Sunday, May 10, 2009

Rough Night

What a rough night last night.  I couldn’t sleep hardly at all then I woke up with some sort of flu.  No its not the swine flu, I don’t think.  But it really just wiped me out.  I’m pretty sure it was a spiritual attack coupled with exhaustion, so I had to keep praying it away.  I also did the Joel Osteen thing of declaring myself better.  I lounged around most of the morning.  I have yet to take a sick day at the office, so I felt ok going a little bit slow.  I meandered into the office around 11.  Wouldn’t you know…this is the the day Nader came by to visit.  He’s only been in the office five days in six months, and my one ¼ sick day, he shows up.  Oh well. 

I had an interesting conversation with the father of two of my acting students yesterday.  He’s really interested in getting opportunities for his wife and identical twin girls in the media.  He financed his wife’s CD, that is just now out at the stores.  He has a colleague that is looking to finance feature films, he came to me knowing that I did that sort of thing.  We are going to try to set up a meeting next week to see what we can do get that rolling. 

We also had a few people call into the office about making some documentary films this week.  We have several interviews scheduled. 


I apologize for the blog being a little dull this week, and probably next.  There are a lot of personal things happening to me, and in about two weeks I’ll be able to share more specifically.  But for know, I think its kind of best to be vague. At least that is what I think the Holy Spirit is telling me.  I know my relationship with my children is getting worse and worse.  The frustrating thing…in their minds…EVERYthing is my fault.  It really sucks.  My heart is breaking over the kids.  But I have to leave that in God’s hands. 

Im running out of gas on the emotional level.  I know God has a plan for me to be here.  But the enemy is really attacking me at my vulnerable points to take away my strength.  He knows exactly where I am weak. 

This blog sucks lately.  I apologize for that.  I am doing a lot of good things over here.  I am impacting many many lives speaking God’s truth into many different people.  Yet the ones I care the most for, my children, are suffering.  It breaks my heart, but God is going to have to see them through.  I still pray for them every day, and I also pray for X and her new hubby everyday too.  That was a hard prayer to pray at first, but now it is becoming easier. 

All things work together for good for those who believe and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I’m called according to His purpose.  So that means this crap I’m going through will turn out for the good.  I just hope its not going to take 10 years.  

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