Not much to write about today. I stayed up late last night watching movies. Then I slept in late. I kind of wasted the entire day away. Well wasted might be too severe of a word. I didn’t get out much. I have all the delivery places on speed dial, so there wasn’t much of a need to go out. I couldn’t get food anyway…so the only way was really to stay in. Saturdays were meant for lounging around and recharging the batteries. So I feel fully loaded to head into the next week.
I did make it out for a bit today. I had a squash match set up with a new friend named Austin. I was a little worried because he had my phone number but I didn’t have his. I haven’t been able to receive incoming calls all week. I wasn’t sure how I was going to connect with him. It has been a bit frustrating. I went to the my cell phone dealer they said it was a problem with the sim card…so they gave me a new sim card. Same problem, I could make outgoing calls and texts…just couldn’t get any coming in all week. So then they said it was my phone. I unlocked my iphone…which essentially means I reprogrammed it to work over here, and still the same problem. So it obviously wasn’t my phone. When people call me they tell me its like my phone is off. Voice mail on cell phones is very rare here. In the U.S. if you miss a call…you generally don’t return unless they leave a message. If you miss a call here…its just like leaving a voice mail. So I have no idea who personally and professionally tried to reach me this week, unless they told me they tried like a few of my friends/associates have. So I was worried about how I was going to meet up with Austin. So Austin called me and it was the first call to go through to me all week. Figure that. I was happy. It got me out of the flat. We went and played a very competitive match. He’s a young guy from Manchester. He’s out here on a two year contract. He does underwater (scuba) construction. He works on oil rigs in the ocean primarily. It seems like a really cool but difficult job. He’s a real nice guy, I think I might have added another friend.
It’s strange for me and friends out here. I have so many good friends…but I have very few great friends. I number the great friends at about two out here…The Music Man and the Iraqi as great friends. I don’t think guys need the “best” friend as much as women do. I believe that guys are just as content to have their best friend be their spouse. I know that was what it was like for me when I was married. I think that is what I miss the most. Having the intimacy of a best friend. That will come again soon. Im just a bit anxious…again. God is placing me in some very neat ministry opportunities. Its not like Im out beating people over the head with my Bible. All I have to do is show I care about a person and they just seem to open up. Its cool the way that works.
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