Monday, December 7, 2009

Something good is about to happen

I want to thank those of you who prayed for me. It became clear to me a few hours into my day that my discouragement was really a spiritual attack. I should have seen it coming. I was in a depression because Im a one again and I miss my kids. The financial crisis is hitting us hard at work, and there is some questions about job security. Plus yesterday I gave my one month notice that I will vacate my apartment. Where will I move??? I have enjoyed living here especially with its proximity to all the American restaurants within walking distance. I did get a three bedroom flat. I wanted the extra two bedrooms in case my children wanted to visit, which they hadn’t. So its been kind of a waste of space. But maybe I shouldn’t consider it a waste of space. It is a big place and it has allowed me to comfortably hold several parties and my weekly positive living group. More on that in a moment. But there is a certain amount of security having you’re a place to call your home and when you don’t know where that next place will be exactly, there is a certain amount of uneasiness. But I felt absolutely led to give my notice as Im continuing to walk this walk of faith. Even with all these work issues at home and my place of employment, I have to make the choice to walk by faith. I did share my concerns in the blog and some of you wrote to encourage me which is greatly appreciated. I wanted to share openly and honestly with you what I am feeling and going through. I think as a Christian its pretty normal to have doubts every once in a while. Those fears and concerns are merely what the enemy uses to steal our joy. I sometimes succumb and am worried, yet in the long run, I know that God will come through. But still in the back of your head, you’re worried…well just maybe, what if kind of stuff…. Kenneth from 30 rock says “I don’t believe in Hypotheticals, that’s just lying to your brain.” So Im trying to be quite transparent with those fears and concerns with you as part of my testimony. That way when my God does indeed come through you can all appreciate the victory with me vicariously. Maybe its to show you that its normal for you readers to have fears and doubts in life but you can overcome them just like I am.

I went to lunch with my new good friend Pat. He’s an older guy that coaches the basketball team Lamond Murray plays on. The basketball league is rather tenuous here. Pat’s team was undefeated going into last night’s game, and one of the elite teams in the league. They lost a nailbiter to last year’s defending champion. They are now, 7-1 tied for first place. Yet amazingly enough Pat is now on the hotseat. After a one game losing streak. They expect results immediately and more than a 2-3 game losing streak you better know where your suitcase is. Its crazy, there is no patience. Another good friend, Ozelle was coaching here just briefly. We were about to become roommates, but he lost his first three games with not a very good team and he was fired by the team. But God was watching over Ozelle. He faced the transition bravely knowing God would come through for him. In less than a week he was coaching a team in Palestine. There are a lot of positive things about the Arabs and living here, but their patience and emotional decisions certainly aren’t up high on the list of their virtues. So Pat and I had lunch together and we mainly talked about Fear and how it was a tool of the enemy. I told him that I knew December was going to be a big big month for me, and now, Im kind of scared that it might not be. Then again, the devil always attacks the hardest when something great is about to happen. Im speaking that out in faith. We had our positive living group tonight and we had three new people show up, for a total of 7 of us. What was the message Joel was speaking?…When bad things strike something good is probably just about to happen. Im not making this stuff up. I think that God was trying to tell me something there obviously. Im pretty encouraged even though nothing in my external circumstances changed. We had a great group discussion for about 90 minutes after the video. Its obvious to me that God is strengthening spiritual walks through this group. Its not my doing, its just that Im making myself available and God is using me.

Im pretty blessed. Please continue to keep me in prayer…the next two weeks are going to be big.

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