Well I felt a little silly about being angry yesterday. What a strange emotion that is. Doesn’t really accomplish much except get you and everyone else miserable. I am, However, a believer in righteous anger. I get very upset when there is injustice in the world in any form. I’ll fight against that. That’s why I am so glad I’m in the field that I am in. Media is a great tool to fight against social injustice and raise cultural awareness. One person can make a difference. One person with a well placed microphone or camera can exponentially influences dozens, hundreds, thousands and even millions. Its my prayer that God will use my skills and passions for that purpose.
I had so much activity today. I don’t want to say I was busy, because busy is a state of mind. Too many people find their identity with being busy. Come to think of it, I am rarely ever busy. Even running a company of 20, staying ahead of the recession, teaching 100 or so kids, kayaking, volunteering at church, editing programs, blogging for an hour a night…that’s a lot of activity, but rarely do I feel overwhelmed or busy. I mentioned this before in my blog, but since there are new readers and I am my father’s son, I’ll repeat myself. Martin Luther (the 95 theses guy, Lutherans know who he is, not the “I have a dream guy) was notoriously busy. He once famously said…”I have so much to do…I have so much to do…I must spend three hours in prayer.” It’s a funny thing about time. The more time you spend with God, the more time seems to stretch to allow you to get everything done. I’m not really sure how scientifically it works, but it does work. Its kind of like the principal of tithing. The money comes back to you…the more you give the more you get back. Tithing of your time to spend with God works on the same principal. The more you give the more God allows you space to get everything done.
So we did get a lot of stuff done today at KSDi. Im really enthused. This was supposed to be our dry time but we seem to be getting busier and busier. That is an answer to prayer. Basically here in Bahrain, most ex-pats leave for 4-6 week vacations to avoid the heat. So that affects July-August. Then Ramadan happens August-Sept for four weeks. Nothing gets done during really during Ramadan. They fast water, food, and cigarettes during the day, then eat at sundown. The Muslims usually eat eat and eat during the evening. Its quite a spectacle. So we are looking at three down months.
So does God care about the little things? Does he want us to have peace? I was a little bit worried about the financial situation of the company. Yet this week has been our busiest week of the past two months. Plus, we got an official commitment to the largest contract we’ve ever received while I’ve been at KSDi. That is certainly God’s favor. I think heading into my two week vacation (I leave Saturday) he wanted to put my mind at ease. Having this contract means we are set financially til at least September. I can relax and enjoy my children even more. That is such a blessing. I wasn’t really sure how I should focus my energies in strengthening the company. But it was just clear…I have to trust God on that one too. So I have been really trying to practice what I preach in “Seek First…” I don’t know how it works with the business but its working. God works in strange and mysterious ways.
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