Saturday, April 4, 2009

Acting class and Greece

I got back from teaching acting class tonight.  I teach three sessions.  Kids from 2:30 to 4:30, teens from 5:00-7:00, and Adults 7:30-9:00.  Tonight was one of those nights where I felt I was a great teacher from the kids to teens to adults.  What makes that feel so strange, that with all the classes I’ve taught this lesson, this is the one where I prepared the least amount.  I have taught these sessions so many times and have the curriculum all printed out, so I don’t need a ton of prep time.  But still I try to take 3-4 hours before each class to really study the material.  This time, I took about 1 hour and I felt as if I gave some great lessons.  The kids are amazing to watch.  I have about 10 of them.  At first they were so timid and quiet, now they are wild with enthusiasm.  Its like this class is the highlight of their week.  I even jumped into the improv with them and had a great time.  Its so rewarding for me to see them develop and have fun.  Its like Im making a significant impact in these kids lives equipping them with confidence and skill sets that they can use the rest of their lives.  The adults are very rewarding as well.  The improv sketches are getting funnier and funnier.  When they succeed it makes me feel like a good teacher.  The students in the class are all becoming like family.  Because we release our inhibitions and share emotionally scary things together…it created a unique bond.  Its an atmosphere I love to foster.  Even though I’m working 6 days a week at about 70-80 hours, it doesn’t feel like work.  The acting class for me is like therapy.  Still I need to be careful about burnout.  Especially since we are adding another day of classes in two weeks. 

One of my students invited me over to spend Easter with her family in Greece.  She’s married…so don’t get any ideas.  Im thinking of taking a long weekend and going for Easter.  The Greek Orthodox Easter is supposed to be a big deal, I thought it would be good to experience it.  Plus, with my friend the Romanian, giving me a 50% off airline ticket, I can fly to Greece for about $250 bucks or so stay with her family.  Eat all their greek food.  She told me…That “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”  Is her life.  So I figured it would be an amazing cultural experience.  I’m here…and the flight is only four hours…so why not?  I hope to go to India and visit Reji and his family with the same 50% off ticket.  I figured Im in the middle of everything and most things seem to be only a 4-5 hour flight away…I might as well take advantage of the opportunity.

Please continue to pray for the restoration of my relationship with my kids.  I miss them like crazy.  


rbbeme said...

sounds like that is an offer that can't be refused. I hope it works out for the trip to happen. You deserve it. Continuing to pray every day for family peace and restoration with with kids. Believe it will happen. Time an God, healer of all our heart cries within his will. The kids restoration is certainly his will - it is his will and his timing not ours however....that's the hardest part.....his timing

Paul Diamond said...

Greek Easter is a laugh for sure. Here in Kalymnos (Dodecanese) its all abotu the dynamite.

There are also an awful lot of nervous looking sheep and goats in town. Their time is near.

Kalos Irthate (welcome). Have a great time in Greece.