Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Interesting day...

Interesting day...

Im not getting a lot of sleep lately which is a good thing i think.  I have lots of activity so im rarely bored.  i found myself getting home at night, and writing in this blog, or responding to emails.  Again, im amazed at how many people write encouragements to me. Its so valued and appreciated.   I have two in particular that i'll share.  One married friend from college told me today that he never ever thought about divorce as he is happily married but my story is a sobering reminder to him that it could happen to anyone.  It reminded him to hug his wife more and to show more appreciation for his family.  I'm thrllled that God might consider me worthy enough to inspire people through my pain.  Another friend who went through something similar in divorce told me that his divorce was the best seminary that he ever could have attended.  That so rang true with me.  God sends adversity our way to build us up and to rely upon him.  My intimacy and reliance upon God has been amazing.  I don't see how people survive divorce without God.  It sucks that i had to lose everything that was dear, in order for him to get my attention.  But he has it now.  That's why the parable of how its easer for rich man entering through the eye of needle then to reach heaven.  When you are content financially, you tend not to face problems.  You have little need for God.  But when you are hurting and don't have anything, its easier to turn to God.

First the good news...this really blew me away.  I told you about the discrepancy in wages between the Westerner and everyone else.  But this will blow your mind.  Saji, one of our very talented editors is only making $500/month  In the US...he would get that much in a day.  So we are slowly going to raise the salaries and balance it out with our cash flow.  So i wrote him a nice thank you letter for his services and called him into my office.  I gave him a merit increase of 10%.  I raised his monthly salary by just $50.  You would have thought i'd have given him a brand new mercedes.  His smile was from ear to ear.  i was truly touched by how appreciative and grateful he was.  Thank you sir, thank you sir is all he could really say.  Saji is a fantastic editor...and a really good guy.  Its my hope to raise everyone that's why im so determined to make the company a success.  I interviewed another lady from Britain today.  She had heard through the grapevine, that i was new in town and that i was the one to talk to for video production.  i was rather intrigued because i've only been here two weeks...we haven't even sent the press releases out.  This girl was a veteran producer for the BBC and ITV.  She's been around.  Her previous salary is something that westerners can relate to:  $1300/Week.  She might be good...but i can hire something like 100 indians for that.  Do you see how the economy works.  That's why all the manufacturing is shipped out overseas.  Its just cheaper there.  So the next time you buy your shirt, garden tool, groceries from Wal-Mart now you know why its so cheap.  Some workers are exploited yes...but the workers that im associated with don't feel exploited at all.  They are grateful to have the work.  What's amazing is they make sooooo little...yet they send the majority home to their families to support them.  Can you imagine an economy bad enough that you have to leave your family for two years, to make roughly $10,000 U.S. in two years and send the majority of it home.  What must the economy be like in their home country if they have to make those kind of sacrifices?  It helps put the upcoming recession into a little bit of perspective.  

Went out on another platonic date with the beautiful Romanian flight attendant.  We are just friends.  She is dating a pilot ( competition ...yet we enjoy each other's company so much.  I'll have to guard my heart on this one.  Its like going on a diet then hanging out in a deli all day long sitting next to Kirstie Alley and Oprah.  Pretty soon the temptation is going to prove to be more pain that what its worth.  That's the difference between guys and girls...mars/venus.  With guys there is ALWAYS an ulterior motive with relationships with femaies (at least the single guys i know).  With Girls, they cant understand why guys can't just be friends.  Well...guys i don't think are wired that way. alone and im intellectually connecting with this girl.  Im teaching her about God..and what God has done in my life...all in a very platonic way.  IT sure passes the time .   My issues with girls is that i have incredibly high standards.  i only seem to be attracted to girls way out of my league.  The loneliness here is not a comes in waves back and forth.  Im anxious for that emotional intimacy of a spouse again...but all in God's timing.  Im looking forward  to go into the office tomorrow, i get to give out two more raises of $50 bucks each. Its so inexpensive to be a blessing in someone's life.  Its especially nice if they appreciate it.  I desire to be super rich and successful so i can give it all away.  

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1 comment:

MountainCoach said...

Hey Rick....I certainly know who you are...but I don't think we knew each other that well at Evangel. Melanie has such great things to say about you. I'm enjoying reading about your adventures in Bahrain. Thanks for the reminders to appreciate all God has given us...including our families. You are doing great work. Dean