I worked so hard the first year I was here. It seems lately, Ive been sooooo relaxing. Its been a lot of fun. I had fun when I was super busy, and I’ve had fun when things have slowed down. December is a big month for holidays here, both Bahraini national days and Islamic holidays and the traditional Christmas of course. I’ve learned how to relax and enjoy myself. If you look back at the first part of this blog, last November and December for instance. You would see that I was a bit of a workaholic. I’d stay late at the office, or work 6 day weeks through the weekend. Generally log about 70-80 hours a week. I didn’t complain about it, I chose that kind of routine. Coming home to an empty flat depressed me. Now…I love coming home to an empty flat. Don’t get me wrong, Im anxious to be in relationship and married again, and I probably will be sooner rather than later. But now Im adjusting to my lifestyle and Im content with whatever I have, because Im living my life right. This is where the “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I can be content while busy, or content while not so busy. So when I say I had a relaxing weekend, I really did.
Here was my agenda, Friday 3 appointments with friends, Lunch, Coffee, and Dinner, plus 4 hours of 24 season 5, talk to a new friend in Canada til 2a. Saturday, sleep til 10:30, order Irish breakfast delivered from Bennigan’s, to be delivered. Watch the last four hours of 24 season 5, finish watching season 2 of Curb Your Enthusiasm, finish reading a book about mega churches (which I didn’t like, but read it as a courtesy to my elder.) Then went to dinner with said elder and he told me essentially that Joel Osteen’s philosophies almost made him a false prophet. I defended Osteen. I detailed the results that his ministry had affected in my life and hundreds of thousands, or even millions of lives around the world, but he wasn’t too interested in the results. So we essentially agreed to disagree, because our arguments were using too much circular reasoning,we weren’t getting anywhere. But the great part is, I prayed before heading into this meeting and there wasn’t a heavy spirit of discord. We disagreed but we still loved each other as brothers. Even though I believe he is wrong, as he thinks I am wrong, I believe he handled a difficult situation in a correct theological way. So will the pulling of the church’s endorsement of my small church stop me, absolutely not. He even encouraged me to keep the group going. But it just won’t have the church’s affiliation. So Big deal. I was thinking of pouting, and going to another church, but that was just my flesh talking. I’ll continue to go to that church and continue to make myself available as a servant for however the church wants to use me.
After the dinner, I went out with Pat the basketball coach to The Informant. What a great great movie that was. I came home and talked to the Canadian for a few more hours, uh oh…I just gave her a nickname. She could be the South African, she could be the Canadian, or she could be the Doctor, I’ll have to figure out what the best nickname for her is . But there are some distinct possibilities there. So Im sure I’ll be blogging about her in later blogs. So a weekend full of social activity, rest, and lots and lots of TV and film. Im so refreshed to start my week off. Its going to be a week full of Christmas parties. Like I mentioned earlier, more Christmas parties for me than ever before. Just to show there were no bad feelings between the elder and I, Im headed to his house for a social on Christmas eve. Im still waiting to find out what to do on Christmas Day. Im a free agent, looking out for the best offer. God is good.
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