(new pix from Night with the Filipinas below and other staff parties below)
I was soooo tired last night after an emotional activity filled day. I think I fell asleep 3-4 times while I was trying to write. That was a very weird experience. When I went back to read/proofread my blog, entire words were missing. As a writer, that kind of embarrassed me.
I have found that the last day of the week has turned out to be my rest day. I’ve worked every weekend but this is the first day I didn’t do anything with work since I’ve been here. I slept in late and it felt great. Got up and went to Ric’s Kountry Kitchen and that is now my hang out spot, I do believe because you can get real pork bacon with your eggs. You never know how much you miss something til its gone. I got back to the Apartment and then debated on seeing a movie. I wound up taking a 2.5 hour nap. It felt incredible. I forced myself to stay down. I’ve been going, going going…it was nice to just stop and re-energize. I wound up going to a later movie. It really kind of was eerie. It was “Taken” with Liam Neeson. I don’t think it has been released in the states yet, as it probably will be in 2009. It was a fantastic movie. It dealt with a divorced dad, a difficult ex-wife who remarried and the struggle he has to maintain his relationship with his daughter. It really spoke to me. Then the daughter gets kidnapped in France, and Liam Neeson has to go over and kill everyone to save his daughter. The latter part didn’t relate to me as much. It got me thinking. Last night at the banquet, I sat next to Khalifa. Khalifa, the owner of the company is a great man. He’s 68 and considers me like his son. There is mutual respect for both parties. What amazed me is that his ex-wife, the mother of all four of his children, flew up to be at this event and to see her new grandson. They sat next to each other at the banquet and talked the whole night through. Wow…is that sort of thing even possible. I know the years probably have soothed the pain of the divorce and made their relationship somewhat amicable, but I was so envious. It reminded me a story, my divorced friend Molli told me. I taught Molli and her daughter logann in acting class. They are a beautiful and talented family. Molli’s ex-husband flew out from Kentucky this past summer (while I still lived in No.CA) to see Logann perform in acting class. Where did he stay? He stayed with his ex-wife Molli and her new husband in their spare bedroom. Are you kidding me?!?!? I think it is fantastic that former spouses can get along well for the sake of their children. And that is now my prayer. Im so willing to stop the bickering. But when your ex- expresses her hatred for you in words and in deeds, that makes it kind of difficult. It sucks because my relationship with my children is eroding away as my life as a single man seemingly starts to take off. I have material success, professional success, spiritual success, but I feel like im an emotional failure. I know its partially due to my choice for moving over here, so im not trying to cast blame. This is a difficult situation, and im trying to make the best of it. That’s why your prayers are continually coveted. I have not seen nor spoken to my daughter since July. She won’t take my calls anymore. It sucks.
I had a conversation with a dear friend today (I won’t mention names, but this is a single friend). This person had a great night out on the town, had lots of fun, but came home to an empty house and an empty bed. The feeling of loneliness, swept over them. I can so relate to that. There is an intimacy in a relationship that I miss. Now, I know I need to find that intimacy through Christ, but sometimes…its hard to wait. I know all things work together for good for those who believe and are called according to his purpose…but the whole waiting for all things to work…kind of gets old after awhile. So if you are reading this and you are married…treasure your spouse, treasure just being able to come home and be with that person. The grass isn’t greener on the other side trust me. I think every divorced person (if they are honest, will tell you the exact same thing) There are cow patties on each side of the pasture that you step in, and invariably there are more cow patties on the other side, that’s probably why the grass appears to be greener.
OK, after the movie, I ate in the mall food court. I bought two dozen Krispy Kreme donuts for desert…no I didn’t eat them all. I’ve been working out like crazy here, and that makes my blood sugar dip (im a diabetic). So I got two dozen to freeze for insulin reactions later. As I was leaving, I noticed the janitors busily cleaning up the tables. They probably make 60 BD a month which equates to $150 a month. Plus they send most of it home. Honestly, I don’t know how they survive. Its chilling to think what their home must be like to force them to leave to upgrade to $150/month. Which reminds me of my friend the beautiful Romanian flight attendant. She grew up poor in a communist regime. So she usually only ate one meal a day. Sooo…I figured these guys probably never had a Krispy Kreme donut, because for them, it would be like four hours wages just for a donut. (I didn’t want to figure out a math, but im sure im close) So I took one of my dozen and offered it to them. They gladly took it. Then I went around to the other workers and tried to give the rest away, which I did easily. It doesn’t take much to be a blessing. I hope I can do more of it. Last night my work was instrumental in raising upwards of $250,000 for the poor. So yes…in a small way…I am starting the change the world…I just want to make a bigger impact, but starting small, by giving a few impoverished janitors a treat is something we all can do.
As I was quite smug with myself in leaving. I noticed all the janitors were chewing something, like they were eating. I didn’t give away that many donuts. But then I saw it. They were cleaning off the tables and eating the leftovers from the tray. For us in the western society, the thought of that is abhorrent, but for them, that couldn’t afford a simple cheeseburger, this was quite a treat for them. It all just depends on your perspective. I never really appreciated my wealth till I came overseas to see what true wealth and lack thereof really looked like. I hope my words can help paint a better picture of what the rest of the world looks like. I want each and every one of you to realize how blessed you really are. I know I am blessed…in many ways, im not worthy…but God uses me anyway.
1 comment:
You're living a movie script, Rick. Sounds exciting.
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