Thursday, April 23, 2009


Im exhausted…simply exhausted.  I just had no idea how mentally taxing the teaching thing really is.  When I was in California, I only taught one class a day and that took a lot out of me.  Then when I got to Bahrain, and I did three back to back to back…that took a lot out of me and I eventually compensated and adjusted to the new routine.  Part of my compensation was since the class was on Saturday, I slept in late, so I was well rested.  I also took a lot of time to mentally prepare.  So by the time the classes rolled around, I had plenty of energy.  But this past class yesterday…wow…  It really sapped me.  It was a great group.  We had 10 children, 10 teens, and 10 adults.  But the issue was the preparation.  We have had such a busy month in April.  Now busy is quite good, because im told July and August are dead months.  Since it is so hot here then, most everyone on the island leaves.  So in a way we are working hard so we can professionally hibernate.  I still enjoy what Im doing, but I just really have to focus on the tasks at hand and not let anything slip through the cracks.  Not only do I have my projects to do, but my day consists of 75% of unexpected management duties that must be adhered to so the rest of the staff can work.  That only leaves 25% of the time for me to finish my full time projects.  Now I’m not complaining, I just have to adjust accordingly.  A few of the headaches.  I had to reprimand an employee this week…almost made her cry.  That is so not in my nature.  Then I had two employees ask me for significant pay raises otherwise they threatened to leave.  Those aren’t pleasant experiences.  I pride myself on being a good and fair boss.  In fact, I think Im one of the best.  Im constantly affirming and giving perks, picking up the tab, giving them treats.  But for some that is not enough.  I know the economy is bad and everyone has their own unique set of financial needs, but in this recession as Im trying to keep the company afloat, it’s a bad time to make ultimatums.  We have so much potential in this company and we are really starting grow, but we are not out of the woods yet.  It looks good long term, but we have to work a bit to get there.  Im not sure what is going to happen with these two ultimatums these employees gave me.  I suspect one will stick with his…the other will back down.  I know my superior’s reaction.  I try to shield him from all of that.  Nader is very cut and dried.  He threatened last week that he sacked his best friend and brother…no one is untouchable.  I guess that includes me….but im not worried about my job security…I know my value. 

So after a event filled morning…I slept in and didn’t get to the office til 10.  By the time 3:00 rolled around I could feel my brain just kind of shut down.  It was a weird experience.  I was no longer being productive.  I hadn’t eaten yet so im sure that had something to do with it.  So I left the office a little bit early and went to the Bahrain Boat Show at Amwaj islands.  I saw all the models that I work with as they were working the event.  I also connected with Armand unexpectedly.  I wanted to go to the Boat show to see if I could buy a kayak.  They had an acrylic, plexiglass type of kayak that was completely see through.  I thought how cool would that be.  But it was big…a two person kayak.  I wanted a smaller one…I looked online and found a smaller fold up see through kayak that fits in a backpack.  I’m going to try to order it.  I just think it would be cool for an early morning kayak ride on the Persian Gulf for my exercise. 

After the boat show, I came back and slept.  Then a colleague of mine invited me to something he created called “Stand Up-Step Up.”  It was an arab version of Def Comedy Jam, with a lot of staged poetry.  I thought it was going to be hokey, but I wanted to go to support him.  We conduct our acting classes in his studio.  His name is Art Jones, he’s a pretty interesting guy.  In New York when he was just out of college in the 70’s he was part of a team that created School House Rock.  I thought that was a great TV show.  In fact, I couldn’t wait to have kids so I could watch that with them.  “She unpacked her adjectives…” “Lolly lolly lolly get your adverbs here” “Conjuction Junction…what’s your function…” “Interjection, for emotion, and excitement…”  and those are just off the top of my head.  I was actually quite surprised by the performance.  It was pretty good.  I enjoyed myself.  I was invited to go to a couple of clubs afterwards.  There are soooooo many parties this weekend.  But I was just too wiped out. Tomorrow is the big party night for me…I have to hit two big ones.   I don’t really like the clubs/party…but hopefully…I’ll be able to make it through.   

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