Saturday, December 5, 2009

Racquetball, squash, and reading

What an active day it was today. Pretty much the absolute polar opposite of yesterday. I think I was a little down yesterday because I always tend to get a little lonely on the weekends. Usually during the week there is so much activity I don’t have a chance to ponder my loneliness. But yesterday was a little bit worse since I was with my boys last weekend. So that really took its toll on me. Perhaps it was a spiritual test too. I tried to remain positive and hopeful. Well…it must have worked because as bad as yesterday was for me emotionally, today is just as good.

I got up early to play Russ at Racquetball on the Navy Base. Its always good to get on the base for the Taco Bell afterwards. You don’t know how much you miss a gordita until you can’t have one. Then straight away it was over to the British Club for squash with Darren. Playing both squash and racquetball on the same day was a bit of a challenge. Im wiped out now. I came back for a quick shower then I was off again. My friend Ashish invited me over to a Shakespeare-type of reading. They call themselves the readlings. It’s a group of about 5-7 people that read either Shakespeare or other authors every fortnight. What’s a fortnight? Im still not sure, but I think its every two weeks or so. I was surprised how much I liked it. The ladies were older, late 40’s, early 50’s from all over the globe. They were all quite interesting. It led for some intellectual discussion. We met in villa that had been converted to a tea parlor. As we were talking one of the ladies asked me an interesting question. She said..”Are you a lay pastor.” I had to think about that one for a moment. I do call myself a lay missionary, but a lay pastor? The title Pastor to me carries so much weight and significance. I didn’t want to be so bold and pronouncing myself as such. Yet what I do, is much more pastoral than it is missionary. I use the St. Francis Line a lot…”Preach the Gospel always…when necessary use words. I do that often. But in actuality, I have many more opportunities to share my faith and ideologies when I counsel with people which is very pastoral. So I looked up the term Pastor:
pas⋅tor  [pas-ter, pah-ster] Show IPA
1. a minister or priest in charge of a church.
2. a person having spiritual care of a number of persons.

Now Im not an ordained minister. I could become ordained, but I don’t see the purpose since it is not my calling at this stage of my life. But I believe I do represent definition #2 as I do have spiritual care over several people. This is where my Positive Living group comes in. In a sense we are a small church and since its my group I feel responsible for everyone that attends. Its something I do with great honor and care. Im blessed that God would find me worth to be involved with such a group.

I had an extreme amount of peace today. Things are still very tenuous. But I know that I know that I know that God has amazing plan for me. This month will be very interesting indeed.

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