Monday, December 15, 2008

Karaoke and loads of new friends...

What an amazing day it is has been. First of all..I feel like Im partially living in a dream, and partially living in a really poorly written soap opera. I must say the outpouring of support I’ve gotten has been really encouraging.

I must be doing something worthwhile out here…because it seems like the spiritual attacks are absolutely non-stop. It’s a strange sensation. When I have a cloud of heaviness that surrounds me…and I try to “Osteen” it away. (that means think good happy thoughts) Sometimes the cloud doesn’t lift immediately. Then inexplicably, the cloud lifts and the son shines through again. Its at that moment, I feel the prayers of others physically impacting my life. It’s a great great feeling. So thank you for your continued prayers for me and my children.

I went to our church’s Christmas party last night. It was really nice, meeting grown ups…lol. Most of the people I’ve met have revolved around the club scene. So this was a pleasant diversion. I like being around other like-minded Christians as well. Iron sharpens iron and you have to surround yourself with strong people. I was speaking with the pastor Graeme, wanting clarifcation of his .01% of Bahrain are Christians. He was referring to Bahraini Christians, not expat transplants. I asked him where he got his figures, he said…”I counted them...there are about 50.” I thought that was pretty funny, but not far fetched at all. This is such a tiny island, it really is possible to get to know many many people. The longer I’m here, the more people Im meeting on a daily basis. I just have to be patient. I met a lovely girl, named Natalie, a red-headed German that seemed to be about my age. She was a dentist. Being the new guy, they are always interested in hearing your story, my testimony if you will. So I tell them the same thing usually. The last three years have been tough, but God sees you through, he’s faithful, my intimacy has never been stronger…so on and so forth. Natalie, was a little bit surprised, thinking I was holding back. She wanted me to be honest with…she said…but how are you doing…really. I honestly replied, Im doing great. Though I have my occasional bad days, but don’t we all. I explained, when you are walking according to God’s ways, he has this uncanny nature to shield you from the emotional assaults that happen in life. As most of you know, I’ve had some really “sucky” things happen to me the last decade or so. But when I’m walking according to God’s ways, that just washes off of me like water off a duck’s back. I think that’s the plan. Yet, when I’m not walking according to God’s plan, those things start gnawing at me, really bothering me. I start thing, I deserve better, I’ve been wronged, I should be happy, I am right…the more I’s say, the more miserable I become. That’s why when Im under the umbrella of God’s protection, the rains of life don’t get me wet. They are just casually brushed off. So I have to remember to stay under God’s umbrella all the time. I think the Enemy’s greatest tactic is when he convinces us that we deserve to be self-centered. Justification is a dangerous thing.

Mo invited me out to Karaoke Idol at the Irish Pub tonight. It was great fun, though my clothes reek of smoke now. It was just a pleasant change. The singers were all quite good. I had an amazing conversation with a guy, I can’t remember his name, but he’s in training to be the first Arab to go to the North Pole. Its pretty ambitious. I saw his promo video a few weeks back and it was very well done. We just connected. He’s going to have one of his dinner parties and he invited me and a guest to come along. I guess I have to find a girl since it’s a pre-requisite.

I also had a chance to meet a local actress Angel (Irish girl) and her husband Robert. These are two lovely and very interesting people. She wanted my feedback on her work with Bahraini TV. While Angel has natural talent, I was shocked at the poor production value of this state run station. Like I told Angel, you might look great in an evening gown, but when you get in the old beaten up, rusted out chevy cavalier, it tends to ruin the whole look. But still she has talent and I think she’ll go somewhere. If nothing else, I’d probably hire her for KSDI. But that is probably months down the road. Its strange, once I mention that I’ve worked in Hollywood, people respond to it. They like that fact. I heard at the party, after I met someone new, he said…”Oh you are the Hollywood guy that Jaco told me about. I’ve been wanting to meet you.

I also met this other guy, who is doing Powerboat racing and wants KSDI to be his exclusive production company.

To top it all off, I picked up the Romanian from the airport. Its nice to have someone you can laugh with. I need more of that. She had been in Bahrain this morning, flew to London and came back same day. She was pretty exhausted. Still it was great to see her again. She had a very interesting take on the whole drama situation. Her take was the same take I was feeling and so many other’s that talked to me about it. That’s God for you…to reiterate that you are hearing his voice, he’ll repeat its 2-3 times in the day through various people/sources. There are several litmus tests that you can give yourself to find out if its God’s voice. One easy one is, that if that voice contradicts scripture, you know its not of God. The whole listening to God thing is not as easy as I make it out to be. But practice gets us closer to where He wants us to be.  

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