He’s going to do all the tough stuff. My job is just to remain faithful. I certainly can do that.
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