Tuesday, May 5, 2009

An average day

Its been such an amazing couple of days.  I was bound to have a bad one.  But that’s the thing.  I don’t really have bad days.  An average day, can be considered the “new bad” for me.  My standards have raised so much for me.  Im very thankful for that.  My dad’s only toast (Kristen will laugh) “May the best of your yesterdays be the worst of your tomorrow’s).  Im seeing that play out in my life.  Im extremely blessed.   Like I tell my positive living small group, I have great friends, a fabulous job, wonderful future, security, just a very good life.  I also have three wonderful children whom one day I’ll enjoy a closer relationship with.  There is a lot for me to be thankful for at this point in my life. 

I was so pleased last night at my small group.  We are growing organically.  We had 12 last night, and not one of them were the regulars like Reji, Guy, or Bene.  This was an all new crowd, I think I might have been the only real devout Christian.  That is fine with me.  We had so many different religions.  Instead of focusing in on what is different about each other’s beliefs, we were able to focus on the similarities.  It sparked some great discussion and debate.  I usually say my spiel beforehand and then open it up to discussion.  I try to keep the discussion from straying too far off Biblical Theology, most of the time it doesn’t.  I like the camaraderie the group is developing.  I am presenting the Gospel in my way to the group through Joel Osteen’s videos.  Then we talk about the principles that Joel was espousing.  Most of the group loves what Joel has to say.  Its up to the Holy Spirit now to harvest these seeds.  I don’t think its my place to point a finger and say you are going to hell.  I present my case, and about my life.  I tell them how my faith works for me.  Im a great example that “Christ Works”.  I often challenge them, if your faith works for you…go with it (knowing that it doesn’t).  But if it doesn’t work for you, be honest with yourself.  It will be interesting to see where the journey of life takes this group. 

My good friend Nabs came back for the day.  Muneer his brother organized a quick party for him in their flat.  Nabs became the first Arab to reach the north pole in a contest.  There were about 45 us gathered around nabs hearing his stories first hand.  He did have a blog that I was following, but hearing about that first hand was fascinating.  There were days where the weather dropped to -81 degrees Celsius, where if skin is exposed in any way becomes frozen and frost bit in mere moments.  Nabs walking on thin ice, where his partner’s foot fell in.  At that point if you do fall in you die.  It was a real learning experience hearing all of his harrowing tales.  It took him about 30 days to walk from Resolute Bay Canada to the magnetic north pole.  His team wound up being the first team to reach the pole.  I remember when I heard the news, I was so proud of him.  Its like I was walking vicariously with him.  Its just strange when a good friend becomes your hero. 

I had to leave the party a little bit early.  A dear friend was having a crisis and needed me.  I am so honored that God uses me to help other people.  It’s a great feeling being a little bit of an encouragement to others.  It just reminds me that I’m here for a divine purpose.  I need to be reminded of that often because I do miss my kids really bad.  I’m just sad, I can’t be more a positive influence in their lives on a daily basis.  I am a positive influence to sooooo many people here…but the ones I cherish the most, my children, I rarely talk to anymore.  That breaks my heart.  I do call them about 2-3 times a week and leave messages.  I know they’ll come around eventually, but like everything I do in life, I sometimes get anxious in waiting for God’s time.  

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