I really don’t have much to say tonight. Im becoming pretty anti-social. I like to come home at night and relax. Although I am going out to a big party tomorrow night for new years. I was going to go to the local Bahrain Cinema Club tonight. They show art house movies on Wednesdays. Then I got to chat with Ms. Florida and two hours later we were finished. I would much rather chat/connect with someone online than sit through a movie. I am not an invalid. I do go out often with friends. On a typical week I go out to lunch or dinner 4-5 times with different friends and then play squash 2-3 times a week with different folks. That is in addition to being in close contact with the 20 employees I interact with at my office. That said, my social life online is much greater than my social life in the real world. Why is that? Perhaps its because Im a really fast typist and can express myself much better with typed words. Or because the online thing is my portal of communication back to the U.S. If I chat so much with the people in the U.S. I feel like Im still there. Im not really sure, but I like to chat a lot.
OK…this is kind of weird. I do a lot of online dating sites, primarily because there are so few Christian pretty girls, that are single and my age here. I mean, you can count them on your hand. Actually I only know of two, and they both come to my small group, but since Im the leader those are off-limits. So anyways, I’ve been doing this online dating this for a couple of years now. I abhor the thought of going to a singles bar. I did go to quite a few clubs when I first got here, then they became really boring. Any meaningful conversation you might have is forgotten about the next day because of the alcohol. So what’s the point? Anyways, I have cyber met so many fascinating and dear friends online. Some of which Im convinced will be my friends the rest of my life even though I probably will never meet any of them in the flesh.
So last night I was chatting with this beautiful Belarussian girl living in The Netherlands (Holland). She had a webcam so we chatted on camera. It makes the phone call much more interesting. So this girl is an artist, she showed me some of her work and it was really fantastic. She had sold a piece, only a few hours earlier for 4000 Euros, which is $6000 I think. So she was extremely beautiful. So we got to talking about God and I asked her if she went to church. She said no, she can’t. Why not? Because Im a witch. What!!!???!???!???!?? So that really turned the conversation obviously. She told me that she could see ghosts and went into detail about it. I found it actually to be a mix of scary and fascinating. Like I talking to M. Night Shamalyan or something. It was pretty clear that this person was under some pretty serious oppression though she didn’t realize it. She said she went to an exorcism last week at a church as the pastor was trying to rid her of these spirits. Four guys had to hold her down, and all she had to do was say Jesus release me or words to that affect, but she said she became paralyzed and couldn’t get the words out. The way she described it, was a scene out of the Exorcist . I truly believe she wanted to be delivered but the enemy had such a stronghold on her life. So then here I am talking about Jesus and my faith to this witch. It was a pretty bizarre experience. One would think that a Christian should have absolutely nothing to do with a Witch, right? But look at the circumstances, last week she was almost delivered then this week, she just happens across me, the Jesus-positive Living, Joel Osteen-I can do all things through Christ Freak. It’s a title I just anointed myself with and Im quite proud of it. Do you think that God might be trying to get through to this girl? I would think so. While there are no romantic possibilities with this girl because of the extreme of the unequally yoked thing, there was no reason why I couldn’t try to be used of Christ to speak truth into her life. So I prayed for her hard that night. I continued to pray today. I’ll ask you guys too…say a prayer for the Belarussian witch. That sounds kind of funny doesn’t it. People don’t really realize that Jesus spent 1/3 of his ministry casting out spirits and demons. Yet how many church services have you been to and actually seen that happen? I think that is just how the enemy wants it. Wow…this was supposed to be another short one.
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