What a busy busy day we had today. We had two great client meetings yesterday, so I had to scramble to get the ancillary materials ready for our proposals. I finished off the Demo reel DVD’s too. So if you want to take a look at it, please go to: http://homepage.mac.com/rickbeeman/iMovieTheater51.html Im actually really proud of it. Its weird being over here. I feel like a really big fish in a tiny little pond. It’s a good feeling. What is different about this place, is technologically, its about five years behind the U.S. Broadband internet is just now only beginning to permeate the market. Thus most businesses have yet to harness the marketing power behind the web to promote their business. In other words, most websites here suck, if they even have sites at all. What does that mean? Potentially tons of business. I want to get the company very financially healthy, so I can start investing in documentaries and feature films. Right now, we are at about 15 employees. I can easily see us doubling that by the end of the year.
I gave you the link to the demo I created, but I must admit, that Manu (our computer animation wiz) built the 3d Animated open and close. Manu is a young brilliant whiz kid, I’ve talked about before. But let me go back to when he first interviewed. He said his dream was to go to Hollywood someday. When I told him I worked there…I swear he shrieked. Its actually pretty funny. He thinks like im a rock star or something. Whenever I go into his office…he gets all excited…keeps calling me sir and wants to impress me so badly. I was complimenting him on his work with our new graphic animated open that he built. And he said…”no sir, the idea was all yours, I simply just implemented it.” I argued otherwise and he said…”I just like learning from the master.” OK…I know a suck up when I hear one…but this guy is absolutely genuine. I don’t think he has an insincere bone in his body. Im just not used to be revered…by anyone…so it’s a new experience. But Manu has extra ordinary talent…I think we are going to wind up doing great projects together. He is an amazing asset to the office.
I finished my deadlines and rushed over the Embassy to pick up my passport. After that, I went to the mall to see how our photo gallery was turning out. Khalifa was there personally hanging about 100 pictures. They were beautiful. He really is a tremendous artist with a great eye for detail. I really respect his work, and am honored to be a member of his team. Even though the event won’t start until tomorrow…we had plenty of bystanders admiring the art. Hopefully that will translate into $$$$. If all goes well…we might even open up a studio in that same location. We are also using this as an opportunity to promote KSDI. The mall gave us a Flat Screen TV to promote our Demos. Its really cool. Im not doing much really to warrant this…but im seeing God’s favor enacted in my life. Deuteronomy 28 is being played out before my very eyes.
This evening, I went out with Baraq, and two of his Saudi friends. We went to a place called The Meat Company. Supposedly they have the best steaks in Bahrain. They were pretty good…but nothing like Texas steaks. Plus, because the beef was fresh…it was pricey. Dinner put me back (for one) about $65 and that is without alcohol. It was a great steak…but I didn’t think that great. The conversation was interesting and lively, all in all a great night.
OH, I forgot to tell you. On the weekends, the Saudis descend upon Bahrain for their mini-vacations/visits. I went up to an elevator where there was a Saudi woman (wearing an abaya and full veil, so I could only see her eyes). I got in the elevator, by myself as she didn’t get in. The doors to the elevator kept opening, even though I already selected my floor. The Saudi woman was outside pressing the elevators call button trying to get the next elevator. Yet every time she did that…the doors to my elevator would open. I meekly went out to her…”Excuse me…” This totally freaked her out. She just wasn’t used to a westerner addressing her. I was polite and smiled. I think she was shaking because she was nervous. They just don’t have a lot of experience interacting with men and vice versa. It reminds me of a club that I went to when I first arrived. I was out exploring…innocently. And I stumbled upon this place and was greeted by young girl. I thought she wanted to chat. So I sat down, and she wanted me to order her a drink…which I did. Then I was besieged with three other girls wanting me to buy them drinks. I was being hustled. These girls weren’t prostitutes, rather they are paid to keep a man company (non-sexually). I looked around the place and there were 3-4 girls surrounding each guy. There was no talking, no interacting, they were just sitting there next to him. It looked and felt awfully boring. I asked the girl what was going on…and she said, they were just keeping company. Saudi men don’t have a lot of experience dating (it is Haram, Forbidden). So this type of place is for men, who just want to be in the non-sexual company of a woman. To make him feel important by having all these girls around him. Apparently its quite exciting to them, since its new. So I got hustled into buying another drink….these girls are quite the “upsellers”. I left about five minutes later.
The culture sound so interesting.
O my goodness. I had many days of catching up. I'm a fast reader but sheesh! Still had to work it to get through. Guess that's what happens when you read a writers blog.
Where shall I begin to comment? Nah.. I'll just say "enough said" LOL.. I know you get me.. so you'll get the humor in that.
It's holiday time. My lights outside are up as is the Christmas tree and all the inside decor. The house looks so different. Wish you were here to enjoy it!
Back to Daniel tomorrow - I have 50 days until our black tie event. He's going to have to work some major miracles.
You sound great. Keep having fun. And PS you never acted your age to begin with!!!!!
And Wise Men Still Seek Him
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