OK, a little bit of a dose of my own medicine. I keep telling people all the time that God speaks to me. He does, regularly. OK, now I have an important decision. Its really a yes-no decision. Poof…the voice is gone. How does that happen? Im sure God will answer me eventually? I haven’t put a lot of time into seeking him just yet. I just thought the answer would come off the top of my head. I’ve found when I have really tough decisions to make, the best course of strategy is to fast. Somehow fasting really clears your head so you can hear God ultra clear. The problem at the moment is still recovering from my cold and Im not sure if going without food will exacerbate the illness. Im holding off on Kayaking for the last few days as I want to get 100%. I have this philosophy. That as long as you are living your life right, whatever you choose (Generally) will be in God’s will because of the provision of Romans 8:28. If its not God’s will for you to go down a certain path a road block or detour will magically appear and keep you on the right course. So im going to have to really go after God with this one. Its kind of a big decision.
The office has been really quiet. The calm before the Ramadan season is upon us. Work has slowed down quite a bit. I have thrown myself into the fray of producing this short documentary on the History of Bahrain Seaports. I want to make sure we do a top notch job on it. I have a healthy budget and 8 weeks to produce. The project is only 8 minutes long. As I was reviewing the script I wrote for it last week, and breaking down my video needs, I scripted out the video in about 20 minutes. Im used to finding video and producing a one hour documentary in about four weeks, which is very fast. Here I have to do a project 1/5 of the that length and I have 8 weeks to do it. If push came to shove, I probably could do it two days. But I want to make sure I do a tremendous job on it. The high ranking member of the Government that gave it to me, is putting a lot of faith in me. I certainly don’t want to let him down. So Im going to the archives of Bahrain TV for footage tomorrow. They are essentially rolling out the red carpet for me. Then the next day, I’m going to the equivalent of the National Archives. It seems all this footage is coming to me far too easily. Shouldn’t I have to work for this? Then I have to remind myself that this is the favor of God.
I told my cast of Funniest Person in Bahrain, that I was going to screen the pilot in my flat on Thursday night. Sidd offered to bring alcohol. So I had to think long and hard about it. I don’t drink, but do I want allow drinking to happen in my flat? These are all my friends and this essentially would be my first house party surrounding the premiere of the video. So I decided yes, I was going to allow it and let whoever wants to come, come. I guess this is my way of showing that im a real person, and maybe a seed might be planted when they see all my religious literature that is constantly out at my dining room dresser. It will be interesting to see who shows up.
1 comment:
I suppose one can view 'hearing from God' in the context of a relationship with one's father. Yes He speaks clearly sometimes but at other times He would want you to figure things out, to learn to trust and have faith. Sometimes a roadblock might be part of His will to shape your character or to use it as a springboard for blessings afterwards. A friend told me the other day that if Joseph had simply stayed at home and not had his adventure, then, his entire clan would have died of starvation. Sometimes we never know what a blessing a disappointment can be or for that matter a setback.
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