Coolest job in the world...(new pics below) im officially addicted to writing in this blog. I now go through the day thinking...oh...i need to remember this, it would be a good addition to the blog. Its a healthy way of journaling as well. I am so encouraged by the many positive emails that i get regarding this. Its nice to know im making a small impact. Thank you for all of your encouraging words...they really mean a lot. I know i sometimes bemoan my divorce. I think coming overseas was a way of me healing. I know moving from TX to CA was certainly instrumental in the healing was almost as if moving away was providing emotional finality for me. People tell me...its time to move on...get over her. But that is the tough thing as most divorced people will tell you...way easier said than done. i loved my wife and my family probably more than any man ever loved his family...Therein lies the problem. i loved too wife..or ex wife became my God. Thus it was unhealthy and doomed to fail. So i was devastated. God is omniscient....and omnipresent. He knew my marriage was ending before even i was a complete surprise to me. But living for a year in Saudi Arabia...was like training camp for living alone. i had a years worth of practice being alone and intimate with God...and not a spouse. So i had a little bit of a head start psychologically. Still when the end was devastating...all my dreams seemingly went up in smoke. Yeah...i should get over it...but when you pray everyday fervently for three years for God to provide a miracle and restore your marriage...that has to be in His Will right??? right??? Well apparently it wasn't. I cried and prayed with many of you. But God did some amazing things....Moving from TX to CA a year ago...was God's way of closing that chapter in my life. Moving to God's way of beginning a new chapter. That's why I like Life...Take 2. I just turned 40 and am starting the good portion or the downhill portion in great style. I feel so amazingly blessed. God knew i didn't want this divorce. Well that's the downside of a free will. He lets us make our own choices even if it causes strife. But what the devil meant for evil...God can turn for good. My 3 years of fervently praying did not go to waste. God always answers prayer. He doesn't always change the situation with the answer...but he ALWAYS changes us to give us the strength the handle the situation. That's what i found. I never thought I'd survive without my family by my side...but here i am...i am surviving...and thriving...because i am walking according to God's ways...or at least trying to do. When you do are in a no-lose situation each every time.'ll have struggles but the problems will wash away like water off a duck's long as you keep your alignment with God. Im such living proof. Maybe its my calling to let the world know they can survive and thrive matter what the circumstance. I do hurt...while im here...i miss my kids terribly. I know a lot of people blame me...and moved half a world duh of course you miss your kids. Still the situation with the children started way before that. Its just an affect of the not going to have the influence like a father should have. i pray every day but sometimes that seems like its so little. i haven't seen my daughter since July. When i first told my boys I was moving...they were ecstatic and wanted to move with me. Then...after they went back with their mom...changed their mind...but still wanted to visit in the Summer...then didn't want to visit in the they are calling me a really hurts... The whole parental alienation thing sucks. I know I said i wouldn't talk about the kids...but Max told me (the first time i've been able to get a hold of him since i've been here) that their mom screens this blog for them so they don't read anymore inappropriate material and im sure she'll screen this as well....thus I feel led to share from my heart. Is it Holy Spirit led? Im not sure...i was supposed to talk about my job and this kind of just spewed out. Anytime God wants to say something to you..he'll repeat it 2-3 times with different witnesses telling you the same thing. Well i've had literally at least 100 people tell me...hang in there...the kids will come around. I know they will. Im going to keep praying.
OK...back to the coolest job in the world. Today is the day off...but there is a special race in Bahrain at the BIC Bahrain International Circuit. This is one of the finest race tracks in the entire world. I've posted pictures below. With the racing circuit there truly is an international contingent that descends upon Bahrain. I want KSDI to have a presence here. i came with Armand, our South African photographer. He's very talented. i just came for PR purposes. Im writing this blog from the media center where im sitting with about 50 journalists from around the world and literally hundreds of television looks like Master Control of Johnson Space Center. We went down to the track and the cars are V8...which are souped up Porshes, Ferraris, etc.... The cars are buzzing by me at 200 like 10 feet from the track. The motors are roaring literally shaking my every bone and rattling my ear drums. Its very exciting stuff. I had never been to a race track like this before...that's why im still here. The rest of the media is still here...but im hanging around just to take in the ambiance of it all. I feel very blessed and fortunate. I'm going to leave in a little bit to move into my apartment that is finally ready. Hey...lookie getting acclimated.
Rick - It is Jonathan Argue your good for nothing Cyrstal Light mooching diabetic candy poaching ex room mate from Evangel. Kyle Groves was in town (Seattle, WA) and he showed me your blog. You are on one incredible journey!
Hi Rick. What an amazing story! I'm so sorry to hear about all the heartache. You're an inspration, tho & I know God is using you in some way. Post more pics if you can. You do an excellent job of describing your settings in great detail, but I'd love to see some sights. Just don't get in trouble for taking them. It would be a shame to read about you getting your hand chopped off or something. You're on my prayer list, buddy!
Kyle and Jon,
Thanks so much for the inspiring compliments. It means a lot coming from you two since I so respected and admired you two when we were were roommates/suitemates. It was you Kyle that helped my love of writing develop with our dueling columns. I will post more pics, since they are worth a thousand words, it will save on my typing hands. For now the pics are posted on the bottom of the blog. I have about 20 so far.
Thanks for adding me to your prayer list...they are needed and coveted. Right now...please pray for my children. I feel like im losing them, very unnecessarily.
Jon...i never minded you taking the Crystal light... You are is an amazing journey...i feel like life is surreal. Im blessed.
Hello boys!
I just wanted to leave a comment so that the entire suite was represented on this post.
Ric, what you're doing is truly incredible. In the US, I believe we lose sight of just how big the world actually is. You are gaining that perspective... and you're making the time to remember it through this blog.
All the best to you!
Kyle/Jon - you guys are okay, too... :)
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