It was a slow and frustrating start to my day off and that seemed to get better as time went along. I was invited to a new church, so I decided that I’d give it a try. It was the national evangelical church, which is an Anglican church in the American Mission Hospital. The church has been around as long as the hospital has which is almost 100 years. So it was actually American Missionaries way back, wanted to reach the Bahrainis so the built a hospital and lured people in that way. It’s a great concept, like bringing people in with loaves and fishes. We did the same type of thing in Taiwan only we were teaching English. You give the natives something they desire and they are more open to listening to what you have to say. The church was an even mix of Indians and Filipinos, and white people. It was kind of a dull service. But the praise and worship was fantastic. That’s what my friend told me was the best part of the church.
I came back and rested and relaxed a bit. Im still a bit upset about my kids. X has them believing Im some sort of monster. They are making the choice to not communicate with me but she is doing a really good job of manipulating them into their choices. Its classic brainwashing-parental alienation. I mentioned this before, but it kind of proves my case. “Mommy is not blocking me from coming to Bahrain, but if I come, she’ll lock the door behind me, so I can’t come back.” So the kids are accurate when they say its their choice…but given those parameters…its not really a choice. That’s just one of dozens examples of the manipulation that is going on turning me into the bad guy. My mother wanted to open up a savings account to put money into it for all the kids, for their birthdays, graduations, etc. But to open it in their name, she needed there SS #. She sent X an email to ask about the SS #’s, They responded…”No” Huh…My mother is trying to give them money…and they say no. I think X and new hubby need not just me, but my entire family to be the bad guys here. If you know me or my parents…you’d know we are pretty decent people. I think I only have one maybe two enemies in the world…both happened to be living in Texas. Its sad because the kids are losing the relationship with grandparents they used to be very close to. Why do the Beeman’s have to be made into the enemy. Isn’t that damaging long term to the children. I’ve had so many divorced women say to me…”Even though my kids dad is a scumbag, I have to make him into a prince in the kids eyes” That is the healthy response…X is choosing the alternative. I know I bag on X and her new hubby in this forum, but I”ve only said one bad thing about her ever in front of the kids. And that is…when I was served the divorce papers in front of the kids, and they were crying….I said…”Your mommy is having a hard time being a good Christian right now.” That is the only thing I ever said negative about her in front of them. There may have been a few occasions where they overheard me talking on the phone…but it was entirely unintentional. I think what X and new hubby are doing is a form of psychological and mental abuse. But she is so good with twisting the truth that it all comes back to being my fault in their eyes all the time. For some reason it’s a “us vs. them” scenario. It sucks.. but it is that way. I can’t do anything to change it.
Wow…I didn’t mean to get on that. But last night I dreamt about X. I don’t dream about her often. But in this particular dream, I really told her off. I don’t get a chance to express myself to her because she usually says what she has to say and hangs up before I can respond. So maybe that is why its stirring in my head. She’s married…she’s moved on…Im willing to work on it for the sake of the children, but when you haven’t had a civil conversation for three years, it makes it hard to communicate. I do miss my children….Im living the Harry Chapin song…and can’t do anything to fix it.
OK…enough of me crying. I went to Models night at a club. It was really a ton of fun. I’m starting to get to know soooo many people here. Since Im a director, its really advantageous for me professionally to make a bit of a splash there. I know…rough job but someone’s got to do it. I like meeting people and renewing acquaintances. I stayed out til 2am…which I haven’t done in awhile.. It felt great.
Decent guys don't post all about their children in a negative way on the internet for them to find.
And encouraging a child's relationship with a scumbag is healthy how?
It sounds like your ex wife and children just might be right. Think about it.untshonv
wonder who is calling who a scumbag.....that's not a very long stretch. Limited vocab continues
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