Thursday, April 2, 2009

A little blah...

It’s been a little bit of a blah day today.  Whenever I have conflict with the kids…or any conflict really, it doesn’t hit me right away.  It usually takes a day or two to sink in.  So maybe that’s why Im in a funk.  I’ve had so many fantastic days over here, I was bound to have a bad one.  Im fortunate that I haven’t had too many bad ones over here.  God is really blessing me.  It’s a weekend night…and I just don’t feel like going out to the clubs.  I really dislike them.  Im supposed to go to a thing called “Models Night” tomorrow at a club.  It’s a special promotion with all the models being displayed in the club.  Its actually quite popular.  They want me to go because of the whole “director” thing.  I know…rough job.  That’s what all my friends say to make fun of me.  But really its not that big of a deal to me.  I work with models and actresses all the time.  I know how to communicate with them.  Its also good for networking purposes.  I usually pick up a few of these models that want to go to acting class. 

Its weird..Im just out of juice right now.  This blog is becoming harder and harder to write.  Im quite addicted to it really.  I feel like I can’t go to bed without writing in it.  And if its too short, I feel like Im slacking a little bit.  I know how many people generally read it, so I have a sense of obligation to keep it going.  But its’ becoming harder and harder to keep going.  I know I type fast, and Im a writer and that helps.  But I spend about 30-45 min. a night working on it.  Some nights are better than others.  I started writing it originally to open up a window of perspective into the Middle Eastern culture here.  Eventually I want to do that through feature film but until that process happens this is a good alternative.  I know the blog has meandered a bit from culture overview, to whining about my divorce, to my daily professional life.  I feel like Im compelled to write about the issues with my divorce both as a call for prayer to protect my children, and to help minister to others who have been or are going through a divorce.  I hope God can use what I’ve learned to help others. 

So I’ve been asking you to pray for my children and those prayers are coveted still.   But please pray for me…I feel like Im running out of gas.  I know this will pass in a day or two…but today was  little tough.  

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