OK…Im not making this stuff up honest. Often times I sit down and write the blog I have no idea what Im going to write. The words just kind of come out. Its not like I go through the day and think, I’ll write about this event, circumstance, or emotion. Although there are sometimes I look forward to writing about funny things in the blog, most of it is not planned. So generally I go on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. That might be a foreign concept to some. I just kind of feel His presence when I write this. How do I know it’s the Holy Spirit? Well for a lot of reasons. Lets start with the negative. Im not perfect and I sin. Whenever I do give into the flesh, I find it incredibly difficult to write. It just doesn’t flow. Its like I have to force it out of me and the blog becomes a burden in my life and not a blessing. But when I’m living my life right, which I am the vast majority of the time, this thing just flows out of me. The Holy Spirit, or that small voice inside of me that I talk with when I kayak, also cautions me what not to write. There are so many things that I’ve written about with my heartaches with X which I have written and then deleted. I have a big check in my spirit when those points occur. So I have to be absolutely sensitive to the guidance of the spirit. I think that’s what draws people to these writings. Im not the best writer in the world, nor the smartest, nor the most good looking guy, come to think of it…what do I have going for me??? Lol. Im just a vessel. But if you look at the Bible, God continuously uses weak people in order to accentuate his glory. I think that is the case with me. There really is nothing special about me, except maybe I have a big heart, like people, and can crack a joke every now and then. Oh…Im pretty good at trivia..more on that later. So I’m saying there’s nothing special about me, but God is making what I do special. That is where my confidence comes from. I am dreamer and I dream big. I know my God is big enough to help makes some of those dreams become a reality. So I guess it’s a sense of spiritual cockiness which I don’t think is that bad.
So less than 24 hours ago I was ruminating the financial distress of my company KSDi in the midst of the slow season (summer), Ramadan (virtual stoppage) in the throes of the reception. I have been putting these financial concerns to God on an almost daily basis. He kept reassuring me that my company would survive, by the skin of our teeth through Ramadan then be very prosperous in the fall. So I heard that a couple of times and God has come through with everything else He said, so I had to believe that as well.
Well this past weekend sure felt like the skin of my teeth. We just paid payroll and we were hurting. But still I trusted. I shared all those concerns with you in last night’s blog. God would not bring me over to fail. So four weeks earlier than I expected, we got the largest single check KSDI ever received from one of our client’s. It’s a down payment for the second largest job KSDi has ever booked and it was booked because the client liked me essentially. On top of that, three other smaller projects came in and paid today. So all told, from a financial perspective, this was one of the greatest financial days in KSDi’s history. On top of that, the first largest job ever at KSDi, a 30 month retrospective construction documentary will be completed by the end of the week. My head is still kind of spinning at the timing of it all. He has a plan and he’s enacting the plan. Why does my faith waver sometimes when God has come through again and again. Maybe someday I’ll learn my lesson. But like the children of Israel never learned their lesson after all the plagues and miracles, maybe its just human nature that we have to learn and re-learn every time. One of these days, Im sure Im going to get it…and its going to stick.
So not only that happened. But my favorite night of the week is back. JJ’s Irish Pub, which was closed by the Government in some silly crackdown, has now been reopened. So Quiz nights are back. Im a dork, but I take these quiz nights very seriously. So Im amassing a team. I lost Guy, who was a VIP at quiz nights, and hopefully I’ll replace him with a few others. I suck at UK trivia, but anything U.S. or entertainment based, I rock at.
So not only did I have an awesome day at work, but…ending with a bang. I won’t post this blog just yet, so I can tell you how we did.
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