So much happened yesterday with our discussions about Islam and Christianity in the positive living group. I was able to mull it over and dwell on it a little more today. I have been continually asking God to allow me to see the truth. Bear in mind, growing up in the Assemblies of God that was a very rigid faith system. Our way is right…the best way…and every other path is second best or just plain wrong. I think every denomination and religion thinks like this. It has something to do with human nature. So this is how I was raised. I was heavily indoctrinated. But my worldview started changing once I saw the rest of the world and met others of differing faiths. Now it is clear to me that God sent me here to NOT convert Muslims. That is not my primary objective. Instead I am to reach out to ex-pats (foreigners) and other people that God will place in my path.
So the primary difference between Islam and Christianity is Christ. Christians believe that Christ is part of the trinity with the Holy Spirit and is God. Its interesting when Jesus was walking the earth, they didn’t call themselves Christians. Jesus didn’t say, Hey join Christianity. Christian is a derisive term that the Romans gave the followers of Christ around the 4th century B.C. Plus to the Muslim world, Christian means simply non-muslim. What Jesus was advocating while he was here was “The Way” “I am the way, the truth, the life, no man comes to Father but by me.” So Jesus was teaching a way to live and believe and not necessarily wanting to start a religion, I believe. Remember he took on organized religion with the Pharisees and Sadducees. I think Jesus was here promotion relationship…not necessarily religion. God wants a relationship with us, a personal one. That is what Jesus was advocating I believe. I keep saying I believe because these are my opinions as I delve into what I believe truth is. Truth is a tricky thing, because we all sin, and we all justify our actions. So therefore truth can be subjectively altered in our minds. The key is being objective when going after truth. That is what I’ve tried to be since I’ve been here, objective. God is revealing Himself to me as I seek after Him.
So I say all that, to say Im sure that there are some Christians back in the U.S. that might disagree with some of my theology. My faith is turning out to be a process and I feel called to share that process with you through the blog and others I might meet. So the question I’ve asked many Believers in Christ here, are Muslims going to heaven? That is such a loaded question and they always hesitate to answer. Most of the people respond…its not our place to judge. I believe that to be true as well. But still I want to seek out the truth.
What did they call “Christians” before Christ…I wonder? Many did believe in God and had a relationship with him. How did those Believers get saved? Some believe that Christ went to a place after he died for three days to convert the “Believers” that lived before his time. The Bible tends to back that up with evidence. Oh…you either believe in all of the Bible or none of it…you can’t just believe in some of it.
Ok…my Muslim friends, we both believe in the God of Abraham, Noah, Moses, Adam, and Jesus. My Muslim friends believe whole-heartedly in Jesus…but just as a great prophet…not as the son of God. They also believe that he didn’t die on a cross…but was whisked to heaven without dying and a disciple died in Jesus’ place instead. Now…Im not advocating those beliefs…im just reporting them to give you a better understanding of Islam. They also believe that Christ will return “the second coming” and take Muslims to heaven with Him. They believe Jesus as a man will come back with the Prophet Mohammed and battle Satan in a great war which God will be victorious. There are soooo many similarities between Christians and Muslims with again the one definite difference being the deity of Christ.
So here’s the $128,000 question…I’d love to have you scholars answer in a well thought out and objective comment on the blog. The verse most everyone is familiar with John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him, will not perish but have everlasting life.” So if Muslims believe in Christ…but just as a man…is that enough to get them into heaven? Must they believe in Christ as a diety or just plain believe in Christ the mortal? This is the truth of which Im searching. But its not my calling to judge Muslims nor convert them at this point in my life. I am here to preach the gospel through my lifestyle and through my words. This is how I believe…its up to the Holy Spirit to prompt the changing of hearts.
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