Yesterday was a good day. It was our first day of production and I wanted to make sure it went smoothly. I was a little apprehensive at first. But then part way through the day, I realized, this stuff is easy. I think if you are doing what you are called to do, it should be easy. If I were having an accounting job or a job of a surgeon that would be difficult. I think being a statistician that would be easy too ;o)
I was fortunate because Reg was there along with a camera and grip. We had to shoot a lot this day. Once Reg saw that I knew what I was doing he took a back seat and worked on other projects. I watched the cameraman, Sandeep closely. But once I could tell he knew what he was doing I could relax and let him work on his own. I think he could be a good director some day. I really enjoyed working with him. During a break, we spoke about family. Indians get so excited when talking about their family. Whenever I talk to Indians about family I always ask them about the low divorce rate and what the secret is. Sandeep’s thoughts were that both the parents get involved if there is a problem with the relationship. They pressure the couple to stay together, because if they get divorced it brings great shame on the family. On the extreme side it reminded me of a internet video I saw of this Indian Man who was caught having an affair. Three women on both sides of the family were uncontrollably wailing and nailing this guy as hard as they could with their shoes. These were 50-60 year old ladies in their Sari’s. Families take infidelity very seriously over there. Back to the divorce process if both families agree to the divorce, apparently it goes quickly. But if one side refuses and wants to stay married then they make it very difficult. The couple is ordered into counseling and a lot of the marriages are saved that way. I keep bringing this up, because I respect the Indians and their honor. Why is it so easy, not only in the US but in Europe too to just throw away the institution of marriage just because one person doesn’t feel like it. Jennifer and I spoke, actually our very first night, very first phone call. About marriage is simply a choice, a commitment has nothing to do with emotion. Emotions are like the tide they roll in and roll out. Jennifer and I knew we’d be married by the second phone call. We agreed that no matter what it took, that neither of us would ever leave the other. That was the security I needed. We promised that we would stick together…no matter what. As long as two people have that mindset, any marriage can not only survive but thrive. But as soon as that one person checks out…its very very very difficult.
I got up early to go to church today. It was the first time at a United Christian Church I think that’s the name. I had to take a Taxi to get there. Who takes a taxi to church? Apparently me. It was a big church around 750 people I imagine. I liked the church very much. I remember praying, God please let me meet someone. Then right after the service the guy next to me introduced himself. He was from Singapore. It was really a divine appointment. His son is studying Mass Communication in a university in Singapore and I was able to give him a lot of insight into the media industry. I then went and introduced myself to the pastor. He was a nice guy from Washington DC and his wife is from Los Angeles. I told him I was planning on being an active part of his ministry and I would be there to help him wherever I could. This church I think was the church that Jesus envisioned. There were all the colors of the rainbow in attendance. It would be interesting to see what countries were represented in that service, but I would venture to guess over 50. It was really a microcosm of the UAE. I mentioned before that there are only about 20% Emiratis in Dubai, the rest are expats. There are a lot of white people here. Most are from the UK or Eastern Europe. Another thing about the church is I have no idea what denomination it was. That’s the beauty of church out here…it doesn’t matter what denomination you are from. As long as you believe in Christ, you are covered. There is so much unity in that.
After church I walked to the Mall and watched “The Last Station” about Leo Tolstoy. It was nice to see Christopher Plummer back in action. Where did he go after the Von Trapp’s got away from the Nazi’s? He’s always been a favorite actor of mine, I predict he’ll take home the Oscar for that role.
I think I turned a corner today with my exercising. I ran a bunch today, plus did the stairs twice and swam a record (for me) distance in the pool. I didn’t get worn out for the first time in a couple of years. Maybe I’ve turned the corner.
It is soooooo wonderful for me to read your blog again. I really missed it during the off time, somehow, it makes me feel close to you and your life and it doesn't seem like you are half way around the world. I talked to Judye again. I really like her and if we lived closer I know we would be friends. We might get together sometime. Your birthday is coming up soon, would you like me to just deposit a little cash into your Wells account , you probably need new sunglasses (ha).....loving you loads, Hayward here
Great to see your blog back in action, Rick. Heard you're in Bahrain... hope you're enjoying being in our little island here.
You mentioned something about the low divorce rates in India. Well, I read a recent report in a news magazine about more marriages breaking up, people exploring cohabitation, etc... it's not just a news report because many of my friends are in that list... some of them have even said that I'm quite lucky since I'm single.
The thing is -- and am a passionate believer in this -- the recipe to a successful marriage is not found in Asia or in India but in the Word of God. Christ's love is the answer.
As far as family and social pressure that prevents (arranged marriage) couples from divorcing... there's also the sad fact that most of these marriages are cold, loveless and lifeless. No fire in the relationship but only a formality that succeeds in corroding the relationship from within.
At the end of the day, therefore, the west does not have the answer and neither does the east. Both are chasing after the wind!!!
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