Tuesday, September 29, 2009


When God told me the next six would be difficult, I tried to anticipate it. I guess I didn’t anticipate it enough. Oh…just in case you are wondering, God is totally speaking to me in the midst of all the crap as a means of encouragement. But right now I feel like Im in the midst of the storm. There are so many little crappy things happening. Not one big giant issue, just about a dozen headaches. They can be rectified, but it’s a big hassle. But in the midst of everything, its not making my life miserable. I believe that God prepared me for this. Although I probably should have prepared more. There are issues from home, issues at work, deadlines, extra-curricular hassles, being lonely. But if I look on the bright side, Im healthy. I’ve had such a great run the last 11 months. Its been so full of joy and peace. Although the storms have still raged, I’ve had peace in the midst of the storm. But now its being really tested. God must have amazing plans for me by the end of October. If I can just bear down and make it through, I’ll be fine. So please keep me in your prayers. I believe the enemy focuses his efforts on people that are doing effective work for the Kingdom, so the fact that I’m facing such fire, Im kind of taking it as a compliment.

Well the good news is that the client came into see the rough cut yesterday. He was very happy with the project. Its coming together nicely. Now we have a day and a half to finish it. So let me go over my schedule with you. This is why I am a little bit overwhelmed right now. We have a big presentation to give a client on Thursday. The good thing is I have my new sales manager Darin on it, plus Tanya’s husband Raimond is helping out as well. This could be a huge client. We had a very big meeting today with the undersecretary of the ministry of health for a video project. Tomorrow we have a meeting with one of the richest corporations in all of Bahrain. Thursday we deliver a project to the client. Today, I had to rewrite a script for the Port Project, record a voice over narration with Khalid, finish the audio and video edit for Labor fund video (which is a daunting 30 min.) Khalifa was going to have his friend record the Voice over, which is a bit of a help. Tomorrow we have to integrate the Voice over, change the pictures, select the music, mix the piece, add graphics, create a dvd menu with chapters, author the DVD and burn it. We are also having our Funniest Person in Bahrain contest practice session tomorrow night. I have to script out the show, and prepare the performers for the practice. In the mean time I have to learn a monologue for church on Thursday. Once we get past the delivery of the DVD on Thursday, the client, who is huge is going to screen it on Saturday…so these are real deadlines. Next week doesn’t let up much, as I have two more deadlines to hit. Again very big clients. I know there are other things I need to do too, like manage the office in the midst of the glue (Simi) being gone. I also have to bring in some more income to cover payroll next month and manager the staff of 20. Now this is just the Bahrain section. There are storms brewing in the U.S. too (surprisingly enough none really have to do with X, which Im thrilled about).

I took Reji, Manu, and Moody out to lunch today. We walked down to Hardee’s. I had been a little short with them because of the pressure and wanted to apologize to them. I want to be able handle pressure with grace. To lead by example. We all face stress, and I want to handle mine with peace in my heart.

I went to a restaurant tonight. The waiter got really excited. “Sir I saw you in a magazine.” I never saw this particular waiter before. “You are Mr. Beeman, film director.” That was kind of neat, lifted my spirits a bit.

So I better cut this a little bit short. I feel like Im running in place because I have so much to do. So much stuff that its hard for me to figure out where and how to start.

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