It’s a little bit funny…this feeling inside…wait that’s an Elton John song. What I meant to say that ever since I embraced my solitude….I haven’t had any…and that is fine by me. I spent the weekend alone just with God. Prior to that really ever since my divorce…I hated being alone. It made me feel like a failure. Out here was nothing different…I’d have anxiety about being alone and not be able to enjoy myself. I know my embracing solitude spiel spoke to many of you based on the amount of responses I got back. By the way…I love the responses thank you so much. It makes me feel like we are all apart of this together. Which we are…as we are one body in Christ.
So as soon as I made it past this weekend…I’ve had nothing but social engagements. Did I really learn what God wanted me to learn in 36 hours? I’ve heard it said before that God won’t answer a prayer until you’ve become what He desires you to be. Then once that happens…God can move lightning fast. It makes the whole “Those who wait upon the Lord thing will renew their strength…they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint…” have a little different perspective. I have done my fair share of arguing with God…”OK God I think I learned this lesson already…can I move on to the next space on the playing board.” But God’s timing is absolutely perfect. It just is hard as we are wading through the muck to wait sometimes. I think what God was trying to teach me…was to be content in all seasons of life no matter what the emotional or financial circumstances. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
I was walking through the City Center Mall to drop off a DVD with 65,000 of our pictures to the Art Gallery. I met Alex…a Palestinian I believe. He was very excited and his owners were very excited to see the images. They want to buy a bunch in bulk..what could be a massive order. That would be awesome (please keep that in prayer) that would really insulate us from the Global economic recession. Its not just the U.S., the recession is having a trickle down effect all over the world. Especially hard his is Dubai…with all the construction going on there…and there is a ton of construction. They are estimating that ½ of Dubai’s construction industry will be laid off. If I can get the financial side taken care of…that would give me a lot more authority and leeway at work from a bottom line perspective. I also think He’d have me be successful so I could focus on the ministry aspect too. I really am starting to feel an incredible calling that the Bible study I’m starting in late January, will eventually turn into a church. A church for this generation. I don’t think the navy guys or flight attendants would be ministered to or fed in the churches they currently have on this island. So with God’s grace…Im going to try to do something completely different. Im not really sure how its’ going to look yet…buy my apartment is big enough to hold 20-30 if need be. I don’t have to worry about the details. God is taking care of everything…professionally, personally, emotionally, spiritually. Like he said a few weeks ago to me….”Seek First the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.” This whole Bahrain experience is proof of that. Its like Im bumping into God’s favor almost by accident. Like Joel Osteen says…God’s favor will chase you down. Im proof of that too. For your homework check out the first part of Deuteronomy 28. I recited that outloud for nearly two years along with many other verses. There is something powerful that happens in the spiritual world when you speak the scriptures aloud. Those verses are slowly coming to pass for me in my life. God is faithful.
So I was feeling very good about my life and God’s blessings. I was strutting through the biggest mall in the Middle East, after a successful meeting. My ipod was blaring Genesis’ “Tonight, Tonight” and I was having an emotional high. Then I remembered a sermon from TD Jakes, which I mentioned a few weeks ago. He preached. “Don’t let your highs get too high…or let your lows get too low. When you get a high, take some of it…and deposit it in the bank so when the lows come, you can make a withdrawal.” I think the human tendency, at least with me, my tendency is to swing from high to low…a little bi-polar action. So instead of exploiting the high…I took a deep breath…thanked God…and didn’t let myself get too excited. I guess I’ll be able to make a withdrawal now a little later then.
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