Monday, February 8, 2010

The lightbulb goes off

After the Superbowl I was able to come home for a bit. I should have went straight to sleep but I wound up talking to Jenni. We were both having a rough time trying to get everything done before her trip. So I took about an hour nap before work. Im not sure if I actually fell asleep or just laid there. I did wake up and I had a great talk with God. I’ve been talking with Jenni so much, and working I have been neglecting my listening time with God. That doesn’t mean my devotional life has been off. Rather I haven’t been taking the time to stop, and listen. I really should have been listening as God is my strength. This is the primary mode how he encourages me. You’d think I would have learned by now.

I was so frustrated at work. Im supposed to be editing the Palm Association fundraising music video for this Friday’s ball. It’s a pretty exclusive ball. The Who’s who of Bahrain are all gathered in one place. There are a lot of important people there so it’s a pretty important video. The organizers told me my video for the last year was very influential for tripling the giving from the year before. So the pressure was on, and I only have four days to do it. I need to get it done by Wed. So my plans on working on it yesterday and today went by the wayside because of technical difficulties on another project. I had to finish the paying job before I could do the volunteer job. So it was really frustrating. Plus I haven’t been able to envision the project in my head. That’s really difficult. I usually need to see it before I can create it. So my brilliant editor Saji was able to finally figure out the technical difficulty we were having. Then I was able to start working on the Palm Video, I only got about 15 seconds in when the lightbulb went off. I was able to see the whole thing in my head. It was quite a breakthrough. My whole attitude about everything really changed. Keep in mind I didn’t complete the project, rather I just envisioned it. For me that was enough. I told Jenni it was like I was emotionally constipated…then whoosh…everything made sense again. What a sense of relief swept over me in every facet. I’m fairly certain it was God who allowed the breakthrough and helped me view all my struggles from a different perspective. This was right around quitting time. I hated to leave but I had my small group tonight that I had to get to. Im actually looking forward to going into work tomorrow to work on this project. That hasn’t happened to me for a little while. I love creating and inspiring, and this project is my vehicle to do just that. There is a tight deadline on me, but Im fairly certain I can get it done in two days.

God is really working in my home church/small group. Im getting the same regulars coming now. Its really a nice dynamic. Luvlin brought a chicken curry for dinner tonight. It was delicious. Its really cool how God is working. Again Im just an instrument, a willing instrument, and God is using me and the group. Its neat, Luvlin mentioned a few times that God had told her some specific things. Those same things were mentioned by Joel and then some others mentioned by me. Anytime that God wants to get through to you, he’ll tell you in 2-3 ways. So because God is using the group to communicate to some of the members means we’re/I’m on the right track. That was very encouraging to me. Everything seems to be coming up roses again. I like that feeling. Only two more days til I get to meet the love of my life.


annoymous said...

Sounds like the pieces are really coming together. Makes a mom happy. I'm excited for you and pray that the pieces you're working on continue to go smoothly. I'm thanking God for the lightbulb. Hayward here

JB said...

me too. Mental Constipation sounds quite painful... did it hurt when it passed? :)