Friday, December 4, 2009

A relaxed day

It was a very different day today for me. I stayed up the night before chatting and talking to friends until five in the morning. So I guess Im not over my jetlag yet. Its funny. I find it much easier to adjust when I travel west. But whenever I travel east it takes a little bit longer. The good thing is that Im still functional for the most part. Since it’s the weekend, I have no problem with staying up late. Plus with all my friends in the U.S. the time difference makes it a little more convenient to talk. So I slept in really late today. I think im having a hard time admitting that I’m a little sick. I feel normal for the most part, just a little congested and I lost my voice. But I was really feeling it this morning. So a friend recommended plenty of rest and fluids. So sleeping in until 2:00 pm seemed in order. I don’t think I’ve ever done that before.

Today was amazingly relaxed, after watching season 3 of The Family Guy I finally got going. I wnt to Fuddruckers and finally finished my book “Fire of delayed Answers” I can’t believe it took me three years to finish it. Maybe because God spoke to me so much through that book I intentionally didn’t want it to end. So I read a book today…that was productive.

My parents bought me a Play Station 3 for Christmas, which was awfully kind of them. I mainly wanted it for the blueray player but I also bought a few games. So it was kind of fun just to waste the day away. I feel very relaxed.

It’s been kind of struggle to write in this blog lately. It feels like Its becoming somewhat of a burden. Am I still called to write it in everyday? Im not sure. Its almost like an addiction haw I have to chronicle what happens in my day. For who? Im not really sure. Maybe the time is coming to end when I stop writing in it every day.

Im just in a weird spiritual state right now. I have this mix of uneasiness and excitement. The uneasiness takes place from the instability at work. The excitement is because God has always come through for me in the past. I know that December is going to be a big big month so part of me is excited to play out, yet there’s another part of me that fears it will just be ordinary. I feel like my faith is being tested so Im going back to do the only thing I know how to do….and that is to seek God with all my heart. I know this must be a season to do that.

I hope I don’t bore you with the blog, when I chronicle unextraordinary events happening in what has been an absolutely extraordinary and blessed year. I think this is the calm before all the big things start to hit.

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