Monday, December 28, 2009

God let me make it home in four minutes...Please!!!

I was having a really down day today. I was just zapped of emotional energy. I go in waves, sometimes Im super positive other times Im a realist. Its important to note that I never go into the pessimistic mode. I think if you are a pessimist and a Christian, something is wrong. I have long talks with a dear friend here who tends towards pessimistic thinking but is one of the strongest most knowledgeable Christians that I know. Something is wrong with that line of thinking. But I don’t think I’ll be able to convince this person of that overnight. God needs to do a work.

So the first thing I did today was interview Adam’s mother, Rebecca. Rebecca is in town just for Christmas and couple days after and is heading to Qatar tonight to resume her battle to gain custody of her son. The story is quite tragic and I think the reason why it affected me so much is that her son was physically abducted. Whereas I believe my children were psychologically abducted. So I could relate to her in so many ways. It was a pretty tense and emotional interview but I got exactly what I wanted out of the interview. She was very happy to share everything. Hopefully I can take this material and turn it into a fantastic documentary. I hope that through the media we can take a firestorm of public support. To get this child home, it needs political pressure, and to create pressure the media is usually the only resort. Im happy Nader gave me the go ahead to get this done, because we’re donating our time and services to it.

So I’ve been in the funk all day. I went to the Supermarket after work. I always provide dinner for my positive living group. Most of the time I go to restaurants, but this time I decided to go the supermarket and have them prepare a fresh meal. The supermarket was packed and I had to really test my patience with people and their shopping carts cutting in and out in front of you. You think the driving in the Middle East and India is bad (and it really is) supermarket cart driving is ten times worse. So I had to check myself and be patient. I got all the food, then had to wait another 25 minutes in the check out line. Then I get in the car and the traffic was horrendous. So I was going to be 20-25 minutes late to my own small group. The whole time I was praying for God to give me grace and for the traffic to clear up so I could make it home in four minutes. But the traffic didn’t clear up and I thought my prayer wasn’t answered. So I had all this food and no one was at my house. So I figured they had already came and left. So I resolved that I was going to have a dinner alone tonight. There had been only one time previous where no one showed up to the Positive living group, but I knew there wouldn’t be anyone because everyone had let me know ahead of time. So I make myself a plate of food and just as I was about to take the first bite, Art walked in with his wife and guest. I happily got the plates and spread out the food. Then another girl, a beautiful Iranian flight attendant brought a friend, and a few more people showed up. So in a matter of 10 minutes I went from no one to a full house. Isn’t that interesting that I prayed for traffic to clear up, but it didn’t. Yet God answered my prayers by having everyone else delayed. God answers prayers but not always in the way people.

I was so encouraged by the group tonight. I think I needed it more than anyone else. It just inspires me to see so many people blessed by it. Christina pulled me aside and wanted to let me know that she has been so blessed by it. But not just her, she is sharing the principles with many of her friends and they are getting blessed by it too. Christina is the only person that came from my home church where it was formerly affiliated. She also didn’t know about my discussions with them. So she came to encourage me and it was totally unsolicited and without intention. So that really encouraged me.

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