Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mission Impossible IV

I wound up having a pretty fantastic day. Although it didn’t start out that way at all. As I was talking to Jennifer I got distracted before I went to bed last night. I couldn’t remember if I shot up with Lantus or Humalog. Im a diabetic and my routine is to take the long lasting Lantus at 40 units which covers me over a 24 hour period. Meanwhile I talk Humalog before meals at usually 10 units per dose. After I injected myself I realize I might have injected 40 units of Humalog which would be 4 times my regular dose…which would be very bad. I couldn’t remember though. I checked my blood sugar which was high, which was a relief. I tried to sleep, but I couldn’t. Suddenly my blood sugar dropped about 75 points over the next two hours, which meant I couldn’t sleep, plus I was worried. So I scarfed down a load of candy and glucose tablets. I was worried that it was really going to drop. I was prepared at 4am to go to the 24 hour mart and chug some orange juice. But thankfully it didn’t go lower. I either nipped it in the bud, or did take the right dosage. Still I went low probably because I am exercising again. I am have to look good for the wife. So that said I got about 3 hours of sleep last night. Today was a big day and I was starting behind.

I got up to work on some budgets with Reg. Our desks face each other. With us also living out of a home office we interact a lot. He is a really good guy. His family is in the UK so I can relate to his displacement a bit. Yet mine is an emotional and physical separation while his is merely physical. It is acceptable in Europe and Middle East for kids to go to boarding school, whereas in the US it is not. Reg is a great dad and a really good guy. The partners, Reg, Ali, and I all respect each other and get along well. It is a very good team. Reg is a London Born Indian, Ali is an Emirati from Abu Dhabi, and Im the American. I think we have the globe sufficiently covered that way. I had to rent a car to drive down to Abu Dhabi for an important meeting. Abu Dhabi is actually an interesting city. It’s the capital of the UAE but Dubai gets all the pub. When the financial crisis hit, and it hit hard in Dubai, there were shockwaves felt all through the Middle East. Dubai was built largely on credit. Abu Dhabi (through more conservative investments and oil) ultimately bailed them out. But not before they let Dubai twist a little. There was money, but Abu Dhabi wanted Dubai to clean up its image of the wild party city. Signs went up in all the malls encouraging women to dress more respectfully. But now the financial crisis seems to be over here.

Ali and I were meeting with a big production company that wants to partner with us on a pilot. I felt like a TV executive again. It felt great. This is really going to work. The beauty of it, its not all my effort and energy. Others are trying just as hard as I am to get the project going. Im supposed to turn around a budget, outline, and script next week to them. Im pretty busy but its stuff that I love doing. I just read in the paper here that Tom Cruise will be shooting Mission Impossible IV here next month. Im stoked about it. He’s going to be shooting 28 days here, so that has to take up a substantial portion of the plot. That’s even more coverage for us here. That all goes to aid in my long term goals of changing the world’s image of the arabs/Middle East and creating a venue for international media productions here. It all seems to falling together nicely. The strange thing is Im not doing anything in my power really to make it happen. Good things just seem to be happening to me without much effort. It has to be a God thing.

It just reminded last week…I was worried about nothing in particular. But it was the fear that was sweeping over me for no reason. So I did the only thing I knew to do…and that was to Seek God. That’s kind of my default, when all else fails type of thing. Because it always works. Seek First the Kingdom and All these things will be added unto you. I did that…and it works…it works every stinking time. Its an amazing and simple trick to get out of any jam. Or for got to give you the strength to endure the jam.

We have a big production day tomorrow. Things are heating up.

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