I am spent. What a truly exhausting yet exhilarating day it was. I work very hard at what I do, still it seems a bit unfair that I get paid for this kind of stuff. That said, I know I’m very good at what I do, and not to many people can do it. Im very very blessed. Its just really bizarre that the sum of all my life experiences =being very prepared for what I do. So doing a lot of different things in the field of media makes me very general…perfect for a general manager.
I woke up early and went out to the marina. We hopped on Khalifa’s boat and went to the other side of the island. This is a work day I remind you. So there was this large caravan of old dhows (wooden boats) heading out from Bahrain to reenact pearl divers. Apparently they do this every year and that allows the young ones to participate to appreciate their heritage. So we got some amazing footage of the divers going down to get the oysters. Khalifa’s father was a pearl diver and he went on the boats when he was 7. So the subject is quite special for him. We got some amazing footage that again would have been so expensive for us to stage. Im truly blessed that we ran into this like we did.
Afterwards and we were on the boats shooting for 6 hours. I know poor me. But the weather did turn a bit warm, around 120 and rising. So it was a little uncomfortable but not much. When we got back we all ate together in the yacht club’s restaurant. I hadn’t been into the office at all. So I grabbed the two national newspapers. Our “Funniest Person” had two great write-ups about us. There were lots of pictures and big article. This was excellent coverage for us and very positive. I was jazzed, not just for me or KSDi but the actors are getting recognized for their work.
I rushed home at 4, and wanted to go kayaking before the event tonight. I only had an hour, but the water was almost crystal clear. I started out to see if I could cross the bay in an hour. I’ve only done that one other time before and that took me 90 minutes. But I was cruising and I made it back in 60 minutes. I had a great sense of accomplishment.
So then it was off to “The Funniest Person in Bahrain” round 2. I got there early to make sure all the equipment was set up. My crew had everything set and ready to handle. There was a sense of anticipation as we were getting tons of publicity. We set up an extra 50 chairs just in case. The crowd was quite overwhelming at about double what we had the previous week. I was more in the moment this week as I was a little bit more calm. I had a quick hook for the acts that were failing. Again my job is to make these people succeed. I thought the show was ok…not as good as the week before. Yet I was besieged with congratulations and what a great show. I had about 75% say that it was better than the previous week. That made me feel great. The performers all enjoy it more. I have a lot of people that want to audition to join the troop.
Im so tired, I can barely stay awake to type this. I’ve fallen asleep three time while I penned this blog. So it’s time for me to go bed.
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