We had another day off today because of National Day, they call it Day (Singular) but it’s a two day holiday. Its just funny and cool watching people hand out their windows while they are driving around honking, waving flags and screaming. Not too safe, but funny nonetheless. Lots of spirit here.
You might remember god placing on my heart to start a Bible Study. I was trying to put a whole bunch of pressure on myself, How, where am I going to find people, do I need to solicit. But God told me, not to worry about it and leave all the details up to him. Actually everything about my anxieties Im supposed to leave to him. I planned my way here…God is directing my steps, every single one of them. I don’t really have to sweat a thing. That includes the emotional/lonely part too…more on that in a bit. I was speaking with the pastor of my church today, and expressing my interest in starting a home group/Bible Study. He said they already have one half formed in Juffair (My district) that just needs a leader. Whoa…I really didn’t have to do anything for that. Im meeting with the Pastor on Friday after the service to talk about the details. I also have been in contact with my former Pastor, Jim Lewis, head of the men’s ministries at Lakewood. And Lakewood is going to be sending me materials to help out with the study. You can’t come across too heavy with the Muslims or non-practicing muslims (there are a string of cars, passing by my apartments, honking their cars and waving their flags…Its awesome). So Joel Osteen’s light approach might be perfect. When Jim was endorsing me to the ministry department, he mentioned “This is a great success story.” That made me feel kind of good. From the Hell that I’ve been through the past four years…to where I am now…I think Im living proof of God’s grace and faithfulness. (more cars passing by now). Look, I just turned 40, moved to a different country and am about to embark on a life which God had been preparing for me professionally for 20 years. Im starting over with a world of opportunity out in front of me. Im so optimistic. I used to be accused of being Pollyannaish. Now, Im a more of a seasoned or weathered Pollyanna. Its Life…Take 2. Take 1 was great except for 3 of the last 4 years, and I think God is setting up Take 2 to be even better. As the aforementioned Joel Osteen might say, 2009 is going to be my best year ever. I believe it and claim it to be.
Im getting more and more comfortable with my solitude. What used to scare me, now im learning to embrace. Be comfortable with myself and my alone time. I know I’ll have someone to have in my life to love soon…Who…Im not really sure, but Im kind of hoping that God doesn’t call me to a life of being single. But even if he did, im sure he would give me the necessary strength I need to endure whatever situation I would be placed. I just can’t envision him calling me to be alone.
I got invited to a dinner party and Nabs house. Nabs is the guy that is going to the North Pole in December. He invited about 12 of his friends over. It was nice being able to talk and socialize in a non-club like setting. He was mentioning that he attended a fund raising luncheon with a couple of supporters. They were talking about doing a documentary of his Trek. One of the ladies…was excitedly going on and on about how this new “Hollywood” director has come to Bahrain…and Nabs said…Oh you mean…Rick. She said…yeah…you know him? So I guess this island is small enough for the reputation to spread. We are doing a big PR Campaign push in January announcing my arrival and KSDI emphasis into film and TV.
Lots of exciting things happening. By the way…If you would like to send this blog to a friend…please feel happy to. If you are regular reader, please sign in, or become a follower. You can anonymously follow if you like. I need a total of 20 followers to be a rated blog which will access more search engines. I want this blog to be a blessing to whomever might need it. I love when I get comments and responses from people I don’t even know. Its all very encouraging.
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