Thursday, September 10, 2009

A sucky day

I have felt all week that something bad was going to happen and that I needed to prepare myself. Usually when I get these early warning signs from God to prepare some hardship. Usually the warnings in the past have had to do with some sort of shenanigan’s from X. But not this time. I had an early morning meeting with some pretty important clients. The big project we’ve been working on for awhile…they essentially tore to shreds. There were a couple things that I didn’t like the way they handled the project. First of all..they had no comments on the rough cut, and said they deferred to another division for all their comments. So we adjusted the project based on the other division’s recommendations. Now three months later, once the project is complete they have a wealth of notes and we essentially have to recut everything. Why didn’t they tell us this months ago? It would have saved so much time. Some of their comments were helpful…the rest were kind of pointless. So it created a lot of extra work. We have to keep the client happy. But for some reason, that totally took the wind out of my sails. I was hoping this project was complete, now I have to go back to the drawing board. We are waiting on a huge check for the completion of this project, and that put off the check for at least two more months.

There were a couple of other things that happened at work that really bothered me. But I shouldn’t go into detail now. I have to learn that there is a distinct difference the way they do business in the Middle East, and I need to remember my place in the hierarchy of the company.

So those two things really got me in a funk today. My phone also stopped working. Before I couldn’t get incoming calls…now I couldn’t make outgoing either. Im missing a lot of work calls. I went out and bought a super cheap phone, put the sim card in that…and it seems to be working. So I guess I have to live with a cheap phone for bit while I see if it works.

We had a practice for Bahrain’s Funniest Person. We had about half the cast show up. These people are funny. I was honored that they were so committed to helping make the show better.

I was supposed to go to a party after the practice. It was a Hawaiian party and I put on my most awful Hawaiian shirt in the world. Its so awful, its absolutely fantastic. But I just wasn’t feeling it tonight. I hope this funk won’t last throughout the weekend. I guess I should count myself as lucky. I don’t have bad days very often at all here. In fact (I’d have to check throughout the log) that I don’t think I’ve had five bad days total since I’ve been here. That is kind of a great thing if you think about. Im very fortunate.

I better cut this short…Im just not feeling it. Say a prayer for me if you think about it.


Anonymous said...

I always pray for you. Hang in there. You are loved here.


Anonymous said...

that last comment was so cool. Loved it. I always pray for you too for so many different things and know as you follow HIM that all things work together to good. You are a champ in my book and our God is in control. Miss you too much. Hayward CA