Sunday, November 23, 2008

A blah day...

A blah day…

I was due one of these seriously.  After the couple of high this past weekend…things had to level out.  I might have some big news…but I can’t share it with the blog just yet.  Hopefully in a couple of days I can. 

I just found out that the fundraising banquet I did the video for raised twice what they did the year before and three times as much as the previous year.  They credit the increase to the video.  So I guess I am making a little bit of a difference.

I think it was a hard day, emotionally.  Im really starting to miss my kids.  I spoke to Max the middle one.  He’s the only one that really calls consistently.  I feel like im losing them.  I just have to trust God that he has a plan.  You know there are a lot of unfair things that might have happened…and I’ve shared a fraction of them with you.  I just have to give all those frustrations to God.  I need to trust and not try to take things into my own hands. 

You know, I have a little theory that was backed up by some preachers.  We all have that one fatal flaw in our personality.  That which makes us weak and vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy.  God allows it to be put there for us to prove our reliance upon Himself.  That fatal flaw, could be alcohol, drugs, sex, shopping, pornography, gossip, anything that breaks a relationship with our Creator.  We turn to this flaw to self-medicate.  That is the only thing that seems to ease the pain…at least it seems to temporarily.  Its called self-medication.  We turn to the self-medication when we don’t trust God.  When we don’t trust that God will do what He says he’ll do, we try to numb the pain with our self medication.  The trick is the self-medication doesn’t work.  The soothing temporary alleviation of pain usually comes back even stronger, and thus we are forced to self-medicate again…and the cycle begins.  Once that cycle begins its incredible difficult to stop.  That is what they call an addiction…I believe that most are addicted to something, could be anything.  You better believe that the Enemy knows what that weakness is.  He wrote the book on us.  His goal is to get us to self-medicate so that we will sever our relationship with God.  His lies are…”go ahead ease the pain…it won’t hurt, no one will know”.  I have a spiritual theorem  I’ve developed.  IT seems for every one part sin, there is a recovery period of 10 parts (psychologically) to get back to the place where you were spiritually before the sin.  You might say…God is a God grace, He forgives.  Yes he does…but sometimes the consequences, psychologically, emotionally, and physically often stay with us.  So the choice is…with the you pay now…and suffer the temporary sting of the need to self-medicate and thus heal.  Or do you take the easy way out…and pay the 10 parts recovery later.  We are living in a society of perceived credit spirituality.  Oh yes, God, I’m going to sin, but I’ll take the 10 days punishment…because I really want to do this.  And don’t worry God…it will be only this one time…then, I’ll be back to normal.  Why did I write this?  Im not quite sure…God prompted me for some reason.  And back to Spiritual Economics.  Im guilty as  charged.  It would nice to find the easy way out. 

By the way, I love reading your emails and comments on the blog.  They are very encouraging. 



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