Im posting a tad bit early tonight. Im still in the office. Decided to stay late with Quiz night just around the corner. Im such a dork…I get so excited about quiz night and so does Guy. Normally I like to work out every other day. So since I worked out yesterday, I have more time on my hands so I’m getting a lot of work done.
I had a fabulous day today and it isn’t even over yet. I’m so blessed being here. I have so many friends and the number keeps growing and growing. I tell people this all the time but life here feels just like I was in college back at Evangel. The place is small enough that im running into people that I know all the time. Since work is so much fun, it doesn’t feel like work really. Its quite a surreal life. Plus the island is so small, it feels like one giant international campus. I really do love my life here. Im very fortunate and very blessed. One of the cool things about this, and I mentioned it yesterday are the travel opportunities. The Romanian is helping me out with the tickets…so I can fly cheap and stay with friends and see the world internationally for a fraction of the cost. Plus seeing the cities as the locals see it not as the tourists see it is certainly more exciting. Im going to dubai this weekend for a film festival with Khalifa. They are honoring him for his life achievement. I thought it would be important to support him. Im also starting to develop a lot of business there. I have at least three meetings set up so far, plus Im getting equipment. So it totally justifies the expense of me going. Im also looking to expand the networking opportunities. The very next week, I get to go to Greece to experience part of a Greek Orthodox Easter. Since im working six days a week, I don’t mind taking a day off on Thursday and make these trips like long weekends. I need to get a camera though. I’m missing some pretty incredible shots. Where I go, there are usually lots of cameras so my mug appears on facebook often. So that’s kind of cool too. But since im taking you (the readers) on my international journey, I figured you should see the pics too. Plus if a picture is worth a thousand words, maybe it will help cut down on my writing time. I also made plans to visit Reji in Kerala India when he goes home for his vacation. The airport I’ll be flying into is Thiruvananthapura, India. Are you kidding me? Imagine if they had a baseball team and had to stitch that on all their uniforms. I can’t ever pronounce that let alone spell it. Maybe that would finally stump the Indian kid that always wins the spelling bee. Like…Where are you from? I can see him throw his hands in the air in exasperation “Ah crap…I knew you’d ask that…I give up.” Armand heard I was going and he wants to come along too and maybe Guy. There is this houseboat that you rent that travels up and down a river. Its supposed to be very relaxing. It looks quite beautiful in India. Wow…Im fortunate. How lucky/blessed and am I to be able to experience that on a long weekend and still pay very little for the experience.
I have standing invitations to also visit South Africa, Norway, Oman, and Macedonia. I have so many international friends here, I probably can pick any country in Europe or Asia, and visit someone. The future looks so bright here. It seems like we are weathering the recession’s storm and even thriving. God is blessing me sooooo much. It so true…Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you. My life right now…”is all these things”. Someday I’ll have a spouse to experience all this with. And someday, I’ll have my children to experience this as well if I happen to stay on. Im not sure what the future will hold…but God is directing my steps. Its indeed a part of his “perfect” plan.
We have several more people coming to our small group tomorrow. We had four visitors last time, and two plan on returning along with the new people. I told my acting class and a few others that I would be sharing my story (testimony) tomorrow. There were a few that wanted to come and hear it. The great thing about my life…with the emotional turmoil that I’ve been through…am going through…If I can stay positive through a hellish time, I think that gives others hope that they can make it through their time of troubles as well. “All things work together for good for those who believe and are called according to his purpose. “ Romans 8:28. Another one of my favorite verses is Psalm 37:4, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” What I didn’t realize until recently…is sometimes the desires of your heart can change.
Does any of this globetrotting involve you going to Houston to see your kids?
Hang in there for sure! You are so right in your latest blog that the enemy will grow more intense in his (or her) attack as you prosper. I am praying that those who attack you will see that God would not have them to act in this manner under any circumstances & that they will be held accountable for their actions so they may want to instead focus their energy on growing toward Him instead of away from Him. I pray your kids will be the blockers of the negative information they hear about you and know in their hearts that you love them & do indeed want to be with them!!! Houston is a little harder to get to than a 2 day trip and I'm sure when you go there you want to spend a substantial amount of time with them! I hope that they will understand that you are doing this for them. You go to do what it is that God directs you to do and this enables you to have the means to be a positive influence in your children's lives on many levels. God's timing is not ours. You will reap the benefits of being obedient so keep letting your children know that you love them and no one can take that away!!!
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