Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Off to Dubai for the new adventure

OK, I think its about time to revive the blog with a few twists. Im currently somewhere 35,000 feet in the air headed to London to await a 6 hour layover then off to Dubai to start the next adventure. My friend Ralph said it best when he said “isn’t great to be doing what God had prepared you to do your entire life.” I certainly feel like that is the case with me. All of this has been a prelim for a professional crescendo that will be played out over the next 40 years or so. In other words Life, Take 2. Bahrain was an amazing life changing experience. But in retrospect I knew early on that it wouldn’t be a career ending move in my career. God told me in January 2010 that my time in Bahrain would be coming to an end but I was to be patient and if I rushed anything it would just delay the process. When God speaks he speaks to me clearly and emphatically (see earlier posts). I believe I should write about each to prove God’s faithfulness. I also believe that one of my many missions in life is to inspire and to help others be able to hear and recognize God’s voice.

So I waited for God’s perfect timing. Waiting was wise as I courted (briefly, it was more like a full court press) and married my wife Jennifer. It was total love at first sight for both of us. We knew from our second conversation that we would marry each other. When you get two impulsive, artistic, and a little nutty people together, sparks begin to fly. I think my friend Steve said it best after he met Jennifer. “At first I was happy for you, now I hate you.” He was trying to feign jealously and that was his humor. Everyone seems to love Jennifer. She is a unique individual. God certainly broke the mold. Well I believe meeting her was one of the purposes for the delay and the other was to set up the venture Im going to embark on now in Dubai. I believe Bahrain was training camp, and the regular season is about to begin in 24 hours. Bahrain was wonderful but it was a small stage. I believe that God has called me to a bigger stage where I can intermix my worldview subtly in the media that I am association with. Hollywood has been doing this for years for mostly negative (in my opinion) moral results and its about time we try to swing the momentum back the other other way. Im taking a very great risk in going with two partners in starting up a production company but with great risk comes great reward. The risk is lessened somewhat as we were thrilled to learn that Jennifer will be able to keep her job at her company and transfer to their Middle East headquarters in Dubai. Is that a coincidence or God just showing off? The girl of my dreams just happened to be working for a company that has a branch in Dubai and she can go there to work. God never ceases to amaze me.

In the past this blog has been a forum for me to talk about the pain of my divorce and the loss of my family. I think that the reason what God compelled me to write about my pain is that His glory could shine through when He turned it all around. Unfortunately this blog has been a lightning rod for my ex-wife and her new husband. It seems as if they don’t want their actions or the consequences therein talked about publicly. If the truth hurts lets just try to suppress it or pretend it doesn’t exist. This sort of thing has been going on since the dawn of time with “What do you mean about forbidden fruit” and “It’s not my fault, they made me do it.” I think its human nature to mess up and blame other people for your problems that’s why I try not to let the shenanigans bother me all to often. So after Ex wife and New Husband told me they were blocking the blog from their home, we later find out that they are our no. 1 readers to this day. They check my blog when I write it and Jennifer’s blog sometimes 4-5 times a day. (Jennifer the genius that she is can track who accesses it and who doesn’t.) So because of this the blog is going to take on a very professional and cultural outlook. But that doesn’t mean Im not going to write about the drama as it sometimes unfolds. Instead we are going to write a private candid blog so that only a certain controlled audience of friends and family can access it. Its called Beeman Buzz and if you would like to access it please send me an email to and I’ll add you to the list. But before I sign off on all the personal info, let me give you just a quick overview of my personal life here. The parental alienation that has been admitted to in writing by the new husband is at all time worst. Everyone tells me that has been through something similar that the kids will see the truth eventually. My job is to continue to love them unconditionally and to fight for them at every opportunity. I will continue to do that. Im fortunate enough to have a spouse that likes to fight as well. That is probably one of the 2,762 reasons why God brought her into my life. Injustice and tyranny has always struck a nerve with me, who knew that it would affect me so directly? Well God knew and this like everything is no surprise to him.

I believe its right to talk about my personal life with all of its challenges and successes so other people can learn from some of the mistakes that I have made. But more importantly be inspired by God’s overwhelming faithfulness I believe Ive been quite forthcoming about those mistakes, if not shoot me an email and I’ll go into detail.

I will keep this blog going for a couple of months as is, but obviously the name is incorrect. The plan is for Jennifer to finish her Ph.d by December and move out to join me in Dubai. We will then retitle it, An American Couple in Dubai. Though Jennifer doesn’t like that title, Im open to suggestions. We will both write in that blog as she is much more of a prolific and artistic writer than myself. We will occasionally share blogs from the private blog on this space as long as it doesn’t detail any personal family information. I hate being censored. But I don’t want to give that household any more ammunition to turn my conciliatory aspirations through this blog and through other means into venom that can be twisted to aid in their alienating efforts.

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