What a nice day I had with the boys. I won’t be able to see my daughter again, but at least I get my boys Im happy about that. The boys have to re-acclimate to me. They’ve warmed up now, and it is absolutely wonderful. Im not going to write a lot the rest of the week as Im going to focus on the precious few hours that I have with them.
Instead, Im going to copy and paste an email I got today from new hubby. I think he reveals plenty of his character through this. New hubby and X can justify their actions and twist their words with the best of them. I realize by posting and even responding to their shenanigans is simply adding fuel to their smoldering fire. I can’t defend myself directly to them. That last 10 times Ive communicated verbally to them over the phone has ended with a barrage of cursing and them hanging up on me. Which my daughter is now doing as they have modeled for her. I realize Im taking the bait and feeding into the drama addiction that they need. This addiction had been fueled throughout the entire time that I have known X, but since the hatred wasn’t directed to me I didn’t think it was an issue. Well it is now. Im posting this to let you know that your prayers are still needed. This is to give you more a tangible example why.
From: seanandloriboyle@*********
Subject: Joke
Date: November 27, 2009 6:40:57 AM PST
To: rickbeeman@mac.com
You are a chicken shit joke. You keep in saying in the blog for us not to read it, but yet it is the only way you communicate with us, subtle digs and accusations in the blog...only doing so there so all of your 'friends' and family will be able to see it and send pity your way. You accuse us of this and that, but have never done anything about it, never once able to prove any of it is true, just lots of your own psychobabble and now accusations of deleting E-mails. Get a fucking clue, again, like I said before, you are not that important. We do not care that the kids talk to you, see you, get E-mails from you.....we beg you to do it more often, to be more a part of their life...THEIR life. Now that you have chosen to move around the world (oh by the way, were you are were you not manipulating the boys with electronic items, puppies, etc. and letting it be their choice to go with you....and when they decided not to you got mad and said they should not be able to choose) without even asking them if it was ok, you made them give up their right to be able to see you 2-3 times a month and on Holidays and for a whole month in the summer. THEY had to give up that right to see you, you choose to give up that right to see them, they were FORCED to give it up the second you moved. You say that there is manipulation to have the kids stay here with their 'new' family and not allowed to be with your family? Are you serious, ask your parents and the kids how many times we have tried to work out times for them to fly out here and see the kids, or the kids fly to California to see them. Ask you parents if the kids call or not, because that was us who suggested to them that every Sunday they call all of their grandparents. (ITEM DELETED about my son) Funny, you say that you can write whatever you want about us, the kids, our life (ALL of us), but when we expose something in your life you quickly delete it.
And finally about the Christmas visit....the kids only wanted to be with us one or two days during your possible nine day visit. One day when the baby is born and one when it comes home, so you are going to pout and throw a temper tantrum and give up a whole week with them? You could have been here Thursday night and Friday right after school, you didn't show until after 7pm. And you could have been here Tuesday (yes, 10 weeks ago we did say Wednesday, and it never crossed our minds again...and so we did make a mistake) and had them until Sunday. You could have been here Monday and Tuesday to go to lunch with them. You seem to always be pointing the finger at us and blaming us for not seeing the kids, but when you do fly here to see them, you give up time with them.
We are not perfect, we know that, but you think there is so much hate and some sort of agenda against you in this house, well as I said before....to Lori and Sean you are not that important, we don't waste our time trying to be vindictive towards you, we are far too busy with all of the things going on in our lives to sit and think up some evil plans. So we honestly we do hope you and your parents enjoy your time with the boys this weekend (which it sounded like Max did yesterday and for that we are thankful),but please...as Lindsey has asked, do not go by her work, she is there to work and not to be distracted by someone she doesn't want to see.
Also, we know that this will end up on the blog, but please see that again we are trying to communicate with you directly, not over the blog or through the kids (having the kids ask us something, or the boys trying to convince Lindsey to do something).
It does seem strange to me that Lindsey (my #1 granddaughter) has not received any of the email send to her by her father...maybe one or two being lost is cyberland....but a whole now printed stack. Weird....
I have been to Texas twice to see my grandchildren and stayed for several days and have not seen my #1. Lori, I remember you saying that you would never do anything to come between our special relationship, but where is the kind sweet motherly influence now. Mom's have ways of convincing that dad's don't. My heart is broken and I realize that Sean told me to get a grip that I just don't matter that much but I thought with you it would somehow be different
I stumbled upon this blog mistakenly and clearly I have nothing better to do than follow your drama, but isn't it just that? Drama? This is laughable at best and pathetic in the least...
"to Lori and Sean you are not that important, we don't waste our time trying to be vindictive towards you, we are far too busy with all of the things going on in our lives to sit and think up some evil plans"
But it seems to me, Rick, that your ex wife being an AVID reader of your blog contradicts this statement, does it not? If you are far too busy to have a life, and not vindictive in the least, why would you block emails, and use such profane language in your email? Does this not stem from hatred and anger. What about your children? I have no idea who you people are, but if you do in fact have children to look after and care for, what example are you setting for them? Mr. Beeman, I am touched by your story and truely hope that God blesses your obedience. He often calls us to leave our loved ones behind, but promises to bless us tenfold for it. Does he not.
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