We are having cash flow issues at work again. I think that was one of the issues I think God was trying to warn me about. I spoke with Tanya today and that is an issue the company has faced for years. Get fat during the good months so you can hibernate/survive during the summer months. Nader did try to warn me about it. But I guess I had to experience it the first time through. I did bring in three major video projects and that has kept us afloat so far. We have thousands of dollars of outstanding money that will come to us in the next 30-60 days because of it, but we just have to make payroll until that happens. One of the reasons why I was so upset on Thursday is that I was not able to hire one of the candidates for the sales position that I wanted to hire. The reason, he was too young, just 23. But the kid is so sharp. We still wound up hiring a very good and sharp salesperson. Im excited about him. We haven’t had any productivity out of the sales position since I’ve been here. The onus of the lack of cash flow ultimately falls on me, so its my neck on the line. While we have developed a great product and efficient staff, we have to have more projects. Im told the work just rolls in right after Ramadan. So Im preparing for the feast. But until that point gets here, I had to be aggressive. Khalifa told me on Thursday as I was arguing for the kid, if you believe in him so much, you pay for him. So that’s exactly what Im doing. I know this is a rather unorthodox move for a GM, but Im absolutely an unorthodox guy. So Im taking a cut in salary so I can bring this guy aboard. I believe in him that much. It is a gamble, but hopefully after three months he’ll have more than paid for himself. With two really great sales people, its only a matter of time before the ship rights itself, and I can go back to what I do really well…making movies. Im good at sales, and now negotiating, but I’d rather put my focus on the product. I feel very confident about that.
So the whole six weeks of crap continued with a note from X. I’m going to vent here, so if the negativity disturbs you, stop reading and come back tomorrow for more happy happy joy joy. I got an email from X wanting more money for medical bills…That is all well and good. My son has been asking about me coming back to his Talent show in November for three months now. It is very important to him. So in response to X, I asked if I could have the kids for a couple of days over thanksgiving to coincide with me coming back to Max’s play. I also asked what she wanted to do at Christmas and that I could be flexible. She responded that my weekend are the 1st, 3rd, and 5th weekends and I could see the kids if the talent show fell on one of those weekends. Further, my visitation for Christmas starts on Dec. 26, and goes to the first day of school, but, she is expecting an addition to the family (she’s pregnant) and wants the kids to be at the hospital when the baby is born and when they come home from the hospital. So I responded, lets just have a kitchen table compromise, let me have the week at Thanksgiving and I’ll do my Christmas with them then. That way you could have them uninterrupted during Christmas and when you have the baby. Then I told her congratulations, and I meant it. She responded, your weekends are the 1st, 3rd, and 5th, there will be no compromises or deviations form the decree. She gets the kids as it is, for 11 months a year and she can’t spare a couple of days in November? It’s truly amazing how justified she thinks she is in her own mind. It reminds me of the time two years ago, my daughter was the lead in the school play. My parents and I wanted to fly back to see her perform, but it was not the 1st 3rd, or 5th weekend, so X wouldn’t allow a sleep over at my house, we couldn’t even take the kids to dinner or ice cream after. So my parents decided not to come, but I did. My boys weren’t allowed to sit with me during the performance, and could only speak to me for two minutes during intermission. I later found out that night, they all spent the night at their friend’s houses (rather than spend time with their dad) and when I asked for and was rejected to go to breakfast with them on Monday, I found out they were home alone the whole day. The question is…I know that Proverbs says a man’s ways is justified in his own mind…but really I can’t see how X justifies this. There is so much hatred and bitterness not spoken through words…but in action. Its sad, because while X thinks that she is punishing me for some perceived offense, the real losers are the kids. The kids always lose in divorce, that is why God hates it so much. I think divorce is the ultimate act of selfishness unless there is abuse or continuous unrepentant adultery involved. Everyone tells me that the kids will see the truth eventually. Light always exposes dark.
On the bright side, I fasted today as per God’s instruction. While this episode with X, could have been emotionally devastating, I feel stronger now. It doesn’t make sense, but with everything that is going on, I have more peace and joy at this very moment than I did last week when things were peachy. I guess this is what it feels like to be cool in the furnace. On an even brighter note, I beat Darren (who skunked me last time) 3 out of 4 in squash, and I didn’t hit him once. In all fairness to Darren, I think I was playing with unfair advantage, God knew I needed this one.
There is no retort that could justify these actions. I certainly understand being there for the new addition but come on.......no compromises whatsoever. Under all that anger there must be some amazing things to cause such ugly unrelenting reactions. Where is "Do unto others" ect come into this picture. The 23rd Psalm....forgive my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me. Lighten up and all the world will be a brighter place and why not start in Texas.
It just gets more ridiculous. So, if I'm hearing it right, you need to pay more money than you are "legally obligated" to pay, you are to be more flexible at Christmas than you are "legally obligated" to be, in order to accomodate the new arrival, BUT you are not to ask for any flexibility on her part - ever! Hmmm, where does not returning evil for evil just begin to look like playing right into the hands of the Enemy? I'm glad you're holding strong. And I'm glad that we have a God that we can fully trust the kids to. Btw, I was glad to see them (at least the boys) doing as well as they were. Would love to see you guys again!
New Hubby decided to leave a comment which talked about my youngest son in a negative manner with personal intimate information that I didn't want the public to see. I don't mind if they attack me, but don't involve the details of my children. So out of integrity and loyalty to my son, I deleted the comment, but I'm reposting the rest of what new hubby said. Many of the facts he got wrong. They think if they post something with 20% factual and 80% fabrication it is construed as truth in their own mind.
These children are my children and X's they are not new hubby's children. So I don't want him talking about my kids in that manner so I will control it if he posts about them on the site. I can't control the Parental Alienation nor the distortion of truth, but I can control this site. I encourage them to start their own blog if they want to air their side of the story.
I told you that every three weeks there is some sort of conflict. But this is a record, we went nearly five weeks without X stirring up a conflict. That got me thinking. I wonder if there is some sort of personality disorder called conflict addiction? In my search I found a very real, but obscure disorder called Drama Addiction. Here is a link to a very interesting article, if you want to read more about it.
In the meantime, here is a repost of New Hubby's comment. Its interesting that four months ago, he swore that this blog would be blocked from their home, yet here he is reading everyday and posting again. Hmmmmm credibility issues?
This is New Hubby's post:
Anonymous said...
1. As stated in the blog we get the kids 11 months? Completely inaccurate...we GET the kids for about half of the year, as does he. But when HE CHOSE TO MOVE to Bahrain he relinquished some of his visitations, so now we have them when he should...in no way did the decree change giving us more time with them, he moved so now we have them more often.
2. He talks about a play last year and the boys could not sit with him and could not talk with him, but fails to mention that when we attend baseball games on his visit weekends to watch our youngest play, we do not interact with our son...knowing that it is his dad's visit weekend and that would not be fair. And what he also failed to mention is that we told the boys to go talk with him, they did not ask to, we told them that since their dad was there they needed to go at least talk to him during the intermission.
3. About this whole 'legally obligated' thing to pay us more money. Not even sure where in the world this came from, he is obligated to pay 50% of all medical expenses, we had to take our daughter who is very sick to the emergency room, the co-pay was $100. And amazingly enough and to everyone's surprise, guess how much we asked for? $50, and in my math that is 50%. We did inform him that the medical insurance has gone up(which he is legally obligated to pay). At the time of the decree it was one amount, and has gone up, so we simply E-mail him, let him know, and told him to do what he felt is right..we are not asking for anymore money than what is 'legally obligated.'
4. About the whole visitation thing that seems to be such an issue...we have never asked him to change his Christmas visit, the kids have. And we simply wrote in a E-mail response to him yesterday that we would not be open to making any alterations to the decree unless it was a major life event such as marriage, death in the family, baby birth, and at that point if the kids wanted to attend then we would do everything possible to get them where they needed to go. And for the 'flexibility' over Thanksgiving, sorry we are not willing to be flexible and alter the kids lives during school. Their school is very important and so no, we are not willing to change anything then.
5. (Deleted)
Sean and Lori Boyle
PS It is always stated how comments are never going to be deleted, but just like our last one...are you going to delete this?
September 14, 2009 3:13 PM
I am so sorry for all that they are putting you through. As a co-parent I understand how you need to make things as easy for the children as possible for their sake. This way the kids can have the most productive happy lives. They do not need to be mixed up in the drama that the parents and the new step parent or parents cause. I truly feel sorry for the kids and for this new addition to the family. It seems as if parental alienation is a common theme in ex's life and history is repeating itself.
It is sad that new husband feels compelled to make you the bad guy in all situations. You do not deserve this and frankly he comes off looking like an ass.
I find it interesting that the part you want to delete isn't as much about what our youngest son did, but that it exposes what YOU were legally obligated to do to prevent the incident from ever happening, and because of your disregard for court orders, an unfortunate incident occured. I don't believe for a minute you want to protect your son as much as you don't want the truth of your irresponsible misbehavior, which is truth, exposed.
Let's look at who started this drama, Rick. We sent you an email, privately, about our daughter having a medical issue and fulfilling my obligations in the the decree to inform you about it and to let you know of the cost, which we are to split. I am also legally obligated to let you know about changes in their medical coverage, including premium changes. I have sent these notices to your address as ordered in the decree, but you never receive nor respond. I did not ASK for anything. I informed you and told you to do what you think is right. There is no distortion there. You distorted the facts in your blog posting.
YOU chose to bring up other issues of visitation, etc. And we responded as we always do. You ALWAYS ask for kitchen table agreement/changes to suit your needs, and we ALWAYS say look and follow the decree and the calendar. YOU chose to take these matters public to the blog again, in a desperate attempt for sympathy and attention. If I was looking to stir up drama, believe me, I would have much better ways than saying stick to the decree. I have no interest in having a blog to air my side--but if you misrepresent what I say or do, I will respond.
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