OK…I guess the early warning detection system I mentioned yesterday worked. God is soooo cool that way. Since my divorce I’ve really been able to hear from God so much clearly than ever before. God has always been speaking to me, I just never really took the time or knew how to tune in. Pain will do that to you. So in the past three years, I can think of 6 to 7 different occasions where God has warned me to pray and fast ahead of time because a trial is heading my way. Each time something hit, it hasn’t been debilitating even though the news was often devastating.
So I felt very strongly impressed this weekend that I would be put under a lot of temptation this week because the next two weeks were going to be quite a challenge. So I prepared accordingly. In fact, that is one of the reasons why God called me to be alone most of the weekend so I could be in complete harmony in Him. So I go into work today and one of the first things that hit…could have been a nuclear bomb. I didn’t panic at all…because I was prepared for it. I’ve found often times, the way that the enemy works, is he likes to rock your world so that creates a panic and desire to escape via self-medication, i.e. drink, drug, sex, spending, etc…whatever your weakness may be. So if the devil is not able to rock your world than the temptation and need to escape is minimized. So after I heard the news, I calmly reviewed it with the parties involved. And it was amazing…God working through me…giving me the words and the actions to say. I could truly feel his spirit upon me. The issue isn’t completely resolved…but its about 90% resolved. That doesn’t mean Im out of the woods yet. I expect more attacks to be coming continuously. As I really think Im on the brink of something special in the Middle East. The devil isn’t going to take all this lying down. That is why your prayers are still so coveted.
I feel like right now…Im a 200 lb bully and the devil is a 98 lb weakling. Just because I have been working my spiritual inner man out often. The Devil took his best uppercut at me and I flinched just a bit, but didn’t fall over. That doesn’t mean I’m getting cocky. No…he’ll get up again and try another tactic if the one he’s currently using doesn’t work. I just have to be continually prepared for whatever he might throw my way. In times past, when I wasn’t strong spiritually, I was the 98 lb. weakling and the devil was the 200 lb. bully. Trying to go up against him (and resist temptation) was often futile because he was so much stronger than me. Im so thankful that in the midst of a very trying day…I can honestly say it was a great day….but it could have been awful.
Tomorrow is yet another national holiday here. This is like the 8th holiday this month (not including weekends). Many of the Bahrainis complain because it is incredibly difficult to get anything done during this time. Employees love it of course…but as a GM where I have to watch my bottom line, it is quite challenging.
I went to quiz night at JJ”s the local irish pub. I played on a team with an Australian, and two blokes from the UK. Now this particular quiz night, is notorious because this one particular team seems to win everytime. Yet on this night…our team won two of the four rounds…so we took home the crown tonight. What a blast that was. I do still love my job and my life in Bahrain. It just seems to be getting better and better everyday. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to bring my children over to experience this grand life. My ex is pretty steadfast against it. And unless I want to spend thousands to fight for my right…she probably won’t change unless God becomes involved…because with God…all things are possible. So your prayers in that department are continuously appreciated.
So after a potentially tumultuous emotional day…the song from Lakewood Church keeps going through my head….”I’m still standing…I’m still standing….But by the grace…but by the grace of God.” And get this…the Oakland Raiders won two games in a row…Im going out tomorrow night for dinner with Romanian #2, maybe there is really a God. Pray for Romanian #1 by the way…God prompted me to buy her a Bible. I think she’s getting closer. I need the Holy Spirit to finish off the details.
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